Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Ring Remotely Using Samsung Dive

So many advantages that you can get when you have a Samsung account, one of them is you can use this account to login to and utilize many services inside it, such as lock your lost or stolen phone remotely through this site.

See also: How to Lock Samsung Galaxy S3 Remotely Using Samsung Dive

One more thing you can do while you login in Samsung Dive site is you can ring your phone and following it with certain message. Your phone will ring for 1 minute with the highest volume, regardless whether you're phone was set to vibrate or silent.

How to ring your phone remotely using Samsung Dive?
Here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Open web browser by clicking the web browser icon on your computer's desktop.
  2. In a web browser, go to
  3. Click Sign In button.
  4. Click E-mail field then type your email address associated with your Samsung account.
  5. Click Password field then type your password.
  6. Click Sign In button.
  7. Click Ring My Mobile option in the left side of the screen.
  8. Here you can type message that will be send to your lost or stolen phone. Ensure you tick the checkbox next to the option "The following message will be displayed with the ring of the bell".
  9. Click Ring button to ring your phone remotely.
  10. Now your phone will ring for 1 minute and displaying the message you've just created.

Knowing how to ring your phone using Samsung Dive of course will help you to find your phone, especially if you forget your phone's location. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Lock Remotely Using Samsung Dive

If you already have Samsung account, then you can use it to download or purchase application through Samsung Apps. You can also use this account to find and track your lost or stolen phone by utilizing Samsung Dive.

See also: How to Find and Track Your Lost Samsung Galaxy S3 Using Samsung Dive

In addition to find and track location of your Galaxy SIII, you can use Samsung Dive to lock your phone remotely. This of course will help you to prevent unauthorized person to access your phone and secure your phone data.

How to lock your phone remotely using Samsung Dive?
Before you can do this, make sure you have a Samsung account that will you use to login to Here are the steps to lock your phone:
  1. Open web browser by clicking the web browser icon on your PC.
  2. In a web browser, go to
  3. Click Sign In button.
  4. Click E-mail field then type your email address associated with your Samsung account.
  5. Click Password field then type your password.
  6. Click Sign In button.
  7. Click Lock My Mobile option in the left side of the screen.
  8. Here you can send the message to your phone that will be displayed on your phone's screen lock. Ensure you tick the checkbox next to the option "The following message will be displayed on your phone".
  9. Tick the checkbox next to option to enter a mobile number then enter your phone number that can be called from the locked phone. This number is also used to send notification message when the SIM card on your phone is changed.
  10. Set your new Unlock PIN to unlock your phone. As a note this PIN is temporary and only used by the Find My Mobile service.
  11. Tap Lock button to lock your phone remotely.
  12. Now your phone will be locked and displayed message and contact number you've just entered.

By knowing on how to lock your Galaxy SIII remotely using Samsung Dive, now you can secure your phone data if your phone was lost or stolen. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete One, Multiple or All Call History Logs

So many things in Phone app on Samsung Galaxy SIII that you can customize to suit your needs. One of them is you can add or remove the required contacts to your Favourites contact list. This list will make you more easier when you want to call them.

See also: How to Add and Remove Contacts on Favourites List on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another things you can do on Phone apps is deleting one or more or all call history logs. This of course will helps you to clean up your logs and free up your phone's storage.

How to clear one, multiple or all call history logs?
If you want to clear call history logs on your Galaxy SIII, then here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap Logs tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your call history logs.
  5. To delete one call log go to the step #6, to delete multiple call logs go to step #7, while to delete all call logs go to the step #8.
  6. Delete one call log:
    • Tap and hold the required call log you wish to delete.
    • On pop up menu select Delete.
  7. Delete multiple call logs:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • Tap Delete.
    • Tap the required call logs you wish to delete.
    • Tap Delete button.
    • Tap OK button to confirm delete multiple call logs.
  8. Delete all call logs:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • Tap Delete.
    • Tap Select all option at the top.
    • Tap Delete button.
    • Tap OK button to confirm delete all call logs.
  9. Now the call logs you've just deleted should no longer listed on your phone's history logs.
  10. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

It's easy and simple to do. By knowing on how to clear call logs on your Galaxy SIII, now you can keep your call logs clean and keep your phone's storage free. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Alerts on Call

In Samsung Galaxy SIII, you can customize many things through Phone app. One of them is you can turn on or off call vibrations. Enabling this option will make your phone vibrate every time the person you're calling answering your call and when the call is ended.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Call Vibrations on Samsung Galaxy SIII

One more option you can customize in Phone app is turn on or off alerts while you're on call. Enabling this option will make your phone turn off alarm and message notification during call.

How to turn on or off alerts on call?
If you want to set up this option, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Alert on call option to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

After you know how to enable or disable alerts on call settings, now you can set it according to your needs. When you want alarm and message notification go off while you're on call then turn on this option, while if not you can turn off this option. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Call Vibrations

Previously we have learned about how to set Home button to accept an incoming call and set Power button to hang up the call. This of course will be another choice that you can take beside you should swipe the call icon to do so.

See also: How to Set Accept Incoming Call with Home Button and End with Power Button on Samsung Galaxy S3

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can also set your phone to vibrate when the person you're calling is answering your call and when the call is ended.

How to enable or disable call answer vibration?
Enabling call answer vibration will make your phone vibrate every time the person you're calling is answering your call. To set the option of answer vibration, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Call alert.
  6. Tap Call vibrations
  7. Depending on your current settings, tap Answer vibration to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled.
  8. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

How to enable or disable call-end vibration?
Enabling call-end vibration will make your phone vibrate when the call is ended. To set the option of call-end vibration, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Call alert.
  6. Tap Call vibrations
  7. Depending on your current settings, tap Call-end vibration to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled..
  8. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By knowing on how to set up call vibration when accepting or ending the calls on your phone, now you can set it according to your need. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Get Fonts Online

One of the best way to personalize your phone's looks is by changing its font style. You can choose one from four font styles available that best suits with your personal style.

See also: How to Change Font Style on Samsung Galaxy S3

But, if you don't want to use available font styles and want to try to use another font styles which is not included on Galaxy SIII default font style list, then you can get additional fonts through Google Play Store. Some of them are free and others are paid. There are so many font styles you can choose to beautify your Galaxy SIII.

How to get different fonts online?
Here are the steps to get additional fonts through Google Play Store:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Font style.
  5. Tap Get fonts online button.
  6. Now you will be taken to the Play Store.
  7. Here you can choose and download additional font style for your phone, both free or paid (most of them will charge you only $0.99).
  8. Once you've finished download the font you like, now you should see the font you've just downloaded on the default font list then you can choose it as your phone's font style.

By changing the font style, now you can make your phone looks unique and represent your personal style. So, try this then share your experience here about what are the font style most you like through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add and Remove Contacts on Favourites List

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can easily create new contact group then add some members to this group to facilitate you when you want to send them the same message at once. Creating contact group will also help you to organize your contacts by grouping them into the certain category.

See also: How to Create and Add Contact to Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to add contact to group, you can also add contacts who you frequently called them to Favourite contact list.

How to add contact to Favourites list?
Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap the required contact you wish to add to Favourites contact list.
  4. Tap the star icon located on the upper right corner. When the star icon shows yellow means the contact is added to the Favourites.
  5. Tap Back key.
  6. Tap Favourites tab. Here you should see the contact you've just added before is in the list.

