Samsung Galaxy S3: How to See Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Easter Egg Animation

In addition comes with 'real useful' features, the Samsung Galaxy SIII also comes with some fun features, such as you can hear and see the ripple effect or drop water sound effect whenever you unlock the phone or touching the screen.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Ripple Effect on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another fun features that you can find after upgrading your phone to the latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is an Easter egg animation. This of course has no real function, but it will be a fun little thing to play from time to time.

How to see Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Easter egg animation?
To do so kindly follow the simple steps listed below:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Scroll to About Phone, then tap it.
  3. Scroll to Android version, then tap it rapidly until you see the picture of the Android 4.1 Jelly bean and the big bean on the screen.
  4. Long tap in the middle of the screen to fill the screen with more Jelly Beans which you can throw them around using your finger.

It's so fun to play with, right? So, have you ever tried this Easter egg animation on your beloved Samsung Galaxy SIII with the Android Jelly Bean inside?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Customize Power Saving Settings

To prevent your Samsung Galaxy SIII encountering poor battery life issue or quickly drained, then enabling power saving mode is one way to save a battery a little better.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Power Saving on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've enabled this option, then your phone will do some adjustments in order to consume less battery, such as by decreasing the brightness of the display, limit some system resource usage, decrease the brightness of the background colour when using Email and Internet and disable haptic feedback. You can customize all of them through the options available under power saving menu.

How to customize power saving options?
Below are the steps to find options under power saving that you can customize according to your needs to save more battery:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Make sure you've enabled Power saving menu to make you be able accessing the power saving options.
  3. Tap Power saving.
  4. Now you'll see five options available, they are:
    • CPU power saving: Enable this option to limit the maximum CPU performance.
    • Screen power saving: Enable this option to make your phone using low power level for the screen.
    • Background colour: Enable this option to change the background color when using Email and Internet to save the power as much as possible.
    • Turn off haptic feedback: Enable this option to prevent the phone vibrating when the Menu key, Back key is touched and when you press and hold the Power key or the Home key in order to conserve more battery consumption.
    • Learn about power saving: Tap this option to view information for saving battery power.
  5. Enable the option that you wants. When the checkbox next the option is ticked means the option is turned on.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

All the options that you have seen under power settings menu is designed to help your phone to consume less power which means enabling the option will be able to prolong your battery life and avoid it to face poor battery life issue in the near future. But, this will also prevent the phone to deliver a best performance due to the phone using the power under the standard level.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Power Saving

Big screen and a bunch of features owned by Samsung Galaxy SIII sometimes end up you to face the problem with the poor battery life. Well, in order to prevent it and to prolong your battery life, there are some tips and tricks to do, such as altering your display's colour profile by using the different screen mode available to save a battery a little better.

See also: How to Change Screen Mode on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another thing that you can do to prolong your battery life is by using power saving mode. This mode will make the phone to use low power lever for the screen, limit the maximum CPU performance, change the background color in Email and Internet to be able saving the power as much as possible and also turn off haptic feedback.

How to turn on or off power saving mode?
To do so, kindly do as follows:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap it.
  3. Depending on your current settings, slide the slider next to Power saving option to enable or disable this option. When the slider is in the right side or shows green means this option is turned on.
  4. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By default, this option is turned off due to enabling this option may decreasing your experience while using this phone. Some of users also said that they were encountering some problems when they're enabling this option. So, if saving the battery is your main issue then may it worth for you to try, but if you feels this option start giving you some troubles then you can leave it by default to stay turned off.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Calculator Application

Samsung Galaxy SIII has come with some pre-loaded applications which means you can directly use them without having to install them by yourself. One of pre-loaded apps available in this phone is video player apps which will allow you to play the video files.

See also: How to Use Video Player Application on Samsung Galaxy S3

Still with the pre-loaded apps, calculator apps is also one of them. You can use it to perform calculation as when you do with the regular calculator.

How to use calculator apps?
To do some calculation using this apps, kindly do as follows:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Calculator.
  3. Hold your phone in the portrait view to use this apps performing the basic calculation, or rotate the phone to the landscape view to use this apps as scientific calculator. But, if you want to use it as scientific calculator only, no matter how you viewing this phone, then tap the Menu key then select Scientific calculator.
  4. Tap the arrow down icon above the virtual keyboard to expand the screen and viewing your calculation history.
  5. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Calculator apps is one of the common application that available in almost all the smartphones. This apps will be able to substitute the regular calculator and of course will also be able to facilitate your calculating activity.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Show Desk Home Screen Without Using Dock

Samsung Galaxy SIII has come with a removable battery that will allow you to replace it with other when it's broken or start giving you some troubles.

See also: How to Insert and Remove Battery on Samsung Galaxy S3

In order to make your phone always ready for use, you should regularly charged the battery even it's not already completely flat. While you're charging the battery, there is an option inside this phone which will allow you to display desk Home screen. By using this option, the phone will display a calendar, clock, local weather and some of multimedia shortcuts.

How to display desk Home screen sans dock?
To display desk Home screen while charging or when the phone is placed in the third-party smartphone stand with a separate charger, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Clock.
  3. Swipe the screen to the left, then tap Desk clock tab.
  4. Tap the full screen icon located at the top right corner of the screen to view the desk Home screen in full screen.

When you have the screen saver enabled on your phone, usually in a minute or so it will come and replace the desk Home screen. If you want your phone to display the desk Home screen again, then just tap the Back button.

Samsung Galaxy S3 How to Enable or Disable Auto-Punctuate

As we all know that the virtual keyboard on Samsung Galaxy SIII has equipped with some options, such as character preview to make your phone displays a big char bubble whenever you touch a key on the virtual keyboard.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Character Preview on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another options available on this keyboard is auto-punctuate. By enabling this option, you'll set the phone to automatically insert a full stop by tapping the space bar twice.

How to turn on or off auto punctuation?
If you want to enable or disable this option, then kindly do as follows:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap Language and input.
  3. Ensure the Samsung keyboard is enabled, then tap gear icon next to Samsung keyboard option to enter the settings screen.
  4. Tap Advanced.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Auto-punctuate to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is turned on.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Basically, all the options available in the virtual keyboard on this phone has designed to facilitate your typing activity, including with the auto punctuation option. So, you can use some or all of them to make you more easier while using the virtual keyboard.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Customize Video Player Settings

You can watching your favourite videos directly through your Samsung Galaxy SIII by using the stock video player application available inside this phone. You can also utilizing some options available while you're watching the video, such as rewind, pause, stop, etc.

See also: How to Use Video Player Applications on Samsung Galaxy S3

As another apps, you can also customizing this apps through the options available under its settings, such as adjust the brightness or set to auto play the next video, etc.

How to customize video player settings?
Below are the steps to do to customize available options under video player application settings:
  1. Go to Apps through the Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Video player, then tap it.
  3. Select the required video you want to watch.
  4. To access the settings, tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  5. Now you'll see some options available there, such as:
    • Video brightness: use this option to adjust the brightness of the display while you're watching the video.
    • Auto play next: use this option to set the video player to auto play the next video.
    • Play speed: use this option to change the playback speed.
    • SoundAlive: use this option to select a sound effect.
    • Subtitles: use this option to customize the settings for a subtitle file.
    • Colour tone: use this option to select a color tone.
    • Outdoor visibility: use this option to improve the display's contrast to better use under a bright sunlight.
  6. Tap Back button to return to the video player screen.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By knowing the options available under video player settings and what's the function on each of them, now you can customizing this apps according to your need and desires.