Showing posts with label Gmail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gmail. Show all posts

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Add Google Account in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Before you can install any third-party app from the Google Play Store or use other Google-related apps(e.g: Gmail, Youtube, Maps, etc.), you have to add a Google account to your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge first.

How to add a Google account to Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge?
You can create a new Google account or use an existing one. As the example, we'll try adding an existing Google account by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from a Google-related app.

Method #1: From the settings menu
You can add an existing Google account via the settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. While the screen is unlocked, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to the Personal section and then tap Accounts.
  3. Tap Add account.
  4. Tap Google.
  5. Enter your existing Google email address and then tap Next button.
  6. Enter your Gmail password and then tap Next button.
  7. In the Term of Services and Privacy Policy screen, tap Accept button to continue.
  8. In the Google services screen, the backup feature is enabled by default. You need to scroll down the screen and then tap Next button to continue.
  9. In the Set up payment info screen, you can set up the desired payment method, but if you'd like to set it up later, you can select No thanks and then tap Continue button.
  10. Your existing Google account has been successfully added to your phone.

Method #2: From a Google-related app
As the example, we'll add an existing Google account via Gmail app by using the following steps:
  1. Open Gmail app. If you have not added a Google account yet, you'll see a Welcome to Gmail screen. Tap Skip button at the bottom left corner.
  2. Tap Add an email address.
  3. Select Google and then tap Next button.
  4. Enter your existing Google email address and then tap Next button.
  5. Enter your Gmail password and then tap Next button.
  6. In the Term of Services and Privacy Policy screen, tap Accept button to continue.
  7. In the Google services screen, the backup feature is enabled by default. You need to scroll down the screen and then tap Next button to continue.
  8. In the Set up payment info screen, you can set up the desired payment method, but if you'd like to set it up later, you can select No thanks and then tap Continue button.
  9. Your existing Google account has been successfully added to your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Change Signature in Gmail App in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

Gmail for Android app lets you append a signature text to every email message you send from your phone. By doing so, the information you have entered as the signature will be inserted automatically at the bottom of every outgoing email message.

How to change signature of an account in Gmail app?
As a note, if you have added multiple accounts in your Gmail app, you can create a unique signature for each account by using the following steps:
  1. Open Gmail app. I use Gmail for Android version 5.1.90765967.
  2. Tap at the top left corner of the screen to open up the Gmail app menus.
  3. Scroll down the menus and then tap Settings.
  4. Tap the required account you want to change its signature.
  5. Tap Signature.
  6. Now, you can enter your own signature here. As the example, you can create your own signature by including your name, phone number or other information you want to include in your signature.
  7. Tap OK button.
  8. The signature of the selected account has been changed.

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Make Swiping Archive or Delete in Gmail App

When you're opening a Gmail message or selecting multiple Gmail messages, a set of quick icon will be displayed at the top action bar. By default they are Archive, Delete and Mark as Unread icon. And of course, you're allowed to change them, if you don't like with those default.

See also: How to Change Archive and Delete Actions in Gmail App in the Samsung Galaxy S4

FYI, selected option in the archive and delete actions will also change the swipe function in the conversation list. In other word, swipe a Gmail message in the conversation list will be deleting or archiving the message according to the selected option in the archive and delete actions. This option of course will allow you to easily delete or archive a Gmail message in the conversation list.

How to easily delete or archive a Gmail message?
I've tried this steps in Gmail version 4.7.2. Well, if you want to set a swipe to delete or archive a Gmail message, then kindly follow the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. To make swiping delete go to the step #5, while to make swiping archive go to the step #6.
  5. To make swiping delete:
    • Tap Archive & delete actions.
    • On pop up menu select Show delete only.
    • Check the box next to Swipe to delete to enable this option.
    • If you want Gmail app confirm you before deleting, scroll to the bottom and then check the box next to Confirm before deleting.
    • Now, when you swipe a Gmail message in conversation list, the message will be deleted and moved to the Bin folder.
  6. To make swiping archive:
    • Tap Archive & delete actions.
    • On pop up menu select either Show archive only or Show archive & delete.
    • Check the box next to Swipe to archive to enable this option.
    • If you want Gmail app confirm you before archiving, scroll to the bottom and then check the box next to Confirm before archiving.
    • Now, when you swipe a Gmail message in conversation list, the message will be archived and moved to the All mail folder.
  7. No matter what the archive and delete actions option you have chosen, if you clear the checkbox next to Swipe to archive or Swipe to delete, the message in the conversation list will be opened when you swiped it.

So, if you often delete a Gmail message rather than archive it or vice versa, now you can set your Gmail app to delete or archive a Gmail message when you swipe it in the conversation list. So, how about you? Which swipe function do you like to use? Swiping delete or swiping archive?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Archive and Delete Actions in Gmail App

Once you've activated a Google account, you'll be allowed to access Google services available in your phone. One of which is Gmail app that will allow you to send or receive email messages. By using this app, you're also be able to reply or forward a Gmail message.

See also: How to View, Reply or Forward Gmail Message in the Samsung Galaxy S4

If you noticed, when you're opening a Gmail message or selecting multiple Gmail messages, there's a set of quick icon displayed at the top action bar. By default they are Archive, Delete and Mark as Unread icon. But, if you don't like those default, you can change them by utilizing an option in Gmail settings called archive and delete actions.

