Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Delete Multimedia Messages

As we have learned before, when you've read MMS you have a number of options available, one of them is you can forward the message to the contact you want.

See also: How to Forward Multimedia Messages on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to forward the message, another option available is delete the message. This of course will help you to free up your phone's space and remove unwanted messages.

How to delete MMS?
Here's the steps you need to do to delete MMS:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap the required sender.
  4. Tap and hold the required MMS you wish to delete until a pop up menu is displayed on your screen.
  5. On pop up menu select Delete message.
  6. Tap OK button to confirm delete message.
  7. Finish. Now the selected message will be deleted.

Well, by knowing on how to delete multimedia messages on your Galaxy SIII, now you can remove any unwanted message to free up the space. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Forward Multimedia Messages

In Samsung Galaxy SIII you can write text or multimedia message with ease through stock messaging apps or you can use third-party messaging apps available on the market today. You can also forward received text messages to the contact you want.

See also: How to Forward Text Messages on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to forward text messages, in this phone you can also forward received multimedia messages with ease to the contact you want.

How to forward MMS?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Messaging.
  3. Tap and hold the required MMS you wish to forward until a pop up menu is displayed on your screen.
  4. On pop up menu select Forward.
  5. Key in the first letter of the required contact in the Enter recipient field. Now the match contacts are displayed.
  6. Tap the required contact.
  7. Tap Send icon to send the message.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to forward multimedia message to the selected contact.

By knowing on how to forward MMS on your Galaxy SIII, now you can send received multimedia message to the contact you want. So, Hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Live Wallpaper on Home Screen

In addition to use picture available on Samsung wallpapers as your Home screen background image, you can also set your own photo as your wallpaper.

See also: How to Change Home Screen Background Image Using Your Own Pictures on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more way you can use to change Home screen background image is by using image available on Live wallpaper.

How to set live wallpaper?
Here the steps you need to do to set live wallpaper:
  1. Tap and hold on the blank area on your Home screen until you see a pop up menu displayed on your screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Home screen.
  3. On 'Select wallpaper from' menu select Live wallpapers.
  4. Now you will see available live wallpapers, Choose the one you wish to use as your Home screen background image by tap the required picture.
  5. Tap Set wallpaper button.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to change your background image using live wallpaper.

By knowing on how to set live wallpaper as your Home screen background image, now you can make your Home screen alive and interesting. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add, Delete and Move Shortcut on Home Screen

In Samsung Galaxy SIII, you can add apps or widgets you wish to use then place them on your Home screen or delete some of them if you no longer need them. You can do all these things with ease.

See also: How to Add and Delete Applications or Widgets on Samsung Galaxy S3 Home Screen

Fortunately, here you can also organize display shortcut with ease. You can add the new shortcut you wish to use, delete shortcut and move their position wherever you want.

How to add, delete and move shortcut?
You can do all these things by following the steps listed below:
  1. To add new shortcut:
    • Go to Apps through Home screen.
    • Tap and hold the required shortcut you wish to add to the Home screen.
    • Drag shortcut to the required position, release for placing it.
  2. To delete shortcut, tap and hold the required shortcut you wish to delete then drag the shortcut to the Delete icon. Release when you finish.
  3. To move shortcut, tap and hold the required shortcut you wish to move then drag the shortcut to the required position. Release for placing it.

It's so easy and simple to do. By knowing on how to organize display shortcut, now you can add a useful shortcut, delete shortcut and move them to the position you like. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment here :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Home Screen Background Image Using Your Own Pictures

You can change your Home screen background image from several option available, one of them is you can use Samsung wallpaper. Here you can choose the one that you wish to use.

See also: How to Change Home Screen Background Image on Samsung Galaxy S3 Using Samsung Wallpapers

In addition to use Samsung wallpaper, you can also set your own photo as your background image. This option of course will provide you more option about which picture that you wish to use.

How to set your own pictures as Home screen background image?
If you want to use your own photo as your background image of your Home screen, then you can follow the steps below:
  1. Tap and hold on the blank area on your Home screen until you see a pop up menu displayed on your screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Home screen.
  3. On 'Select wallpaper from' menu select Gallery.
  4. Go to the required folder where you save your photo you wish to use.
  5. Tap the required background image you wish to use.
  6. Here you can crop the picture to find the proper size and position.
  7. Once you've finished, save your changes by tap Done button located on the upper right corner.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to change your background image using your own photo.

Well, by knowing on how to set your own pictures as wallpaper on your Galaxy SIII, now you can set your background image with the picture you want. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Home Screen Background Image Using Samsung Wallpaper

Samsung Galaxy SIII comes with seven home screens that you can customize according to your wish and need. You can delete your existing Home screen then add the new one, you can also rearrange Home screen position and set which Home screen you wish to use as the default.

See also: How to Delete, Add, Arrange and Change Home Screen on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to the things mentioned above that you can customize, here you can also change your background image of your Home screen. You can choose the image you want to use from wallpaper, gallery or live wallpaper.

How to set Samsung wallpaper as Home screen background image?
If you want to use Samsung wallpaper as your background image of your Home screen, then you can follow the steps below:
  1. Tap and hold on the blank area on your Home screen until you see a pop up menu displayed on your screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Home screen.
  3. On 'Select wallpaper from' menu select Wallpapers.
  4. Now you will see available Samsung wallpaper, Choose the one you wish to use as your Home screen background image by tap the required picture.
  5. Tap Set wallpaper.
  6. Finish. Now you have managed to change your background image using Samsung wallpaper.

Well, by knowing on how to set wallpaper using Samsung wallpaper available on your Galaxy SIII, now you can set your background image with the picture you want. So, try this then share your experience here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Barring Password

In Samsung Galaxy S3 you can restrict certain types of incoming or outgoing calls by turned on call barring settings. To make a change on you call barring settings, you will be prompted to enter 4 digit barring password.

See also: How to Set Call Barring Settings on Samsung Galaxy S3

If it's your first time and you never change your barring password, then the default is 0000. But, for security reason and else, you may want to change your current barring password with the new ones.

How to change barring password?
To change your current barring password, kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Call settings.
  5. Tap Additional settings.
  6. Tap Call barring.
  7. Tap Voice call.
  8. Tap the Menu key.
  9. On pop up menu select Change password.
  10. Tap on Old password field then enter your current password. If you never change, the default is 0000.
  11. Tap on New password field then enter your new 4 digit barring password.
  12. Tap on Confirm password then enter your new 4 digit barring password again to confirm your new password.
  13. Tap OK button to save your changes.
  14. Finish. Now you have managed to change your barring password.

Well, by knowing on how to change your barring password, now you can change the old one with the new one for the security and your convenience reasons. So, hope it helps :)