How to remove contact from Favourites list?
For any reason, if you want to remove certain contact from your Favourites contact list, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Favourites tab.
  4. Tap the required contact you wish to remove from Favourites contact list.
  5. Tap the star icon located on the upper right corner. When the star icon shows grey means the contact is removed from the Favourites.
  6. Tap Back key.
  7. Now the selected contact should be no longer listed in the list.

After you know how to add contact to the Favourites contact list, now you can add most frequently called contact to this list. And also you can remove certain contact from Favourites when you don't want the contact no longer listed there. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete One or Multiple Members on Contact Group

Creating contact groups for some contacts with similar category is one of the best way to organize your contacts. Once you've created contact group, you can add one or multiple contacts to that groups.

See also: How to Add Some Contacts to Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to add contact to groups, you can also remove one or more contacts from certain group. This of course will useful for you if you want some contacts no longer listed on the group.

How to remove one or multiple members on contact group?
Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact groups. Tap the required group you wish to remove its members.
  5. Now you will see a list of members of the contact group you've just selected.
  6. There two ways you can do to remove the member. Go to step #7 to delete a member and go to step #8 to delete multiple members.
  7. To remove a member:
    • Tap and hold the required member.
    • On pop up menu select Remove member.
    • Tap OK button to confirm delete member.
  8. To remove multiple members:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • On pop up menu select Remove members.
    • Now you will see a list of members of the selected group with checkbox next to them.
    • Tap on some members you want to remove or tap Select All to delete all members.
    • Tap Done button.
  9. Now the selected members will be deleted from the group.

Removing unwanted or unused contact from your group will help you to organize your contact and free up your phone storage. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Some Contacts to Certain Group

Creating contact group based on certain category is one of the best way to organize your contacts. By grouping some contacts, it will allow you to send them the same message at once and set certain ringtone to them to make you more easier to recognize them when they call you just by hearing the tone.

See also: How to Set Different Ringtone for Different Contact Groups on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more advantage you can do on contact groups on your Galaxy SIII is you can add multiple contacts to certain group at once. This of course will save your time, because you don't need to add contact one by one when you want to add several contacts to a group.

How to add multiple contacts to certain group?
Follow the steps listed below to add more than one contact to the contact group you've created before:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact groups.
  5. Tap and hold the required contact group you wish to add its member.
  6. Tap Add member icon next to the search field.
  7. Now you will see a list of your contacts with checkbox next to them. Tap on some required contacts you want to add to group or tap Select All at the top to add all contacts to a group.
  8. Tap Done button.
  9. Now all the contact you just selected will be added to this group.
  10. Tap Save button located on the upper right corner to save your changes.
  11. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  12. Finish. Now you have managed to add multiple contacts to certain group you've created before.

Once you know how to add some contacts to group, now you will be easier to organize your contact and grouping them to the contact group with the same category. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Create and Send Text Messages Using Text Message Templates

If you the one who often need to send text messages with the same format to a lot of peoples, then the best way to fulfill your needs is by creating text message templates on your Galaxy SIII. This of course will facilitate you when you want to send messages with the similar format without having to create them one by one in each time.

See also: How to Create Text Message Templates on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've created text message template, now you can use it as your message then send it to the required contact you wish to send. If required, you can also tailor it first according to your need before you send it.

How to create and send SMS using text message templates?
If you want to use template as your message, then here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap on Compose to create new messages.
  4. Enter Recipient number field or you can tap on Contact to find the number you want to send a message.
  5. Tap the required contact.
  6. Tap Done button.
  7. Tap on Enter messages field.
  8. Tap the Menu key.
  9. On pop up menu select Add text.
  10. Tap Text templates.
  11. Now you will see a list of your text message templates available. Tap to the one you wish to use as your message.
  12. If required, you can tailor the message first before you send it.
  13. Tap Send button to send the messages.
  14. Finish. Now your message will be send to the selected contact.

It's easy and simple to do. After you know how to create and send text message using template, now you no need to type the same format message every time you want to send the similar format text message to the contact you want. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete Contact Group

The best way to organize your contacts on Samsung Galaxy SIII is by grouping some of them into certain contact group, such as Family, Friends, etc. By grouping the contact with similar categories. now you can also send them the same message at once.

See also: How to Create and Add Contact to a Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

But, for any reason you can also delete certain contact group you've created before.

How to delete created contact group?
Below are the steps you need to do to remove contact group on Samsung Galaxy SIII:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contact.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact groups.
  5. Tap and hold the required contact group you wish to delete.
  6. On pop up menu select Delete.
  7. Tap OK button to confirm delete contact group.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to delete contact group on your phone.

Sometimes you need to delete your contacts when you no longer need them and want to free up your phone storage. And by knowing on how to delete certain contact group, now you can delete the one you wish to be deleted. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set SD Card as Default Storage for Pictures Taken with Camera

As we have learned before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can move some or all of the picture files from your internal memory to your external memory through My Files apps.

See also: How to Move Pictures to SD Card on Samsung Galaxy S3

By default, Galaxy SIII camera will save the picture that had been taken into the DCIM folder in the internal memory, but you can set your external memory as the default storage. This of course will help you to keep your internal storage free by storing the pictures taken by the camera to your external storage.

How to set SD card as the default storage on camera settings?
You can do this by following the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Camera app through Home screen.
  2. Tap on Settings gear located on the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. On the drop down menu select Storage.
  4. Here you will see two options available on pop up menu, they are: Phone and Memory Card. Tap Memory card to set it as default storage. 
  5. Now you will see memory card icon on the upper right corner on your viewfinder screen as a sign that now you've managed to set your SD card as the default storage.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Once you've finished set SD card as the default storage through camera settings, now all the pictures taken by the camera will be save to your SD card. So, try this then share your experience through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Move Pictures to SD Card

The best way to organize your picture files is by organizing and grouped it into certain folder according to your liking. Fortunately, Samsung Galaxy SIII allows you to move the pictures between folder in the internal memory.

See also: How to Move Picture Files From One Folder to Another One with No PC Connection on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to move picture files between folder in the internal memory, you can also move picture files from internal memory to external memory. This of course will help you to organize your files and also free up some space on your internal memory.

How to transfer pictures to SD card?
Here are the steps you need to do to move the picture files to your external memory:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap My Files.
  3. Here you will see two folders if you have an SD card installed on your phone. SDCard0 is the internal memory of your phone, while ExtSDCard is the Micro SD Card you placed in the back of your phone.
  4. Tap on SDCard0.
  5. Tap on the DCIM folder.
  6. Tap on the Camera folder. By default, this folder is used by your phone to save the picture taken by the camera.
  7. Tap the Menu key.
  8. On pop up menu select Move.
  9. Now all the picture files in this folder will have checkbox next to them. Tap the required picture files you want to move, or you can tap on Select All at the top to move all picture files.
  10. Once you've finished select the picture files, tap Move button located on the upper right corner.
  11. Now you will be taken to the two main folder as you see on the steps #3.
  12. Tap ExtSDCard.
  13. Go to the required folder to place the pictures in, or you can create new folder by tapping on Create Folder then entering a folder name.
  14. Once you have the folder to place the picture, tap Move Here button located on the upper right corner.
  15. Finish. The selected pictures now will be move to the selected folder.

