Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Camera Smile Shot Mode

In previous articles, we have learned about how take picture using cartoon mode. This shot mode will alow your camera to add a cartoon effect on your photo.

See also: How to Use Camera Cartoon Shot Mode in Samsung Galaxy S3

In this post, we will learn about how to take picture using the Samsung Galaxy SIII camera with smile shot mode. When you choose to use this mode, then your phone's camera will try to detect people face within the frame and once it detect a smile it will automatically take a picture.

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How to use smile mode?
As written on, to use this kind of shot modes, then you just need to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Open Camera app from the Home screen. If there is no icon for the camera, you can go to Apps through Home screen then tap Camera.
  2. Tap the shooting mode icon or the square symbol located in the left side of the viewfinder screen.
  3. On the pop up menu select Smile shot.
  4. Point the camera to the people's face within the frame, then tap the camera icon to take a photo.
  5. The camera will automatically shots when it detects a smile.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to take a picture using smile shot mode.

Well, by knowing how to take picture using this mode, now you can get the people smile in the photo without having to repeat shots just to get a photo with a smile. And for the record, this mode will produce a good result when used for self portrait that requires a good focus on the face. So, smile and lets the camera shots you. Cheeseeee :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Added Email Account as Default

By using Samsung Galaxy SIII you can add more than one email account in order to use them directly through your phone. You can add POP3 email account or Microsoft Exchange email account.

See also: How to Add Microsoft Exchange Email Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Here you can also set which added email account that you wish to use as default email account on your Galaxy SIII.

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How to set default email account?
As written on, if you have more than one email account on your Galaxy SIII then you can set one of them as the default account by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Email, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Settings.
  5. Here you will see a list of added email account, then tap the required email account that you wish to use as default.
  6. Set it as default by tick the checkbox next to Default account option.
  7. Finish. Now your selected email account has successfully set as default.

By knowing on how to set one of your added email account as default, then you can send email from this account by default. For the record, you can still write and send email from non-default email account by choosing the "from" account when you composing new email message. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Camera Cartoon Shot Mode

One of the fun thing that you can get when take a picture using the Samsung Galaxy SIII camera is you can select one of several shot modes that available there, such as beauty mode. This mode will allow the camera to remove facial imperfection in a photo.

See also: How to Use Camera Beauty Shot Mode on Samsung Galaxy S3

Other modes are available and you can use is a cartoon mode. When you choose to use this mode, then the camera will adds a cartoon effect to your photo result.

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How to use cartoon mode?
As written on, to do so kindly following the steps below:
  1. Open Camera app from the Home screen. If your Home screen does not have a camera icon, you can access it from the app launcher.
  2. Tap the shooting mode or the square symbol icon located to in the left side of the viewfinder screen.
  3. On the pop up menu select Cartoon mode.
  4. Tap the camera icon to take a photo.
  5. Tap the thumbnail icon to view your photo.
  6. Tap the Back key to return to the camera.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to take a picture using cartoon mode.

Well, by knowing how to use cartoon mode, now you can take a picture with a cartoon effect. So try this simple tips then share your thought here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Select Network Mode

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can select its network manually or automatically according to your need and situations. When you choose to use automatically option means that your phone will automatically select preferred network. While if you choose manually option means that you will be able to choose its network on your own.

See also: How to Select Network Automatically or Manually in Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to select its network, you can also choose which network mode that you wish to use on your phone, such as: 3G and or GSM. But, note that your choice may depends on the data speed that you can Achieve.

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How to choose network mode?
As written on, to select the network mode on your Galaxy SIII kindly following the easy steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Mobile networks.
  5. Tap Network mode.
  6. Now you phone's screen will display a pop-up menu that contains the network mode option that you can use on your phone, such as GSM/WCDMA (Auto mode), GSM only or WCDMA only. If the dot indicator next to the network mode option shows green means this option is selected.
  7. Finish. Now your phone will use your selected network mode.

Well, by knowing on how to choose network mode, now you can set it according to your needs. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Check Software Information

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can do almost everything with ease, including to check any information about this devices such as its IMEI number or your own phone number.

See also: How to Find My Phone Number on Samsung Galaxy S3

Here you can also check your device's software information with ease. It will useful for you if you want to know about your Android version or your phone's model number for any purposes.

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How to check software information?
As written on, to do so kindly following the easy steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap About device.
  4. Now your phone's screen will display information about the model number, Android version, baseband version, kernel version and build number.

It's so easy and simple to do, right? By knowing on how to check your phone's software information, now you can find it in 4 simple steps then use the required information according to your needs. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete Email Account

One of the useful ability owned by Samsung Galaxy SIII is its ability to check and send email whenever you want. Here you can also add one or more email accounts in order to use them directly through the phone.

See also: How to Add POP3 Email Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to adding the email, here you can also delete one or more your email account that you added previously. But, note that once you delete an email account, then associated contacts, calendar and all email messages in this account will also be removed.

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How to delete added email account?
As written on, if you want to do so then kindly following the steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Email, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On the pop up menu select Settings.
  5. To delete an added email account tap Delete button or the trash symbol located on the top right corner of your phone's screen.
  6. Here you can select which email account you want to delete by tapping on the required email account.
  7. Tap the Delete button.
  8. Confirm the account that you want to delete by tapping Delete button.
  9. Done. The email account has been successfully removed from your phone.

Well, you may want to delete one of your e-mail account if you already do not want to use it again, but this method also can be used if the account are having problems, you can remove it then add it again. So, hope this articles useful for all of you :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Send Text Message to Multiple Recipients

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can send text and multimedia messages easily by using the regular way or use the easy text features. In addition, you can also create text message templates that will facilitate you when you are often sending a text message to a lot of people with a similar format.

See also: How to Create Text Message Template on Samsung Galaxy S3

By using this phone you can also send a text message to multiple recipients at once. It would be useful if you want to convey the news through text message to multiple people at one time without having to send them one by one.

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How to send SMS to multiple recipients?
As written on, to do so kindly following the easy steps below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Messaging, then tap on it.
  3. Tap the New Message icon to compose new text message.
  4. Tap in the Enter recipient field.
  5. Enter the first recipient's phone number.
  6. Tap ; keys.
  7. Enter the second recipient's phone number.
  8. Repeat the previous step to add more recipient's phone number.
  9. Tap the Enter message field. Here you can type your message you want to send.
  10. Tap the Send icon to send your text message.
  11. Finish. Now your text message will send to all recipient you spesified before.

Well, by knowing on how to send a text message to more than one recipient, now you are able to preach the big news to some people just in one go. So, try this useful tips then share your experience here through the comment below :)