Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change the Stock Browser Default Storage

Nice ability of the Samsung Galaxy SIII camera to take a best picture and recording HD video sometimes will end up your phone's storage full with lot of picture or video files. Fortunately, there is an option that will allow you to change the default storage you wish to use to saved the picture taken by the camera, between using the phone or memory card.

See also: How to Set SD Card as Default Storage for Pictures Taken with the Samsung Galaxy S3 Camera

The similar option also available on the stock browser apps. This option also will allow you to change the default storage for the downloaded files.

How to change the default storage in the stock browser apps?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Open the stock Browser apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap Advanced.
  4. Tap Default storage to change the storage you wish to use, either to use phone storage or memory card storage.

By knowing how to change the default storage used to save downloaded files on the stock browser, now you can set it according to your need.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable JavaScript in the Stock Browser Apps

There is an option inside the stock browser on Samsung Galaxy SIII called desktop view which will allow you to view the web in the mobile version or in the desktop view version.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Internet Desktop View on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another option that will expand your experience while using the stock browser is an option to enable or disable Java Script. By enabling this option, the browser will load the Java Script on the web you're currently viewing. While if you disabling this option, then the browser will not load the Java Script on the web.

How to turn on or off JavaScript?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Open the stock browser apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key.
  3. On pop up menu select Settings.
  4. Tap Advanced.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Enable JavaScript to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is turned on.

By knowing how to enable or disable this option, also knows the effect of this option, now you can set it according to your need. If you have an unlimited data plan and wants to load the web completely including the Java Script, then you can enable this option. While if you don't want to load the Java Script on the web and wants to save more data usage then you can disable this option.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Save Image from the Web

One of the best way to personalize your phone's looks is by setting your own wallpaper. You can use the default wallpaper, live wallpaper or even any images you like that you can find from the web.

See also: How to Set the Image from the Web as Home Screen Wallpaper on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to set the image as wallpaper, you can also save the image you like from the web into your phone, either for collection only or to edit the image then use it as your wallpaper

How to download image from the web?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open the default browser apps.
  2. Find the image you want to download.
  3. View the image in full size.
  4. Long tap the image, then on pop up menu select Save image.
  5. Finish. Now the image will be saved to the /download folder.

Once the image is completely downloaded, now you can go to My Files>Download then navigate to the image to edit or to crop it or even use it as lock screen wallpaper or Home screen wallpaper.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Improve the Home Button Response

Some of Samsung Galaxy SIII user said that they were encountering lag while using the phone. One of the caused of this problem usually is the using of windows animation scale and transition animation scale. So, the possible way to fix it is by lowering the scale or turned it off. You can find the option to do so by going to developer option under settings.

See also: How to Enable Developer Option on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another thing that caused the phone to lag is the double tap Home screen to launch S Voice. This option is set to enable by default. When this option is enabled, the phone will wait and ensure what you want to do when you only tap the Home button just once, and unfortunately this will causing lag so you need to disable this option to avoid lag and to get better respond from the Home button.

How to disable Home button double tap to launch S Voice?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Double tap the Home button to launch S Voice.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Remove the tick on the box next to Open via the home key option to disable launching S Voice by double tapping the Home button.
  4. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By disabling this option, now you have managed to eliminate one of the cause that make your phone encountering lag and also it will speed up the response of the Home button.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Customize the Phone When Docked

While you're Samsung Galaxy SIII placed in the dock or in the third-party smartphone stand with a separate charger, you can delegate your phone as desk calendar and clock by utilizing an option inside this phone called desk home screen display.

See also: How to Show Desk Home Screen When Your Samsung Galaxy S3 is Docked

Another things that you can do while you're phone is docked is customizing the settings for using a dock, such as set the phone to play a sound when placed and removed from the dock or determining to use between the phone or external speaker.

How to customize the phone when docked?
Below are the steps to do to access the settings for using a dock and the options available there:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Scroll to Accessory, then tap it.
  3. Now you'll see some options available, such as:
    • Dock sound: use this option to set your phone to play a sound whenever the phone is connected or disconnected from the dock.
    • Audio output mode: use this option to determine which speaker you wish to use when the phone is docked, the phone's speaker or the external speaker.
    • Desk home screen display: use this option to delegate your phone to show the desk clock when docked.
  4. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By knowing the option available that you can use to customize the phone when it's docked, also knowing the function per option, now you can set your phone while docked according to your needs.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Customize the Stock Music Player Settings

Listen to the music directly through your Samsung Galaxy SIII is one of fun things to do, especially if you're the one who really loved to the music. This activity also will helps you to kill the time while you're in a boring situations or while you're in an exhausting journey. The good news, this phone has come with the stock music player apps which will facilitate you to listen to your favourites music from the phone.

See also: How to Use Music Player on Samsung Galaxy S3

As with another apps, the music player apps also has its own settings that will allow you to customize this apps according to your need and desires.

How to customize music player apps settings?
Here are the steps to do to access the music apps settings and the options available there:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. In the apps list, tap Music player.
  3. Tap the Menu key, then select Settings.
  4. Here you'll see some options available, such as:
    • SoundAlive: use this option to select a sound effect.
    • Play speed: use this option to determine the playback speed you wish to use.
    • Music menu: use this option to select music categories to display on the music library screen.
    • Lyrics: use this option to display song lyrics during playback.
    • Music auto off: use this option to auto turn off the player after a certain period of time.
  5. Tap the Back key to return to the music player.
  6. Tap the Home key to return to the standby mode.

By knowing how to access the settings and knows what the option available with the function on each of them, now you can customize the music player apps use these options to suit your need.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Turn On or Off Voice Announcements

There is an option inside Samsung Galaxy SIII that specifically designed for those with vision-impaired called Talk Back. Enabling this option will make your phone give a spoken feedback for whatever you do with the phone.

How to turn on voice announcements?
The voice announcement usually will auto-turned on when you enable talk back mode on your phone. This will make your phone to announce the incoming calls, incoming messages, etc.

See also: How to Enable Talk Back Mode on Samsung Galaxy S3

How to turn off voice announcements?
If you were annoyed with the voice and also talk back on your phone, then you can disable them by following the steps listed below:
  1. Double tap Apps on your Home screen.
  2. Double tap Settings.
  3. Double tap Application manager.
  4. Find TalkBack mode.
  5. Use two fingers to swipe and double tap to disable.
  6. Double tap Done button.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to disable voice announcements and also any talk back on your phone.

By knowing the steps to enable and disable voice announcements, now you can set it according to your needs. If you're the one with low vision and need a spoken feedback to guide you while using the phone then you can enable it on your phone, while if you think that this option is bothering you then you can disable it from your phone.