Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Buddy Photo Share

Several shot mode that equipped Samsung Galaxy SIII camera will allow you to take a picture with a different result. One of them is beauty shot mode that will allow the camera to remove the facial imperfection, removing noise or even an acne in photo that will resulting on very clear and smooth face.

See also: How to Use Camera Beauty Shot Mode on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more useful feature that comes with this phone's camera is buddy photo share that will allow you to tag a person on a photo with a contact name and send it to them.

How to use buddy photo share?
You can use it as easy as you use another camera's features avalaible on this phone. Here the steps:
  1. Open Camera app from the Home screen. Or you can access it by going to Apps through Home screen then tap Camera.
  2. Tap the shooting mode icon or the square symbol located on the left side of the viewfinder screen.
  3. On the pop up menu select Buddy Photo Share. When the dot indicator next to mode option shows green means that mode is selected.
  4. Take a photo of some peoples by tapping the camera icon.
  5. In a photo result will appear a yellow box that indicate any face detected by the camera, then tap the yellow box.
  6. Tap Add name.
  7. Tap the required contact you wish to tag.
  8. To add more face tag, repeat from the steps #5.
  9. Once you finish add name you wish to tag, tap on blank area of the photo to send it to the contacts.
  10. Tap Send button located on the upper right corner of the screen.
  11. Here you will see all contact that you have tagged before, tick the checkbox next to the contact to select them.
  12. Tap OK button. Now the picture will be sent to the selected contacts.

Well, it's easy and fun, right? By knowing on how to use buddy photo share, now you can share the picture with ease by tag the face in the photo with the required contact name then send the picture to them. So, try this tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Sync with Microsoft Outlook 2010 Contacts

As we have learned beafore that you can retrieve contacts or phone number to your Galaxy SIII in several ways, such as write it down on your own or retrieve it from MMS that contains contact number then save them into your phone book.

See also: How to Save MMS Contact on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more way that you can use to retrieve contacts is by exporting contacts stored in Microsoft Outlook then import them into your Gmail account. Once you finish it, then you can syncing your Gmail contacts with your Galaxy SIII.

How to export contact from Microsoft Outlook?
First thing you should do is exporting your Outlook contacts into the CSV file. To do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. On your computer launch Microsoft Outlook by clicking on Outlook icon on the desktop or access it through Start button then all program.
  2. On Outlook main page, click File.
  3. Click Open.
  4. Click Import.
  5. On Import and Export Wizard click Export to a file.
  6. Click Next button.
  7. On Export to a File Wizard click Comma Separated Values (Windows).
  8. Click Next button.
  9. Click Contacts.
  10. Click Next button.
  11. Click Browse to choose which folder you would like to save the CSV file.
  12. Click Next button.
  13. Click Finish. Now your Outlook contacts has been managed to export to the CSV file.

How to import CSV file from Microsoft Outlook to Gmail?
Once you finish export contact from outlook into a CSV file, now you have to do is importing the CSV file into your Gmail account. Below is the steps to do so:
  1. On your computer launch web browser by clicking the browser icon on the desktop or access it through Start button then all program.
  2. On the browser address bar type to navigate to Gmail.
  3. Login to your Gmail account by entering your username and password then click Sign In button.
  4. On your Gmail, click Contacts.
  5. Click More.
  6. In the drop down menu select Import.
  7. Click Browse to select the CSV file that you have made before.
  8. Click Import button.
  9. Finish. Now your CSV file has been imported into your Gmail contacts.

How to sync Gmail contacts with your Galaxy S3?
The last steps that you should do now is sync your Gmail contacts with your phone. Here are the steps:
  1. On your Galaxy SIII, go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Accounts and sync.
  4. Tap your Google account.
  5. Here you can choose what would you like to sync by tick the checkbox next to the option or you can tick all the option displayed on your screen, then tap Sync now button to synchronize the contacts.
  6. Finish. Now your Outlook contacts has been synced with your Galaxy SIII.

Well, by knowing on how to sync your Outlook contacts with your phone using Gmail account, now you can retrieve all your Outlook contacts to your phone with ease. You can also use all these steps mentioned above with another email or webmail services. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Merge Duplicate Contacts

In Samsung Galaxy SIII, there are several way that allow you to retrieve contacts then save them into your phone, such as add it on your own or retrieve it from mms that contains contact or phone number.

See also: How to Save MMS Contacts in Samsung Galaxy S3

You can also retrieve contacts from social network sites and add them to your phone. But, sometimes the contacts you have added may be displayed more than one. So, to make you easier using your contact and organizing them then you can merging the same or duplicate identical contacts into one.

How to join contacts?
In addition to make you more easier to use and orginizing them, this steps will make your contact more neat and orderly. Well, to do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Contacts, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the Contacts tab.
  4. Tap the required contact.
  5. Tap the Menu key.
  6. On the pop up menu select Join contact.
  7. Tap the required contact you wish to merge.
  8. Finish. Now your selected contact will be merge into a single contact.

By knowing on how to merge duplicate contacts, now you can organizing your phone book in order to make them more organize and make you more easier when you want to use them. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set and Use Speed Dialing

As we all know that you can make a call using Galaxy SIII in several ways, such as using regular way, using easy call feature or using motion-based feature named direct call.

See also: How to Enable and Use Direct Call on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more way that you can use to make a call on your Galaxy SIII is using speed dialing. But, you should assigning the required contact first before you can use the speed dialing on your phone.