After you've known on how to move pictures files from internal memory to external memory, now you can move the required file to your external memory in order to organize them into certain folder and also free up your internal memory space. So, try this and share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Different Ringtone for Different Contact Group

The easier way to differentiate the caller is by set up the different ringtone for the required contact you wish to make it different with another. This of course will facilitate you to recognize whose the caller just by hear the tone.

See also: How to Set Different Ringtone For Different Contact on Samsung Galaxy S3

If you've managed to differentiate single contact with different ringtone, you can also set different ringtone for the required contact group.

How to set different ringtone for each contact group?
By set different ringtone on certain contact group, everytime you receive an incoming call from the member of this group you will hear the same ringtone you've set for this group. To do so kindly follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Group tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact group. Tap and hold the required group you wish to set its ringtone until a pop up menu is displayed on your screen. Or you can tap the required group then tap the Menu key to get pop up menu.
  5. On pop up menu select Edit group.
  6. Scroll to Group ringtones, then tap the right arrow icon next to the option.
  7. Now you will see 3 options available on the pop up menu. They are:
    • Default: Select this option if you want to use ringtone that has set in Setting->Sound->Device ringtone.
    • Ringtone: Select this option if you want to use pre-loaded ringtones and ringtones on ringtones folders.
    • Go to My Files: Select this option if you want to use any ringtone files on your internal or external storage.
  8. Find and select the required ringtone you wish to use.
  9. Tap OK button to save your changes.
  10. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  11. Finish. Now you have managed to set ringtone for the selected contact group. You can also do this steps for another contact group you already have.

By knowing on how to set different ringtone for each group, now you can set the ringtone you want for certain contact group. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Send Text Messages to Contact Group

As we have learned before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can create new contact group then add some required contacts to it to facilitate you when you want to send them a same message without having send the message one by one.

See also: How to Create and Add Contact to a Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've finished create new contact group then add some required contact into this group, now you can send message to this group at once.

How to send SMS to contact group?
To send text messages to the certain contact group, here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap New messages icon to create new text messages.
  4. Tap Contact icon.
  5. Tap Group tab.
  6. Here you will see a list of your contact group, tap the required group you wish to send a text messages.
  7. Tap the required contact within the group if you want to send the message to some of contacts on this group, or tap Select all to send the message to all of member of this group.
  8. Tap Done button.
  9. Tap Enter message field. Here you can type your messages.
  10. Tap Send icon to send the message.
  11. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  12. Finish. Now your message will be send to the selected contact group.

Well, by knowing on how to send text message to certain contact group on your Galaxy SIII, now you can send the same message to some or all of the member of the certain group at once. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Create and Add Contacts to Group

Samsung Galaxy SIII is a great Android-based smartphone that comes with a bunch of useful features that will allow you to do almost everything with it easily, such as you can add new contact to your phonebook with ease using People apps or directly through Contact apps.

See also: How to add contact on Samsung Galaxy S3

Here you can also add new contact group then add some required contacts into this group with ease. This of course will facilitate you when you want to send them a same message without having to send the message one by one.

How to create and add member to contact group?
Here are the steps you need to do to create new contact group on your Galaxy SIII then add members to it:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contact.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. On pop up menu select Create.
  6. Type new group contact's name in group name field.
  7. Tap Done button.
  8. To add contact into this group tap Add member.
  9. Here you will see a list of your contact. Tick the checkbox next to the required contact you wish to add into this group.
  10. Tap Done button located on the upper right corner when you've finished add contact.
  11. Tap Save button located on the upper right corner to save your changes.
  12. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  13. Finish. Now you have managed to create new contact group on your phone and add required contact into this group.

By knowing on how to create new contact group on your Galaxy SIII and add member into it, now you can organize and group your contacts into a certain group in accordance with your wishes. So, try this and share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Different Ringtones For Different Contacts

The most fun thing you can do with Samsung Galaxy SIII is personalizing it according to your liking to make it truly yours, such as set whatever music files you have as a ringtone.

See also: How to Set Ringtone from Music Files on Any Folder Using Free Applications on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another fun thing you can also do is by differentiate a ringtone for each contact you have. This will of course will facilitate you to know whose the caller before you pick up the phone.

How to set different ringtone for each contact?
If you want to do this, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contact.
  3. Tap on Contact tab.
  4. Here you will see your contact list. Find and select the required contact you wish to set its ringtone.
  5. Scroll to Ringtones, then tap the right arrow icon next to the option.
  6. Now you will see 3 options available on the pop up menu. They are:
    • Default: Select this option if you want to use ringtone that has set in Setting->Sound->Device ringtone.
    • Ringtone: Select this option if you want to use pre-loaded ringtones and ringtones on ringtones folders.
    • Go to My Files: Select this option if you want to use any ringtone files on your internal or external storage.
  7. Find and select the required ringtone you wish to use.
  8. Tap OK button to save your changes.
  9. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  10. Finish. Now you have managed to set ringtone for specific contact. You can also do these steps for another contact.

After you know how to set different ringtone for each contact , now you can set the required contact with the ringtone you want. So, try this and share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Find and Track Your Phone Using Samsung Dive

Have you ever imagine what if your beloved Samsung Galaxy SIII is lost or stolen? Of course this is an event that you would never want to happen. Well, before it happens there are several steps you can take for prevention, such as write down your IMEI number that will you use to complete your report to the police and create Samsung account which will allow you to use the service from Samsung to find and track your lost or stolen phone named Samsung Dive

See also: How to Setup Samsung Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've finished create new Samsung account or if you already have it, now you can add your account then enable remote control option on your phone in order to allow you to find and track your phone's location using Samsung Dive.

How to add Samsung account and activate remote controls?
Before you're able to use Samsung Dive, first of all you need to add your Samsung account and activate remote controls on your phone. To do so follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Scroll down and find Security, then tap on it.
  4. Scroll down and find Remote controls, then tap on it.
  5. Tap OK button.
  6. Add your Samsung account by tap + icon next to Add account option.
  7. Tap Sign In button.
  8. Type your email address associated with your Samsung account in Email field.
  9. Tap Next key.
  10. Type your Samsung account's password in Password field.
  11. Tap Sign in button.
  12. Turn on Remote controls option by switch the slider next to this option to the right.
  13. Tap Use wireless networks to enable it. If the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is turned on.
  14. Tap Home key to return to the standby mode.

How to use Samsung Dive to find and track your phone?
Once you've finished add your Samsung account to your phone and turn on Remote controls, now you can start using Samsung Dive on your PC to track and find your phone. To do so kindly follow the steps below:
  1. Open web browser by clicking the web browser icon on your desktop.
  2. In a web browser, go to
  3. Click Sign In button.
  4. Click E-mail field then type your email address associated with your Samsung account.
  5. Click Password field then type your password.
  6. Click Sign In button.
  7. Click Track My Mobile option in the left side of the screen.
  8. Click Find my mobile button.
  9. Now you should see the current location of your phone displayed on a map.
  10. Click Start Tracking button to start track location of your phone. This will give you the movement history of your phone every 15 minutes for 12 hours.

By knowing on how to use Samsung Dive to find and track your phone, at least now you already know one of the things you can do when your phone is lost or stolen. But, Whatever the reason, be more careful would be better to secure your phone than any applications. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Font Size

You can make your Samsung Galaxy SIII truly yours by personalizing this phone according to your liking. One of thing that you can personalize in this phone is by changing its font style. You can choose one from four font styles available.

See also: How to Change Font Style on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to change font style, in this phone you can also change font size to the available font size you want. This of course will make different look of your phone.

