Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Music and Video Files from PC

There are many ways you can do when you want to transfer music or video files from your computer into your Galaxy SIII, such as transfer directly from PC, using Samsung Kies, using Windows Media Player, using the memory card etc.

See also: How to Load Music from Samsung's Kies Software into Samsung Galaxy S3

From all these ways, transfer directly from the computer is the most widely used method because it does not require any app or any activation. Or you can call this method as a transfer from a PC through removable disk.

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How to add music or video files directly from a computer?
As written on, below are the steps you need to do:
  1. Connect your phone with the PC using the USB cable.
  2. Once the device is connected, a USB icon will appears on notifications bar. Tap and drag the icon downwards to access the notification panel.
  3. Tap on Connected as a media device option and make sure that checkboxes on media device (MTP) option is checked. Now you can transfer any music or video files you want to your phone.
  4. On your computer, go to Window explorer. Here you should see your phone as a removable disk.
  5. Acces a removable disk (phone storage) on Window explorer, Here you should see Videos and Music folders.
  6. To transfer files, drag or copy and paste music or videos from your PC to these folders. Your phone will automatically recognize these files.
  7. Or you may create new folders under these two default folder if you want to make your files more organized or group on category you wish.
  8. Once you finish to transfer all music or video files you want, you can disconnect your phone with the computer and enjoy your favorite music through your Galaxy SIII.

Today, the need to listen to music is very important for many peoples. With so many ways that you can use to add music or videos from computer to your phone, now you can listen various kind of your favorite music. So, have you tried the method above to add music on your phone? If so, you can share your thoughts here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Hide or Unhide Folders on Gallery App

Currently smartphone function not only to make calls or send messages, but now the device has been turned into a device that can do many things for you. Such as the Samsung Galaxy SIII, with a variety of capabilities and features inside it you can use it for various purposes such as downloading apps, sending emails, etc..

See also: How to Send Scheduled E-mail on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition the device also comes with a huge storage and advanced cameras that allows you to take a lot of HDR photos and HD video and then save it on your Gallery app.

See also: How to Take HDR Photos with the Samsung Galaxy S3

But for some reason you do not want others to see the collection of your personal photo or video. Relax, with the Galaxy SIII you can easily hide the folder that contains the photograph or video in the gallery app on your phone.

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How to hide picture or video folder on gallery?
As written on, to be able to do this you just need to follow the easy steps below:
  1. For the record, you can rename the folder and add a "." in front of the name of the folder to make it invisible.
  2.  Go to Gallery app through Home screen.
  3. Long tap on the folder you want to hide.
  4. Tap on the Option key and select Rename.
  5. Enter a full-stop in front of the folder name and then tap OK.
  6. Finish. Now the folder that you want has been hidden.

How to unhide a hidden picture or video folder on gallery?
  1. If you have previously managed to hide a folder that you want, then you can also unhide the folders back. Go to My Files app through Home screen.
  2. Tap on the Option key and select Settings.
  3. Tick on the checkbox Show hidden files option.
  4. Now all hidden folders will unhide.
  5. Rename the folder name by removing the "." on the front of its existing name to make it visible.

Well, the two methods mentioned above are very easy to do and no need of third-party app required. So, you can try these methods directly on your phone and then let me know your experience by write them through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Attach Any File Types on Gmail Messages Using Free Applications

The one that appeals to many people to buy a smartphone is because these devices have capabilities that similar to a desktop computer, but in a smaller form and mobile. Smartphones can do almost anything that can be done by computer, one of which is the ability to check and send email directly or scheduled whenever you want.

See also: How to Send Scheduled E-mail on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition, you can also add a file attachment in your email message. But, unfortunately Gmail only provides attachment for picture and video only. So what if you want to attach another file in Gmail message? Just relax, all these problems can be solved easily. You should say thanks to Google Play Store which has been providing a thousand of free or paid app that suits your needs that you can get with ease, including the app that will allow you to attach any files you want on Gmail messages.

See also: How to Download and Install Paid Applications on Samsung Galaxy S3

There are many File Manager app that you can get for free on Play Store to allow you attach any files such as: ES File Explorer and Astro File Manager. For this example we are using ES File Explorer.

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How to attach any file on Gmail?
As written on webcazine, here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Donwload install ES File Explorer which you can get for free through Google Play Store.
  2. Once you finished the install file manager app, go to the Gmail app through your Samsung Galaxy SIII Home screen.
  3. Here you can compose a new email.
  4. Tap on the Options button located next to the Home button and then select Attach picture.
  5. On the Choose type of attachment prompt you will see a file manager app that you have installed earlier.
  6. Select ES File Explorer then select the file that you want to attach on your email.
  7. Done. Now you have managed to attach any file in your Gmail messages.

This method is very easy to do. With a file manager app installed on your phone, now you can send an email with an attachment that contains any files you want. So, try this method and share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Send Scheduled E-mail Easily

Currently, the presence of smartphones changing many people's lifestyles. Things that used to be done by people using a desktop computer, now almost everything could be done by using a smartphone. For example, is to download a variety of applications both free or paid version and send email.

See also: How to Download and Install Paid Applications on Samsung Galaxy S3

And one of the reasons why people now choosing to buy smartphones because these devices are able to meet the needs of many people in the conduct and support of their activities, one of which is through the smartphone you can check and send email anytime to whomever you want with ease.