How to setup speed dialing?
In order to make you able to use speed dialing on your phone, then first you need assigning the required contact to a speed dialing key. To do so following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Phone, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the Keypad tab.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. On the pop up menu select Speed dial setting.
  6. Tap the required speed dialing key that you wish to use.
  7. Tap the required contact.
  8. Finish. Now you can do speed dialing to the selected contact using the selected speed dialing key.

How to use speed dialing?
Once you managed to assign the required contact to speed dialing key, then below is the steps to use it:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Phone, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the Keypad tab.
  4. Tap and hold the required speed dialing key until the contact number you set before is calling.

Well, by knowing on how to set and use speed dialing on your Galaxy SIII, now you can make a call simply by tapping one key. You can also set speed dialing key to an important contact to make you more easier when you want to call them. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Compose and Send Gmail Email Messages with Attachment

Android operating system inside Galaxy SIII will allow you to use Google service easily by activating your Google account first on your phone.

See also: How to Activate an Existing Google Account on Samsung Galaxy SIII

Once you activate your Google account, you will be able to use all Google service directly through your phone, such as using youtube to search or upload video, download a certain useful apps through Google Play Store, using Google Now or Sending an email through Gmail.

How to write and send Gmail email message with attachment?
Once your Google account is active on your phone and your have an internet connection, then to do so you just need to follow the easy steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Gmail, then tap on it.
  3. To create new email tap the new email message icon located on the bottom left corner on your phone.
  4. Enter recipient's email address in To: field by key in the first letters of the required contact then the contact which match will displayed, tap to the required contact you want to send a Gmail message. Or you can write down the recipient's email address if the required email address has not been added yet on your contact.
  5. To add more recipient's email address you can repeat the previous step.
  6. Write the title of email in Subject field.
  7. Tap Compose email.
  8. Write your message here.
  9. To attach picture or video tap the Menu key then on the pop up menu select Attach file.
  10. Go to the folder where the required picture or video located, then tap the required picture or video you want to attach on your Gmail message.
  11. To send your Gmail message tap send icon located on upper right corner.
  12. Finish. Now your Gmail message will send to the selected contact.

Well, by knowing on how to compose new Gmail message then send it directly through your phone, now you can stay keep in touch and communicate with your friend, family or co-workers easily. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Camera Burst Shot Mode

As we know that Samsung Galaxy SIII comes with advanched camera that equipped with some shot mode that will allow you to take a picture with different result in each mode. One of them is smile shot mode that will allow the camera to take a picture automatically when it detects smile in frame.

See also: How to Use Camera Smile Shot Mode in Samsung Galaxy S3

Another shot mode available is burst mode. This mode will allow you to take up to 20 shots at 3.3fps or in other words this mode will takes 6 seconds to shots 20 continuous pictures. When use this mode you will required to tap the screen until 20 picture are captured or you can lift your finger if you think that the number of frame is enough. And the best thing in this mode is you can choose the best picture later using the Best photo function.

Image Credit:

How to use burst mode?
This mode will produce a good result if you use it in good lighting environment. Taken from, here the steps to use burst mode on your Galaxy SIII:
  1. Open Camera app from the Home screen. If there is no icon for the camera, you can go to Apps through Home screen then tap Camera.
  2. Tap the shooting mode icon or the square symbol located in the left side of the viewfinder screen.
  3. On the pop up menu select Burst shot. When the dot indicator next to shot mode option shows green means this mode is selected.
  4. Tap and hold camera icon as smooth as possible until you have taken enough number of shots or until you reach 20 shots.
  5. To allow you selecting the best photo, you can turn on the best photo option by tapping best photo function ON. By turn this option on means the camera will limit the number of shots to 8 per burst.
  6. Tap and hold the camera icon to take picture using burst shots mode with best photo option ON.
  7. Wait until the process is complete.
  8. A blue box and thumbs up icon will appear in the bottom of screen as a sign that this image is the best shots.
  9. Select the best image on the blue box then tap Done button to save the image.
  10. Finish. Now you have managed to take a picture using burst mode.

By knowing on how to use burst mode in your Galaxy SIII, now you can take a picture of fast action sceene with ease then you can choose the best photo later using the best photo option. And for the record, avoid using this mode in low light environment due to it will required slower shutter speed to produce a good result, means if you use this mode in this kind of environment will may result in a blur image. So, try this shot mode then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Email Account Settings

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can add more than one email account to use them directly through your phone. You can also set one of them as the default account that will allow your phone to send email from this account by default.

See also: How to Set Default Email Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

While you use these account, you may experience some problem such as can't sending or receiving email message. Due to this reason you may have to change some settings on this account.

Image Credit:

How to edit email setting?
Before you do this, make sure you're connected to internet and ensure the new setting is correct and work well when you use it on your PC. As written on, you can change the required email setting by following the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Email, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Settings.
  5. Here you will see a list of your added email account, then tap the required account that you wish to change.
  6. Tap Outgoing settings. Due to it's the most common settings to change.
  7. Change the SMTP server name with the new ones.
  8. Tap Port field and edit the port number with the new ones.
  9. Tap Hide keyboard key on virtual keyboard.
  10. Tap Done button to save your changes.
  11. Finish. Now your selected email account setting has been change.

By knowing on how to do this, now you can use it as a solution when you experiencing problem sending or receiving email message on your phone. To obtain the correct setting for your email account, you can contact your email provider due to when you enter the wrong settings on your account will make your phone can't sending or receieving email message. So, try this useful tips when you face this problem and situation then share your experience here through the comment below :)