How to change font size?
If you want to change font size, then here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Font Size.
  5. Here you will see five fonts size available on a pop up menu. They are: Tiny, Small, Normal, Large and Huge.
  6. Tap the required font size you wish to use.
  7. Tap Yes button to set font as the selected font size.
  8. Tap the Home key to return to the standby mode.
  9. Finish. Now you have managed to change your phone's font size.

Once you've finished change the font size on your Galaxy SIII, now you will see your phone's font size will change to the selected font size. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Font Style

As we all know, you can personalize your Galaxy SIII according to your liking using number of options available inside this phone. Thing that you can personalize on this phone is you can change the wallpaper with the available Samsung wallpaper or using your own photos.

See also: How to Change Samsung Galaxy S3 Home Screen Background Image Using Your Own Pictures

In addition to personalize your wallpaper, here you can also change your phone's font style. This of course will provide you different experience when using your phone.

How to change font style?
Here are the steps to change your phone's font style:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Font style.
  5. Here you will see four fonts style available on a pop up menu. They are: Default font, Choco cooky, Helvetica S and Rosemary.
  6. Tap the required font style you wish to use.
  7. Tap Yes button to set font as the selected font.
  8. Tap the Home key to return to the standby mode.
  9. Finish. Now you have managed to change your phone's font style.

Once you've finished change the font style, now you can see that the menu items, icon names, emails and web site URL will displayed using the new font style. So, try this then share your experience here by write them through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Stock FM Radio Applications

This time the music has become a necessity for almost everyone, due to this reason current smartphones including the Samsung Galaxy SIII is always complemented by applications that allow their users to be able to easily listen to music anywhere and anytime using the music player on their phones.

See also: How to Use Music Player on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another apps available on Galaxy SIII that will allow you to listen to music is FM radio.

How to use FM radio?
If you want to listen to the music using FM radio apps, here are the steps:
  1. Connect your headset with your phone through headset socket located at the top side.
  2. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  3. Tap FM Radio.
  4. If required, tap the power on icon to turn on the radio.
  5. Now you can select the required frequency you wish to listen to the music.
    • Manual tuning: Turn the dial in the middle of the radio apps to select the required frequency.
    • Automatic tuning: Tap arrow right or arrow left to search channel in the selected direction and stop when a channel is found.
  6. Once you've found a channel, you can save the channel manually by tap + icon at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Or you can save channel automatically by following the steps below:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • On pop up menu select Scan.
    • Tap All stations if you want saved channel replaced with the new ones, or tap Retaining favourites if you want saved channel are retained.
    • Tap OK button to save the channel.
    • Tap the Back key to return to the radio.
  8. After you've saved the channel, now you can select saved channel to listen to the radio by following the steps below:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • On pop up menu select Stations.
    • Here you will see a list of saved channel, tap the required channel you wish to listen.
  9. You can also turn on or off alternative frequencies. If you turn on this option then the radio will automatically search for another frequency if the signal of the selected channel gets too weak. To do so follow the steps below:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • On pop up menu select Settings.
    • Depending on your current setting, tap Alternative frequency to turn on or off this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
    • Tap the Back key to return to the radio.
  10. While you listen to the radio, you can turn on or off speakerphone by following the steps below:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • Depending on your current setting, tap Via speaker to listen to the radio using speakerphone or tap Via earphones to listen to the radio using your inserted headset.
  11. To adjust the volume, tap the upper or lower part of the volume key.
  12. To turn off the radio, tap the power off icon.
  13. To return to the standby mode, tap the Home key.

Well, once you know how to use radio on your Galaxy SIII, now you can listen to the music in the selected channel everywhere and every time you want. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to View Photos or Videos

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can save picture from some sources, such as save the pictures from your Facebook account or from received picture messages.

See also: How to Save MMS Pictures on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've finished save the pictures, now you can view it through your gallery. In addition to the pictures, you can also view video clips on your gallery.

How to view photos and videos on gallery?
If you want to view your photo or video saved on your gallery, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Gallery, then tap on it.
  3. Go to the required folder where you save the pictures or videos you wish to view.
  4. To view the picture, tap the required picture.
  5. Tap the Back key to return to the picture folder.
  6. To view the video, tap the required video.
  7. Tap the Back key to return to the video folder.
  8. To exit from the gallery and return to standby mode, tap the Home key.

By knowing on how to view pictures or video clips on your gallery, now you can view both of these files with easy after you've finished download the files. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Upload Photos to Picasa

As we have learned before, by using Samsung Galaxy SIII you can easily upload the pictures directly from your gallery to some of popular social media, such as Facebook or Twitter.

See also: How to Upload Pictures to Twitter on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to share the pictures to your Twitter contacts, you can also share the picture on photo-sharing website owned by Google named Picasa.

How to upload photos from gallery to Picasa?
Here's the steps you need to do to upload pictures to your Picasa account:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Gallery, then tap on it.
  3. Go to required folder where you save the photos.
  4. Once you find the one you like, tap and hold the picture to highlight it. When the picture is displayed on a blue frame means the picture is selected.
  5. Tap share icon located at the top of your screen.
  6. In the drop down menu select See all...
  7. Tap Picasa.
  8. Here you can type a text for the picture.
  9. Once you've finished, tap Upload button located on the bottom left corner on your screen.
  10. Finish. Now you have managed to upload your picture to your Picasa account.

By uploading the pictures on Picasa, now you can organizing, viewing, editing and share the pictures easily using this photo-sharing website. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Upload Pictures to Twitter

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can directly share the pictures from your gallery with another by uploading the pictures through popular social media such as Facebook.

See also: How to Upload Pictures to Facebook on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to upload the pictures on your Facebook account, by using this phone you can also share the pictures from your gallery with your Twitter contacts.

How to upload pictures from gallery to Twitter?
Here's the steps you need to do to upload pictures to your Twitter account:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Gallery, then tap on it.
  3. Go to required folder where you save the pictures.
  4. Once you find the one you like, tap and hold the picture to highlight it. When the picture is displayed on a blue frame means the picture is selected.
  5. Tap share icon located at the top of your screen.
  6. In the drop down menu select See all...
  7. Tap Twitter.
  8. Here you can type a text for the picture.
  9. Once you've finished, tap Tweet button located on the upper right corner on your screen.
  10. Finish. Now you have managed to upload your picture to your Twitter account.

By uploading your pictures to your Twitter account using steps mentioned above, now you can share the picture you want with your Twitter contacts directly through the phone with ease. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Upload Pictures to Facebook

Nowadays almost everyone know and use Facebook in their daily life. Due to this reason, almost all smartphone available today come with Facebook app as their preinstalled apps, except with Samsung Galaxy SIII. If you want to use this apps, then you need to download and install this apps by yourself.

See also: How to Install and Use Facebook on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've installed Facebook apps on your phone, now you have number of options available, one of them is you can upload picture from your Gallery to your Facebook account.

How to upload pictures from gallery to Facebook?
Below are the steps you need to do to upload pictures to your Facebook account:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Gallery, then tap on it.
  3. Go to required folder where you save the pictures.
  4. Once you find the one you like, tap and hold the picture to highlight it. When the picture is displayed on a blue frame means the picture is selected.
  5. Tap Share icon located at the top of your screen.
  6. In the drop down menu select See all...
  7. Tap Facebook.
  8. Here you can type a text for the picture.
  9. Once you've finished, tap Post button located on the upper right corner on your screen.
  10. Finish. Now you have managed to upload your picture to your Facebook account.

