Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Call Vibrations

Previously we have learned about how to set Home button to accept an incoming call and set Power button to hang up the call. This of course will be another choice that you can take beside you should swipe the call icon to do so.

See also: How to Set Accept Incoming Call with Home Button and End with Power Button on Samsung Galaxy S3

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can also set your phone to vibrate when the person you're calling is answering your call and when the call is ended.

How to enable or disable call answer vibration?
Enabling call answer vibration will make your phone vibrate every time the person you're calling is answering your call. To set the option of answer vibration, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Call alert.
  6. Tap Call vibrations
  7. Depending on your current settings, tap Answer vibration to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled.
  8. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

How to enable or disable call-end vibration?
Enabling call-end vibration will make your phone vibrate when the call is ended. To set the option of call-end vibration, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Call alert.
  6. Tap Call vibrations
  7. Depending on your current settings, tap Call-end vibration to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled..
  8. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By knowing on how to set up call vibration when accepting or ending the calls on your phone, now you can set it according to your need. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Get Fonts Online

One of the best way to personalize your phone's looks is by changing its font style. You can choose one from four font styles available that best suits with your personal style.

See also: How to Change Font Style on Samsung Galaxy S3

But, if you don't want to use available font styles and want to try to use another font styles which is not included on Galaxy SIII default font style list, then you can get additional fonts through Google Play Store. Some of them are free and others are paid. There are so many font styles you can choose to beautify your Galaxy SIII.

How to get different fonts online?
Here are the steps to get additional fonts through Google Play Store:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Font style.
  5. Tap Get fonts online button.
  6. Now you will be taken to the Play Store.
  7. Here you can choose and download additional font style for your phone, both free or paid (most of them will charge you only $0.99).
  8. Once you've finished download the font you like, now you should see the font you've just downloaded on the default font list then you can choose it as your phone's font style.

By changing the font style, now you can make your phone looks unique and represent your personal style. So, try this then share your experience here about what are the font style most you like through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add and Remove Contacts on Favourites List

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can easily create new contact group then add some members to this group to facilitate you when you want to send them the same message at once. Creating contact group will also help you to organize your contacts by grouping them into the certain category.

See also: How to Create and Add Contact to Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to add contact to group, you can also add contacts who you frequently called them to Favourite contact list.

How to add contact to Favourites list?
Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap the required contact you wish to add to Favourites contact list.
  4. Tap the star icon located on the upper right corner. When the star icon shows yellow means the contact is added to the Favourites.
  5. Tap Back key.
  6. Tap Favourites tab. Here you should see the contact you've just added before is in the list.

How to remove contact from Favourites list?
For any reason, if you want to remove certain contact from your Favourites contact list, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Favourites tab.
  4. Tap the required contact you wish to remove from Favourites contact list.
  5. Tap the star icon located on the upper right corner. When the star icon shows grey means the contact is removed from the Favourites.
  6. Tap Back key.
  7. Now the selected contact should be no longer listed in the list.

After you know how to add contact to the Favourites contact list, now you can add most frequently called contact to this list. And also you can remove certain contact from Favourites when you don't want the contact no longer listed there. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete One or Multiple Members on Contact Group

Creating contact groups for some contacts with similar category is one of the best way to organize your contacts. Once you've created contact group, you can add one or multiple contacts to that groups.

See also: How to Add Some Contacts to Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to add contact to groups, you can also remove one or more contacts from certain group. This of course will useful for you if you want some contacts no longer listed on the group.

How to remove one or multiple members on contact group?
Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact groups. Tap the required group you wish to remove its members.
  5. Now you will see a list of members of the contact group you've just selected.
  6. There two ways you can do to remove the member. Go to step #7 to delete a member and go to step #8 to delete multiple members.
  7. To remove a member:
    • Tap and hold the required member.
    • On pop up menu select Remove member.
    • Tap OK button to confirm delete member.
  8. To remove multiple members:
    • Tap the Menu key.
    • On pop up menu select Remove members.
    • Now you will see a list of members of the selected group with checkbox next to them.
    • Tap on some members you want to remove or tap Select All to delete all members.
    • Tap Done button.
  9. Now the selected members will be deleted from the group.

Removing unwanted or unused contact from your group will help you to organize your contact and free up your phone storage. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Some Contacts to Certain Group

Creating contact group based on certain category is one of the best way to organize your contacts. By grouping some contacts, it will allow you to send them the same message at once and set certain ringtone to them to make you more easier to recognize them when they call you just by hearing the tone.

See also: How to Set Different Ringtone for Different Contact Groups on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more advantage you can do on contact groups on your Galaxy SIII is you can add multiple contacts to certain group at once. This of course will save your time, because you don't need to add contact one by one when you want to add several contacts to a group.

How to add multiple contacts to certain group?
Follow the steps listed below to add more than one contact to the contact group you've created before:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact groups.
  5. Tap and hold the required contact group you wish to add its member.
  6. Tap Add member icon next to the search field.
  7. Now you will see a list of your contacts with checkbox next to them. Tap on some required contacts you want to add to group or tap Select All at the top to add all contacts to a group.
  8. Tap Done button.
  9. Now all the contact you just selected will be added to this group.
  10. Tap Save button located on the upper right corner to save your changes.
  11. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  12. Finish. Now you have managed to add multiple contacts to certain group you've created before.

Once you know how to add some contacts to group, now you will be easier to organize your contact and grouping them to the contact group with the same category. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Create and Send Text Messages Using Text Message Templates

If you the one who often need to send text messages with the same format to a lot of peoples, then the best way to fulfill your needs is by creating text message templates on your Galaxy SIII. This of course will facilitate you when you want to send messages with the similar format without having to create them one by one in each time.

See also: How to Create Text Message Templates on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've created text message template, now you can use it as your message then send it to the required contact you wish to send. If required, you can also tailor it first according to your need before you send it.

How to create and send SMS using text message templates?
If you want to use template as your message, then here are the steps you need to do:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap on Compose to create new messages.
  4. Enter Recipient number field or you can tap on Contact to find the number you want to send a message.
  5. Tap the required contact.
  6. Tap Done button.
  7. Tap on Enter messages field.
  8. Tap the Menu key.
  9. On pop up menu select Add text.
  10. Tap Text templates.
  11. Now you will see a list of your text message templates available. Tap to the one you wish to use as your message.
  12. If required, you can tailor the message first before you send it.
  13. Tap Send button to send the messages.
  14. Finish. Now your message will be send to the selected contact.

It's easy and simple to do. After you know how to create and send text message using template, now you no need to type the same format message every time you want to send the similar format text message to the contact you want. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete Contact Group

The best way to organize your contacts on Samsung Galaxy SIII is by grouping some of them into certain contact group, such as Family, Friends, etc. By grouping the contact with similar categories. now you can also send them the same message at once.

See also: How to Create and Add Contact to a Group on Samsung Galaxy S3

But, for any reason you can also delete certain contact group you've created before.

How to delete created contact group?
Below are the steps you need to do to remove contact group on Samsung Galaxy SIII:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contact.
  3. Tap Groups tab.
  4. Here you will see a list of your contact groups.
  5. Tap and hold the required contact group you wish to delete.
  6. On pop up menu select Delete.
  7. Tap OK button to confirm delete contact group.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to delete contact group on your phone.

Sometimes you need to delete your contacts when you no longer need them and want to free up your phone storage. And by knowing on how to delete certain contact group, now you can delete the one you wish to be deleted. So, hope it helps :)