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But, what if you are someone who has so many activities and has the need to always send the email? No need to worry, with the Samsung Galaxy SIII you can overcome this problem because this smartphone has a feature to send scheduled emails.

How to send scheduled emails?
If you are in a situation as described above, then this feature will help you a lot. As written on, below are the simple steps you need to do to send scheduled emails:
  1. Go to Applications through Samsung Galaxy SIII Home screen.
  2. Tap on Samsung email app.
  3. Here you can compose your email which will you want to send.
  4. Tap on Expanded menu option.
  5. Tap on Schedule sending.
  6. Here you can specify the time and date you want to send your email.
  7. Tap Done. Your email will be sent according to the date and time you've specified before.

So, easy right? Now, however much your activities, you do not have to worry about passing your job to send an email to someone at the appointed time. So, if you encounter this situation you can try these methods Mentioned above through your Samsung Galaxy SIII and then let me know your experience by write them through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete Internet Saved Pages Easily

Yes, we all agree that the Samsung Galaxy S3 is a great smartphone. This phone comes with a set of powerful components and a variety of useful features. However, it does not mean that this phone have no weakness. Usage and phone's age can also affect the performance of this phone.

See also: 10 Useful Tips for Optimizing the Performance of the Samsung Galaxy S3

The more frequently used, the phone will also experience performance degradation due to many things to load and stored on it. one of which is that you may feel the browser is slower than usual. When you experience this problem, there are several ways to solve it such as: delete cache, delete internet history and delete saved pages.

See also: How to Clear Cache and Delete Internet Browsing History on Samsung Galaxy S3

Previously we've learned about how to clear the cache and delete history, now we will learn about deleting internet saved pages in your phone's browser.

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How to delete saved pages?
As writen on, you just need to do these simple steps below to do so:
  1. Open Internet Browser through Galaxy SIII Home screen.
  2. Press on the star icon located next to the address bar.
  3. Once you press it then it will show you a different tabs such as "bookmark", "history" and "saved pages".
  4. Choose the Saved pages tab.
  5. Here you can select and hold any thumbnails you want to delete.
  6. After that you will see the Delete option. Then tap on it.
  7. Done. You have successfully deleted internet saved pages that you want in your mobile browser.

Well, this method is easy to do. By using this method you can overcome the problem of slow browser on your phone and make its performance to be normal again. So, if you feel your mobile browser is slower than usual then you can try this method and share your experince here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Download and Install Paid Applications Easily

If you are one of the lucky people who have had the Samsung Galaxy SIII as your device, of course you can get lots of new and fun experience while using this phone. Moreover the phone comes with a set of powerful components and useful features. Another fun thing is when you are using this Android-based smartphone you can find and download a thousand free app that suits your needs easily through Google Play Store, one of which is an application that you can use to download the ringtone to your phone.

See also: How to Download Ringtones Using Free Applications on Samsung Galaxy S3

Unfortunately some free app comes with incomplete features. This sometimes be one of the reasons why you want to install a paid app on your phone.

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How to download and install a paid app through Google Play Store?
You can do this as easily as you do with free app. As written on, below are the simple steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Google Play Store app through the Galaxy SIII Home screen.
  2. In the main page, select Apps panel located on the left side.
  3. Here you can find any paid app you want to download. You can find app with browse or conduct search using a magnifying glass icon located at the top right of its screen.
  4. After you find one, tap on the blue box with the price.
  5. After that you will be taken to a screen that displays the total and payment method. If this is the first time for you then you need to enter your personal billing information and add a card.
  6. Tap on Accept and Buy once you finished confirming or adding a payment method. Or if you change your mind and want to cancel the purchase process you can press the Back button.
  7. Wait until the download is complete.
  8. Once the download process is over, it will install the background and will be able to use immediately.
  9. Finish. Now you have successfully downloaded and install a paid app on your phone.

Yes, it used to download a paid app can be difficult, especially for beginners, but with the Samsung Galaxy SIII you can do almost anything with ease. Then you should say thanks to its operating system that allows all these things happened. So, try it and share your expreience through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Disable Face Tag Features Easily

If you've been accustomed to using Facebook, now you can save photo from Facebook directly to Gallery app on your phone. And as a Facebook user, you've probably also familiar with the face tags feature provided by this social media that will allow you to give a name to every face in a photo.

See also: How to Save Picture from Facebook using Samsung Galaxy S3

Well, the same features have also pinned by Samsung on their flagship smartphone: Samsung Galaxy SIII. So, when you take a photo, then this feature will placess yellow boxes over each face in the photo. And you can tag each face by tapping on that boxes. However if you feel disturbed with face tag in a photo and you want to turn it off, then you can do it easily.

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How to disable Face Tags?
By default, this feature has been enabled. So, to disable this feature you need to do these simple steps below, as written on
  1. Go to Gallery app through Samsung Galaxy SIII Home Screen.
  2. Select a photo that you want to view.
  3. Tap the Menu key then select Face tag.
  4. Tap on Off option to turn it off.
  5. Done. Now you can see your photo collection without having to interfere with yellow face tag boxes.

So simple to do, right? You can do these easy method mentioned above directly through your phone and no need third-party app required. So, if you are bothered by face tag in your photograph, then try these methods and share your experince through the comment below :)