By knowing on how to upload the picture from your Gallery to your Facebook account, now you can share the picture you want with your Facebook contacts. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete Multimedia Messages

As we have learned before, when you've read MMS you have a number of options available, one of them is you can forward the message to the contact you want.

See also: How to Forward Multimedia Messages on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to forward the message, another option available is delete the message. This of course will help you to free up your phone's space and remove unwanted messages.

How to delete MMS?
Here's the steps you need to do to delete MMS:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap the required sender.
  4. Tap and hold the required MMS you wish to delete until a pop up menu is displayed on your screen.
  5. On pop up menu select Delete message.
  6. Tap OK button to confirm delete message.
  7. Finish. Now the selected message will be deleted.

Well, by knowing on how to delete multimedia messages on your Galaxy SIII, now you can remove any unwanted message to free up the space. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Forward Multimedia Messages

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can write text or multimedia message with ease through stock messaging apps or you can use third-party messaging apps available on the market today. You can also forward received text messages to the contact you want.

See also: How to Forward Text Messages on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to forward text messages, in this phone you can also forward received multimedia messages with ease to the contact you want.

How to forward MMS?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap and hold the required MMS you wish to forward until a pop up menu is displayed on your screen.
  4. On pop up menu select Forward.
  5. Key in the first letter of the required contact in the Enter recipient field. Now the match contacts are displayed.
  6. Tap the required contact.
  7. Tap Send icon to send the message.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to forward multimedia message to the selected contact.

By knowing on how to forward MMS on your Galaxy SIII, now you can send received multimedia message to the contact you want. So, Hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Live Wallpaper on Home Screen

In addition to use picture available on Samsung wallpapers as your Home screen background image, you can also set your own photo as your wallpaper.

See also: How to Change Home Screen Background Image Using Your Own Pictures on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more way you can use to change Home screen background image is by using image available on Live wallpaper.

How to set live wallpaper?
Here the steps you need to do to set live wallpaper:
  1. Tap and hold on the blank area on your Home screen until you see a pop up menu displayed on your screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Home screen.
  3. On 'Select wallpaper from' menu select Live wallpapers.
  4. Now you will see available live wallpapers, Choose the one you wish to use as your Home screen background image by tap the required picture.
  5. Tap Set wallpaper button.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to change your background image using live wallpaper.

By knowing on how to set live wallpaper as your Home screen background image, now you can make your Home screen alive and interesting. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add, Delete and Move Shortcut on Home Screen

In Samsung Galaxy SIII, you can add apps or widgets you wish to use then place them on your Home screen or delete some of them if you no longer need them. You can do all these things with ease.

See also: How to Add and Delete Applications or Widgets on Samsung Galaxy S3 Home Screen

Fortunately, here you can also organize display shortcut with ease. You can add the new shortcut you wish to use, delete shortcut and move their position wherever you want.

How to add, delete and move shortcut?
You can do all these things by following the steps listed below:
  1. To add new shortcut:
    • Go to Apps through Home screen.
    • Tap and hold the required shortcut you wish to add to the Home screen.
    • Drag shortcut to the required position, release for placing it.
  2. To delete shortcut, tap and hold the required shortcut you wish to delete then drag the shortcut to the Delete icon. Release when you finish.
  3. To move shortcut, tap and hold the required shortcut you wish to move then drag the shortcut to the required position. Release for placing it.

It's so easy and simple to do. By knowing on how to organize display shortcut, now you can add a useful shortcut, delete shortcut and move them to the position you like. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment here :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Home Screen Background Image Using Your Own Pictures

You can change your Home screen background image from several option available, one of them is you can use Samsung wallpaper. Here you can choose the one that you wish to use.

See also: How to Change Home Screen Background Image on Samsung Galaxy S3 Using Samsung Wallpapers

In addition to use Samsung wallpaper, you can also set your own photo as your background image. This option of course will provide you more option about which picture that you wish to use.

How to set your own pictures as Home screen background image?
If you want to use your own photo as your background image of your Home screen, then you can follow the steps below:
  1. Tap and hold on the blank area on your Home screen until you see a pop up menu displayed on your screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Home screen.
  3. On 'Select wallpaper from' menu select Gallery.
  4. Go to the required folder where you save your photo you wish to use.
  5. Tap the required background image you wish to use.
  6. Here you can crop the picture to find the proper size and position.
  7. Once you've finished, save your changes by tap Done button located on the upper right corner.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to change your background image using your own photo.

Well, by knowing on how to set your own pictures as wallpaper on your Galaxy SIII, now you can set your background image with the picture you want. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Home Screen Background Image Using Samsung Wallpaper

Samsung Galaxy SIII comes with seven home screens that you can customize according to your wish and need. You can delete your existing Home screen then add the new one, you can also rearrange Home screen position and set which Home screen you wish to use as the default.

See also: How to Delete, Add, Arrange and Change Home Screen on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to the things mentioned above that you can customize, here you can also change your background image of your Home screen. You can choose the image you want to use from wallpaper, gallery or live wallpaper.

How to set Samsung wallpaper as Home screen background image?
If you want to use Samsung wallpaper as your background image of your Home screen, then you can follow the steps below:
  1. Tap and hold on the blank area on your Home screen until you see a pop up menu displayed on your screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Home screen.
  3. On 'Select wallpaper from' menu select Wallpapers.
  4. Now you will see available Samsung wallpaper, Choose the one you wish to use as your Home screen background image by tap the required picture.
  5. Tap Set wallpaper.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to change your background image using Samsung wallpaper.

Well, by knowing on how to set wallpaper using Samsung wallpaper available on your Galaxy SIII, now you can set your background image with the picture you want. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Barring Password

In Samsung Galaxy S3 you can restrict certain types of incoming or outgoing calls by turned on call barring settings. To make a change on you call barring settings, you will be prompted to enter 4 digit barring password.

See also: How to Set Call Barring Settings on Samsung Galaxy S3

If it's your first time and you never change your barring password, then the default is 0000. But, for security reason and else, you may want to change your current barring password with the new ones.

How to change barring password?
To change your current barring password, kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Tap Call barring.
  7. Tap Voice call.
  8. Tap the Menu key.
  9. On pop up menu select Change password.
  10. Tap on Old password field then enter your current password. If you never change, the default is 0000.
  11. Tap on New password field then enter your new 4 digit barring password.
  12. Tap on Confirm password then enter your new 4 digit barring password again to confirm your new password.
  13. Tap OK button to save your changes.
  14. Finish. Now you have managed to change your barring password.

Well, by knowing on how to change your barring password, now you can change the old one with the new one for the security and your convenience reasons. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Turn Off Call Barring Settings

By turned on one or more available options on call barrings settings, you can restrict certain types of incoming or outgoing calls on your Galaxy SIII.

See also: How to Set Call Barring Settings on Samsung Galaxy S3

There are five option available on call barring settings, you can choose which one that suit your need. In addition to set up call barrings on your phone, you can also deactivated all call barring settings you've set up before.

How to deactivate call barring settings?
If you want to disable one or all call barring settings, then you can follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Tap Call barring.
  7. Tap Voice call.
  8. To disable call barring, tap each of the barrings types that you've enabled before.
  9. Enter your barring password. When you never change your barring password, then the default is 0000.
  10. Tap OK button to save your changes.
  11. Repeat from the step #8 to disable call barrings untill all call barrings have been disabled.
  12. Finish. Now you have managed to turn off one or all call barring settings on your phone. For the record, when the checkbox next to these options is unchecked means the option is turned off.

