Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Select Phone Network Automatically or Manually

Almost all of the things in your Samsung Galaxy SIII could be done in several ways, such as when you want to turn on or off Wi-Fi on your phone, you can set it automatically connect or manually connect.

See also: How to Turn On or Off Wi-Fi on the Samsung Galaxy S3

The same thing you can do when choosing a network for your mobile phone, you can use two ways available: selecting the network automatically or manually. When you select to automatically, then your phone will automatically select the preferred network, while if you choose manually, you can choose the network on your own. But, choose your network manually could result in lost network connection if you are out of range from the selected network.

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How to set automatic network selection?
As written on, to choose network automatically kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Tap Network operators.
  6. Tap Select automatically.
  7. Finish. Now your phone will automatically choose the preferred network.

How to do manual network selection?
From the same source, if you want to select your phone network manually, then just following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Tap Network operators.
  6. Tap the required network available.
  7. If not, you can tap Search network to scan for available networks, then on network list select the one you want to use.
  8. Finish. Now your phone will use your selected network.

Well, by knowing on how to choose network for your Galaxy SIII, now you can set it according to your needs. All the options have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, use that best suits your needs and conditions. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Setup Samsung Account

Google Play Store is the most popular Android market which is used to get and download Android apps to be installed in your Android phone, including the Samsung Galaxy SIII. Here you can find thousands of usefull apps that can help and facilitate your activities.

See also: How to Download and Install Apps Through Google Play Store on Samsung Galaxy S3

Well, aside from Play Store you can also download apps from the Samsung website, either free or paid version. But, before you can do this you must have a Samsung account first. You can register for the Samsung account through Samsung website or directly on your Galaxy SIII.

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How to create Samsung account?
In this steps, we will learn about how to get your Samsung account directly through the phone. As written on, to do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Pull down the notification bar from the top of your phone screen.
  2. At the bottom of the notification bar you should see Set up Samsung account option. If you can't find it, tap the Settings icon located on the notification bar.
  3. Scroll to Accounts, then tap on it.
  4. From the list displayed on your phone screen, choose Samsung account.
  5. Now you are in the Samsung account page. Here you can choose Create account option if you do not have a Samsung account, or you can select Sign in to an existing account if you already have one. You can also choose your country here.
  6. Accept the terms and conditions.
  7. Read the privacy policy well then choose Agree.
  8. Fill the form with your detail informations then submit the form.
  9. Now you will be taken to the mailbox to retrieve a verification email. If you have not add an email account, then you will be prompted to do this.
  10. Finish. Now you have managed to create new Samsung account directly through your phone.

By having a Samsung account, you will be able to get some benefits from it, such as downloading apps from Samsung's website, log into, etc.. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Camera Beauty Shot Mode

When you take a photo using the Galaxy SIII camera, you will be able to use several modes available there, for example if you want to take a picture with a landscape view that is wider than a regular photo then you can use the panorama mode.

See also: How to Take Panoramic Photos using Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to panorama mode, there are several other useful mode that came with this camera, one of them is the beauty mode. When you use this mode when taking a picture, then the camera will be possible to remove facial imperfection in a photo, including removing a noise and an acne on the face.

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How to use beauty mode?
As written on, here the step to use this kind of shot modes:
  1. Open Camera app from the Home screen. If your Home screen have no camera icon, you can access it from the app launcher.
  2. Tap the shooting mode or the square symbol icon located on the left side of the viewfinder screen.
  3. On the pop up menu select Beauty mode. When dot indicator next to shot mode option shows green means that mode is selected.
  4. Tap the camera icon to take a beauty photo.
  5. Wait until the rendering photo process is finished.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to take a picture using beauty mode.

Well, once you take pictures using this mode, it will probably take times to process. This mode will remove as much as possible facial flaws and will produce a very smooth and clear face, but this process will make the photo a little bit unnatural. And for the record, this mode would be great if it is used to portrait view or self portrait shots. So, try it and give your opinion here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Read Email Messages

As has been discussed before, by using Samsung Galaxy SIII you can check or send e-mail everytime you want with ease after you add your email account on your phone.

See also: How to Add POP3 Email Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you successfully add one or more email accounts on your phone, now you can use the account that you added to check, read, reply. forward, etc. on incoming email on your account.

