See also: How to Set Accept Incoming Call with Home Button and End with Power Button on Samsung Galaxy S3
In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can also set your phone to vibrate when the person you're calling is answering your call and when the call is ended.
How to enable or disable call answer vibration?
Enabling call answer vibration will make your phone vibrate every time the person you're calling is answering your call. To set the option of answer vibration, then here are the steps:
- Go to Apps through Home screen.
- Tap Phone.
- Tap the Menu key.
- On pop up menu select Call settings.
- Tap Call alert.
- Tap Call vibrations
- Depending on your current settings, tap Answer vibration to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled.
- Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
How to enable or disable call-end vibration?
Enabling call-end vibration will make your phone vibrate when the call is ended. To set the option of call-end vibration, then here are the steps:
- Go to Apps through Home screen.
- Tap Phone.
- Tap the Menu key.
- On pop up menu select Call settings.
- Tap Call alert.
- Tap Call vibrations
- Depending on your current settings, tap Call-end vibration to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled..
- Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
By knowing on how to set up call vibration when accepting or ending the calls on your phone, now you can set it according to your need. So, hope it helps :)