Well, by knowing on how to disable one or all call barring settings on your Galaxy SIII, now you can turn it off whenever you want. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Call Barring Settings

As we have learnt before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can restrict an outgoing call for some numbers by turned on fixed dialing on your phone then add the required numbers into FDN list. Once you've added the numbers, your phone will only be able to make a call to the selected numbers and to the emergency numbers.

See also: How to Add Fixed Numbers to Fixed Dialing Numbers List on Samsung Galaxy S3

If fixed dialing only restrict your outgoing call to some numbers that you've been added to the list, then you can restrict certain types of incoming or outgoing call on your phone by choose one of the available option on the call barring settings.

How to restrict incoming or outgoing call using call barring?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Tap Call barring.
  7. Tap Voice call.
  8. Here you will see call barring available option, they are:
    • All outgoing calls: if you select this option, no calls can be made.
    • Int'l calls: if you select this option, no international calls can be made.
    • Int'l calls except home: if you select this option, no international calls can be made, but you can still call home while you're abroad.
    • All incoming calls: if you select this option, you can't receive all incoming calls.
    • Incoming when roaming: if you select this option, you can't receive incoming call while you're abroad. Incoming calls will be rejected by the network.
  9. Tap one of the available options as mentioned above you wish to use.
  10. Enter your barring password. If you never change your barring password, then the default is 0000.
  11. Tap OK button to save your changes.
  12. To turn on another call barring option, repeat from the step #9.
  13. Finish. Now you have managed to choose setting for call barring on your phone. As a note, when the checkbox next to the option is ticked means the option is turned on.

Well, by knowing on how to choose call barring settings, now you can set it according to your wish and situations. Choose the one or more that suit your needs. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set and Use Call Reject Messages

In Samsung Galaxy S3, you can use several ways to restrict an incoming call, one of the way is by adding the contact's number into rejection list. Once you've added the number, your phone will auto reject the call when the selected number call you.

See also: How to Block Unknown or Unwanted Calls on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to set call rejection, here you can also set call reject with messages. By set this option means you can reject an incoming call by send the caller a reject message. You can use available reject messages or create your own messages.

How to set call reject messages?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap Call settings.
  4. Tap Set reject messages.
  5. Here you set call reject messages:
    • Edit from available reject messages: Tap to the one you wish to edit then once you've finished you can tap Save button located on the upper right corner.
    • Create your own reject messages: Tap Create to type your own reject messages then tap Save button located on the upper right corner. Your messages will be added to the list.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to set call reject messages on your phone.

How to reject call with message?
Once you've finished set call reject messages, now when you receive a call, you can reject it by tap upward reject call with messages then send one of the message available you wish to use to reject the call.

Well, by knowing on how to set and reject call with messages, now you can tell the caller the reason why you reject the call using a message. So, try this and share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Auto Redial

In Samsung Galaxy S3 you can determine which the contact you wish to enable to call by turned on fixed dialing on your phone then add the number into FDN list. Once you finished, your phone will only be able to make a call to the selected numbers and to the emergency numbers.

See also: How to Add Fixed Numbers to Fixed Dialing Numbers List on Samsung Galaxy S3

Still about ongoing call, with this phone you can also set auto redial to allow your phone do auto redial when the call is unable to connect or cut off.

How to enable auto redial?
To turn on this option, you need to follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Depending on your current setting, tap Auto redial to turn on this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to enable auto redial on your phone.

How to disable auto redial?
To turn off this option, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Depending on your current setting, tap Auto redial to turn off this option. When the checkbox next to this option is unchecked means this option is disabled.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to disable auto redial on your phone.

By knowing on how to enable or disable auto redial on your Galaxy S3, now you can set it according to your need. So, try this tip then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Adjust Automatic Answering Timer when Using Headphones

When you use headset to handle your phone calls, then you can set automatically answer the call when the headset is inserted to your phone.

See also: How to Turn On or Off Auto Answer while Using Headphones on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you enable automatic answering when you're using headset, here you can also adjust the delay before accepting an incoming call automatically by choosing the automatic answer timer that suit your need.

How to change automatic answering timer when using headphones?
There are some option available that you can choose. Here's the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Call Accessories.
  6. Ensure Automatic answering is enabled. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
  7. Tap Automatic answering timer.
  8. On pop up menu select the delay timer you wish to use. There are three option available: 2 seconds, 5 seconds or 10 seconds. Tap on the required timer you want.
  9. Finish. Now you have managed to change the delay timer.

By adjusting the automatic answering delay time, now you can set which time you wish to use to give you time to accept or reject the call manually. So, try this tip then share your experience here trough the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Turn On or Off Auto Answer while Using Headphones

As we have learnt before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII we can receive an incoming call using regular way by pressing the circled green phone icon to the right to answer the call, or you can also set your Home button to answer an incoming call.

See also: How to Set Accept Incoming Call with Home Button on Samsung Galaxy S3

But, there is situation that makes you use an accessory such as headset to facilitate you using your phone. When you use this accessory to handle your phone calls, you can set automatically answer call when the headset is connected to your phone.

How to enable automatic answering while using headset?
You can turn on accessory auto answer option by following the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Depending on your current setting, tap Automatic answering to enable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled.
  6. Finish. Now your phone will be automatically answered the call when headset is inserted in your phone.

How to disable automatic answering while using headset?
For any reason you may want to turn off this option. To do so kindly follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Depending on your current setting, tap Automatic answering to disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is unchecked means the option is disabled.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to disable this option.

Well, by knowing on how to set automatic answering while you're using headset, now you can set it according to your need and situations. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Call Waiting

By using Samsung Galaxy S3, you can still answering an incoming call during an ongoing call by turned on call waiting. Call waiting will allow the caller to wait for you to answer the call until your ongoing call is ended. So, now you don't have to worry about missing an important call

See also: How to Enable or Disable Call Waiting on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you enable call waiting on your phone, now you can use it to answer a second call while you are on ongoing call.

How to answer call waiting?
It's easy to do. Follow the steps below to do so:
  1. When there is a new call while you're on an ongoing call, it will be signalled by a sound.
  2. Tap the accept call icon or circled green phone icon to the right to answer the new call.
  3. To swap the call, tap Swap icon.
  4. To end active call, tap End call button. Now the active call is ended and the call on hold will be automatically activated.
  5. To end a second call, tap End call button.

Well, by knowing on how to answer call waiting on your Galaxy SIII, now you can answering new call while you're on an ongoing call. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Speakerphone

When you in the middle on a call, your Samsung Galaxy SIII screen will displaying some icon, such as Add call icon that you can use to do conference call.

See also: How to Make a Conference Call on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another icon available on the screen while you are on call is speaker icon. This of course will provide you help if you can't hear the caller too well or if you want to share the call with another people around you.

How to turn on or off speakerphone?
You can enable or disable speakerphone while you are in an active call. To do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. During an active call, to turn on the speakerphone tap the Speaker icon located at the bottom left corner on your screen. If the icon shows green means the speakerphone is active.
  2. Tap the Speaker icon to turn it off. If the speaker icon shows grey means the speakerphone is not active.