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How to read an incoming email messages?
As written on, once you have finished adding the email account in your phone, the one that you can do is read the incoming email on your account. To do so following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Email, then tap on it.
  3. Here you can select your email account by tapping the name of the email account.
  4. Tap the required email account.
  5. To retrieve your email messages tap the refresh icon.
  6. To read your email message tap the required email message you want to read.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the Home screen.

By knowing how to read an email message through your Galaxy SIII, now you do not have to worry about missed an important message that is sent to your email. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Microsoft Exchange Email Account

One of the useful ability that belongs to the Samsung Galaxy SIII is the ability to check and send emails at any time with ease. Of course, before you can use it, you must first add your email account in your phone.

See also: How to Add POP3 Email Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Here you can add multiple emails at once. Including you can also add Microsof Exchange email account. If your workplace allow you, you can sync your Exchange account with your Galaxy SIII.

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How to add a Microsoft Exchange email account?
As written on, here are the steps you need to do to add this kind of email account:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Accounts and sync.
  4. Tap Add account button.
  5. Tap Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. When the dot indicator next to this option shows green means this option has been added.
  6. In the account field type your workplace email address.
  7. In the password field type your workplace email password.
  8. Tap Next button.
  9. In the domain field type the Domain name.
  10. Tap Hide keyboard key on the virtual keyboard.
  11. Tap Next button.
  12. Here you can determine the settings for your account option, then tap Next button.
  13. If you want to change the account name, type your new account name in the account name field.
  14. Tap Done button.
  15. Finish. Now your Microsoft Exchange email account has been successfully added to your phone.

By knowing how to add an email account on your Galaxy SIII including your Exchange account, now you can check, send or sync your account with ease directly on your phone. But, please note that the setup for Exchange may vary slightly due to the corporate network infrastructure may also differ from each other. You can ask for help to your corporate IT dept if you have problems on your Exchange account. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Home Button to Answer Call and Power Button to End Call

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can customize almost everything inside it according to your wish and needs. One of them is with this phone you can choose several ways to make a call, such as using regular way, using the easy call feature or using Motion-based feature named direct call.

See also: How to Enable and Use Direct Call on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition, you can also determine in what way you receive or end incoming calls on your Galaxy SIII.

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How to set Home button to answering an incoming call?
As written on, to do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Accessibility.
  4. Tap Call answering/ending.
  5. Tick the checkbox next to Answering key option to set Home button as answering key when you receive an incoming call.
  6. Finish. Now you can answer an incoming call with Home button.

How to set Power button to end a call?
From the same source, following the steps below to set the Power button as end key:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Accessibility.
  4. Tap Call answering/ending.
  5. Tick the checkbox next to the Power key ends calls option to set the Power button as end call key when you want to end a call.
  6. Finish. Now you can end a call with Power button.

Well, by knowing on how to set which key you want to set as answering key or end call key, now you can set it according to your needs. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add POP3 Email Account

You can do many things by using Samsung Galaxy SIII as your device, from making a call, write text or multimedia message, up to compose a new email and then send it directly or scheduled.

See also: How to Send Scheduled Email on Samsung Galaxy S3

The ability to check and send emails at any time is a consideration when a person wants to buy a smartphone. For this reason, today almost all smartphones equipped with email facilities, as well as in the Galaxy SIII.

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To be able to communicate with others using email, you must have an email account first. Or if you already have an email account then you need to add it to your phone, so you can check or send email through this account in your phone.

How to add a POP3 email account?
As written on, to do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Email, then tap on it .
  3. If you already have an email account setup that has been added in this phone, then tap the Menu key. If this is your first time to add an email account, go to step #6.
  4. On the pop up menu select Settings.
  5. To add an email account tap on Add button located on the top right corner of your phone's screen.
  6. In the email account field, type your email address.
  7. In the password field, type your email password.
  8. Tap Next button.
  9. Here you will be asked to specify the settings for the email check frequency.
  10. Tap Next button.
  11. If necessary you can also change account's name here by filling out a new name in the account name field.
  12. Tap Done button.
  13. Finish. Now your POP3 email account has been successfully added to your phone.

By knowing on how to add pop3 email account, now you can check and send email from your account in your Galaxy SIII. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)