It's easy, right? You can do the step mentioned above when you receive an incoming call or when you make a call. In an incoming call, the icon will appears once you accept the call. While in an outgoing call, the icon will appears once you hit the call icon. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Resize Widget on Home Screen

In Samsung Galaxy SIII, you can add new apps or widget on your Home screen with ease as long as there is still space available. And of course you can also delete some of them if you no longer need them.

See also: How to Add and Delete Applications or Widgets on Samsung Galaxy S3 Home Screen

Once you add new widget on your Home screen, now you can use the icon to access the widget. In addition, you can also resize the widget icon to the size you want.

How to resize widget icon on Home screen?
If you want to reduce or enlarge your widget icon size on Home screen, you can follow the easy steps listed below:
  1. On Home screen, tap and hold the required widget icon you wish to resize.
  2. Slide the orange frame of the widget to the required size you want. Please note that when the frame colour changes to red means you can no longer resize the widget.
  3. Tap outside the widget to confirm the changes.

That's it! It's so simple and easy to do. By knowing on how to resize your widget icon on your Home screen, now you can resize the required widget to the size you want. So, try this tip then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Hard Reset when it’s Not Responsive

There are some common problems often experienced by Samsung Galaxy SIII user that can be solving by doing factory reset. But, you should note that it will wipe all your data on the internal storage, due to this reason you should backup your data first to another external storage available before you do factory reset.

See also: How to Factory Reset on Samsung Galaxy SIII

In addition to factory reset, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can also do hard reset when your phone becomes not responsive or does not perform as expected. Hard reset will delete your data, apps and settings, but it will not remove data from the memory card.

How to do hard reset?
When your phone becomes unresponsive and you want to do hard reset then you can following the steps below:
  1. Make sure your phone is off before you do hard reset. If the phone will not turn off, remove the battery then insert it again to your phone.
  2. If your phone still will not start, then follow the next steps listed below.
  3. Press and hold Home button, Volume up button and Power button at the same time until the Samsung logo appears on your screen.
  4. Scroll to wipe data/factory reset by pressing Volume down button then select this option by pressing Power button.
  5. Scroll to Yes--delete all user data by pressing Volume down button then select this option by pressing Power button.
  6. Now your phone will wipe all data.
  7. When the wipe data process is complete, then press Power button.
  8. Now your phone will reboot to the initial setup screen.

The step mentioned above is easy to do, but you should have good enough reason to do this. Only do it if you really need to do it. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Or Delete Contact

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can add new contact with ease through People apps. Here you can add contact with its detail information.

See also: How to Add New Contact Use People Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition using People app, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can also add new contact or delete it through Contacts app.

How to add new contact?
You can add new contact and its detail information by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap add button located on the upper right corner to add new contact.
  4. Tap Name field then enter the contact's name.
  5. Tap Phone field then enter the contact's phone number.
  6. If required you can also add another contact's information available, such as contact's email address or address.
  7. Tap Save button located on the upper right corner to save your changes.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to add new contact.

How to delete contact?
For any reason, if you want to delete contact then you can following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Scroll to the required contact you wish to delete, then tap on it. Or you can find contact by type the contact's name in search field.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. On pop up menu select Delete.
  6. Tap OK button to confirm delete contact.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to delete contact.

Well, by knowing on how to add new contact or delete it, now you can stay keep in touch with another by adding their number to your contact to facilitate you when you want to call them and you can also delete the required contact if you no longer required them. So, try this tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Check Phone Memory Usage

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can do almost everything with ease, such as by using this phone you can easily find your phone number or IMEI number.

See also: How to Find Samsung Galaxy S3 IMEI Number

In this phone, you can also check your phone memory usage with ease. This of course will provide you useful information about your phone memory, whether there is still a lot of available memory or not. You can use this information to take further action, such as backup your files to another storage to free up your memory.

How to check memory?
You can check your phone memory with ease by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Storage.
  4. Here you will see your phone memory usage, such as total space, apps, audio, miscellaneous files and available memory.

By knowing on how to check you phone memory, now you can know how much you use the memory, and how much available memory on your phone. So, try this tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Answer, Reject or End a Call

In Samsung Galaxy S3, you can determine in which way you wish to use to answer an incoming call. One of the way you can use is by setting the Home button to answer the call and hang up the call with the Power button.

See also: How to Set Home Button to Answer Call and Power Button to End Call on Samsung Galaxy S3

But, if you don't want to use both of keys mentioned above to answer or end the call, then you can use a regular ways to answer and end a call.

How to answer, reject or end an incoming call?
It's easy to do. You just need to follow the simple steps below:
  1. When your phone receive an incoming call, to answer the call simply tap the accept call icon or circled green phone icon then drag the icon to the right.
  2. To reject an incoming call, simply tap the reject call icon or circled red phone icon then drag the icon to the left.
  3. To silence the incoming call alert, tap the lower part of the Volume key. If you don't accept the call, then the call will continues until the caller disconnect the calls or until the call is diverted.
  4. To end an active call, tap the End Call button.

Well, by knowing on how to answer or reject incoming call on your Galaxy SIII, now you can determine whether you want to accept the call or not. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Download and Install Free Apps from Samsung Apps Store

The most popular Android market widely used by Android-based smartphone users today is Google Play Store. Here you can find thousands apps that suit your needs. Another source that you can use to obtain certain apps for your Galaxy SIII is Samsung Apps. But, you need to create your Samsung account first in order to enable you to download apps from Samsung Apps.

See also: How to Setup Samsung Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've had a Samsung account, you can find and download apps or games from Samsung Apps then install it to your device.

How to download and install free applications through Samsung Apps?
If you want to download certain Android apps through Samsung Apps, then you need to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Samsung Apps, then tap on it.
  3. Here you can do a search for certain apps by its category or its name:
    • If you want to find apps by category you can tap the required category at the top of the display.
    • If you want to find apps by name you can tap Search located at the upper right corner of the display then enter the name of the required apps you wish to download then tap search icon or magnifying glass to start searching.
  4. Here you will see list of apps that relevant with your term of search.
  5. Once you find the one you like, tap the application.
  6. To download the apps tap Get button.
  7. Now you should do is following the instructions displayed on your screen to download and install the applications.
  8. Wait until the download and installation process is completed.
  9. Once the process is finished, now you can use this apps by tapping Apps through Home screen then tap the applications you've just downloaded.

Well, by knowing on how to download and install free apps through Samsung Apps, now you can obtain free Android apps from it and of course now you have another alternative source other than through Play Store. So, try this tips then share your experience here :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Turn On or Off Mobile Data

As we have learnt before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can control your data usage by set limitation in it. Once you've done, your data connection will automatically be disabled when it reach predefined limit.

See also: How to Manage Data Usage on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to set limit on your data usage, you can also turn the data connection on or off. If you enable this option means your phone will enable data access over mobile network. While if you turn this option off means your phone will only be able to do activity that don't require an internet connection, such as make a call, send messages and using non-internet connection apps.

How to enable mobile data?
Here's the steps you need to do to activate your data connection:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Depending your current settings, tap Use packet data to activate data connection. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
  6. Finish. Now you can use data connection on your phone.

How to disable mobile data?
If you want to deactivate this option to avoid using data, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Depending your current settings, tap Use packet data to deactivate data connection. When the checkbox next to this option is unchecked means this option is disabled.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to disable data connection on your phone.

By knowing on how turn on or off mobile data on your Galaxy SIII, now you can customise it according to your need. When you need to use data connection then you can turn this option on, while if you don't need data connection then you can turn this option off. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Disable or Enable Data Roaming

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you're allowed to manage your data usage by set limitations to it to avoid unwanted data charges. Once you've done, the mobile data connection will be automatically disabled when reach its limit.

See also: How to Manage the Data Usage on Samsung Galaxy S3

In this phone you can also set your phone not to use data when you're abroad by turning off data roaming on your phone. Of course this will help you to avoid unwanted data usage while you're abroad.

How to turn off data roaming?
Once you've done this steps, your phone will only be able to make a call, send messages and use apps that don't required an internet connection. Here's the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Depending to your current setting, tap Data roaming to turn off this option. When the checkbox next to this option is unchecked means this option is disabled.
  6. When required, tap OK button.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to disable data roaming on your phone.

How to turn on data roaming?
For any reason, if you want to stay enable to use data while you're abroad then you can turn this option on. But, you should know that by enable this option you may incur significant roaming charges. Here's the steps you need to do to enable this option:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Depending to your current setting, tap Data roaming to turn on this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
  6. When required, tap OK button.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to disable data roaming on your phone.

Well, by knowing on how to set up your data roaming, now you can set it according to your needs. Hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change PIN2

As we have learnt before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII you can restrict outgoing call by turning on fixed dialing on your phone. Once you enable this option, your phone will only be able to make a call to emergency numbers and to the selected number that you have been added into FDN list.

See also: How to Add Fixed Numbers to FDN List on Samsung Galaxy S3

When you add fixed number into FDN list, you will be prompted to enter PIN2. As with PIN, you can also change your PIN2 to the new ones you like.

How to change PIN2 code?
To do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Scroll to Additional settings, then tap on it.
  6. Tap Fixed Dialing Numbers.
  7. To change your PIN2 tap Change PIN2.
  8. Enter your 4 digit current PIN2. When you never change your PIN2, the default is 0000, then tap OK button.
  9. Enter your new 4 digit PIN2 then tap OK button.
  10. Enter your new 4 digit PIN2 again to confirm your new PIN2 then tap OK button.
  11. Finish. Now you have managed to change your current PIN2 with the new one you like.

Well, by knowing on how to change PIN2, now you can change its number to the number you like or the number you more easier to remember. But, for the record, if you entering wrong PIN2 three times in a row then your SIM will be blocked and you need to enter your PUK2 to unblock it. You can obtained PUK2 by contacting your service provider. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Auto Screen Off During Calls

Huge screen and many features owned by Samsung Galaxy SIII sometimes should pay with more battery consumption. Due to this reason, the most common problem experienced by the user is poor battery life. Fortunately, this phone was comes with an extended battery that will allow the user to replace it with the new one when it has a problem or broken.

See also: How to Insert or Remove Battery on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another thing that you can also do to avoid poor battery life is by saving more battery consumption. One of which is by turning the screen automatically off during calls. This of course will save you more battery consumption and help you to prolong your battery life.

How to turn on auto screen off during calls?
You can enable this option by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Auto screen off during calls option to enable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is selected.
  6. Tap Home button to return to Home screen.
  7. Finish. Now your phone's screen will automatically off during calls.

How to turn off auto screen off during calls?
For any reason, you may want to disable this option to make your screen stay on while you on call. To do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Auto screen off during calls option to disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is unticked means this option is disabled.
  6. Tap Home button to return to Home screen.
  7. Finish. Now your phone's screen will stay on during calls.

Well, by knowing on how to set auto screen off during calls, now you can set it according to your needs and conditions. If you want to save more battery consumption, then turn this option on. While if not, you can turn this option off. So, try this tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Fixed Numbers to Fixed Dialing Numbers List

As we have learnt before, in Samsung Galaxy SIII we can restrict incoming call by adding the number into rejection list and restrict outgoing call by adding the number into FDN list. But, before you add the fixed numbers, make sure you have enabled fixed dialing on your phone.

See also: How to Turn On or Off Fixed Dialing on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you turn this option on, now your phone will only be able to make a call to the selected numbers and emergency numbers.

How to add fixed numbers to FDN list?
To be able to make a call to the certain number when fixed dialing was turning on, then you need to add the number into FDN list by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Scroll to Additional settings, then tap on it.
  6. Tap Fixed Dialing Numbers.
  7. Tap FDN list to manage phone number list.
  8. Tap the Menu key.
  9. On pop up menu select Add contact.
  10. Enter contact name in Name field.
  11. Tap Number field and enter the required number.
  12. Tap PIN2 field and enter your PIN2. When you never change your PIN2 then the default is 0000.
  13. Tap Save button to save your changes.
  14. To add more fixed numbers, repeat from the steps #8.
  15. Finish. Now you have managed to add fixed numbers.

Well, by knowing on how to add fixed numbers, now you can call to these numbers while fixed dialing is enable on your phone. So, try this tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Turn On or Off Fixed Dialing

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can determine which phone number that you allow to call you and which one that you disallow to do so by adding the number into your rejection list.

See also: How to Add or Remove Contact from Blacklist on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to restrict incoming calls, here you can also restrict your outgoing calls by turning on fixed dialing on your phone. Enabled this option means your phone will only be able to make a call to the selected numbers and emergency numbers.

How to turn on fixed dialing?
To enable this option on your phone, kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Tap Fixed Dialing Numbers.
  7. Depending on your current setting, tap Enable FDN to enable fixed dialing on your phone.
  8. Enter your PIN2. When you never change your PIN2, the default is 0000, then tap OK button.
  9. Finish. Now you have managed to enabled fixed dialing on your phone.

How to turn off fixed dialing?
For any reason, if you want to disable fixed dialing on your phone, below are the steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Tap Fixed Dialing Numbers.
  7. Depending on your current setting, tap Disable FDN to disable fixed dialing on your phone.
  8. Enter your PIN2. When you never change your PIN2, the default is 0000, then tap OK button.
  9. Finish. Now you have managed to disabled fixed dialing on your phone.

By knowing on how to set up fixed dialing, now you can customise it according to your needs. When you want to restrict outgoing calls then you can turn this option on. While if not, you can turn this option off. So, try this tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Make a Video Call

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can use several ways available to do one thing, such as you can make a call with this phone by using regular ways, using easy call feature, using motion-based features named direct call or using speed dialing that will allow you to call the contact by tapping one key.

See also: How to Set and Use Speed Dialing on Samsung Galaxy S3

This phone also allow you to make a video call by utilizing its camera and its capabilities to connect to 3G network. Video call of course will provide you different experience of making a call. If in a basic call, you can only hear a voice, but with video call you can hear a voice and see the one who talk to you, it would be like you are speaking directly in front of him.

How to make a video call?
Before you can do this thing, ensure that your phone is connected to 3G network. So, here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Keypad tab.
  4. Enter the required phone number you wish to call, then tap Video call icon located on the bottom left corner of the virtual keypad.
  5. Once your call is accepted, you can customise some camera settings, such as:
    • To turn off the camera, tap the Menu key then on the pop up menu select Hide me.
    • To turn on the camera, tap the Menu key then on the pop up menu select Show me.
    • To change the camera, tap the Switch camera icon. It will allow you to choose the camera you wish to use, the front of the back camera.
  6. To end the video call tap End call.

Well, it's easy, right? So, try this useful tips to stay keep in touch with your family or friends then share your experience here through the comment below :)