How to change archive & delete actions in Gmail app?
FYI, I use Gmail version 4.7.2. Well, below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. Tap Archive & delete actions.
  5. You'll see three options available, they are:
    • Show archive only: select this option if you wish to display Archive, Mark as Unread and Move to icon.
    • Show delete only: select this option if you wish to display Delete, Mark as Unread and Move to icon.
    • Show archive & delete: select this option if you wish to display Archive, Delete and Mark as unread icon.
  6. Select the desired archive & delete actions option you wish to use.
  7. Now,  the top action bar in an opened Gmail message or when you multi select Gmail messages will display a set of quick icon according to the archive and delete actions option you've just selected.

By knowing how to change quick icon displayed at the top action bar in a Gmail message, now you can set it according to your need. As the example, because I often delete Gmail messages then I choose to use an option which will display a delete icon in Gmail message. So, how about you? Which option do you like to use?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Select Multiple Gmail Messages when the Sender Image is Enabled or Disabled

Gmail app is an email service provided by Google that's become one of the stock apps in the Samsung Galaxy SIV. This app will allow you to check, send or receive email messages directly from your phone. To access this app, make sure you have had activated a Google account on your phone.

See also: How to Create and Send a Gmail Message with or without Attachment in the Samsung Galaxy S4

For those of you who often use email messages to communicate with others, surely you've ever found your inbox filled with lot of email messages. If so, deleting unimportant or unused email messages would be one way that you can do. To make you more easier to do so, you can select multiple Gmail messages first and then delete them all. There are two methods available to select multiple Gmail messages depend on how you set the sender image option in your Gmail app.

How to enable or disable sender image?
Sender image is a box located in the left side of each Gmail message. If the email sender has been added in your contacts app and it has contact's picture then the sender image will display contact's picture. If not, the sender image will display the first letter of the sender's name. If you don't know how to turn on or off sender image, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. Depending on your current settings, tap Sender image to enable or disable this option. When the box next to this option is ticked means the option is turned on.

How to select multiple Gmail messages when sender image is turned on?
If you decide to turn on sender image, then you can make multiple selection in Gmail app by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the sender image of a Gmail message you wish to select. The sender image will be replaced with the Check mark icon as a sign that the message has been selected.
  3. To make multiple selection, tap another sender image next to another Gmail message.
  4. Now, when Gmail messages are selected, you can utilize some option available, such as delete them all or move them to certain folder, etc.

How to select multiple Gmail messages when sender image is turned off?
While if you turn off sender image in Gmail app, then you can make multiple selection by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Long tap the desired Gmail message you wish to select. The message will be highlighted with a blue color as a sign that the message has been selected.
  3. Single tap another Gmail message to make multiple selection.
  4. Now, when Gmail messages are selected, you can utilize some option available, such as delete them all or move them to certain folder, etc.

If you're like me, I prefer to enable sender image in my Gmail app. It makes my inbox more colorful and makes me more easier to know who the sender image is by seeing the contact's picture displayed in there. It also makes me more easier to select multiple Gmail messages compared if I do so when the sender image is turned off. So, how about you? Do you enable or disable sender image in your Gmail app?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to View, Reply and Forward an Email Message in Gmail App

If you have had activated a Google account in your Samsung Galaxy SIV, then you'll be allowed to use it to access another Google services available in your phone. One of which is Gmail app that will allow you to send an email message with or without attachment, either to another Gmail users or to another email-services users. This of course will helpful, especially for those of you who often use an email message to communicate with others.

See also: How to Create and Send Email Messages with or without Attachment using Gmail App in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Aside from sending email messages, you can also utilize this app to receive email messages. When you have an incoming email message, you'll be presented with some options available, such as read, reply or forward the message.

How to view a Gmail message?
FYI, Gmail app has 3 inbox folders, they are Primary, Social and Promotions. But, by default, when you're opening Gmail app, you'll be redirected to the Primary inbox folder. Well, as the example, here are the step to view an email message in the Primary inbox folder:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. In the Primary inbox, tap the desired email message you wish to read.
  3. The selected email message will be opened to allow you to read it.
  4. If you wish to read email message in social and promotions inbox folder, while you're in the Gmail's main page, swipe the screen from left to the right and then under Inbox section tap Social or tap Promotions.

How to reply Gmail message?
If you wish to reply an email message to its original sender, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the desired email message you wish to reply.
  3. Tap Reply icon to reply email message.
  4. Write your message in the Compose email field.
  5. Tick the box next to QUOTED TEXT if you wish to quote the original message into your message. Or, tap RESPOND IN-LINE to include the original message into your message.
  6. Tap Send email message button at the top right corner of the screen.
  7. Your reply will be sent.

How to forward Gmail message?
If you wish to forward an email message to another email recipient, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the desired email message you wish to forward.
  3. Tap the Three dot icon then select Forward.
  4. Enter the email recipient in the To field.
  5. Write your message in the Compose email field. 
  6. Tap RESPOND IN-LINE to include the original message into your message.
  7. Tap Send email message button at the top right corner of the screen.
  8. Your forwarded email will be sent.

By utilizing some options available in an email message in Gmail app, now you can easily read an email message and then if necessary you can reply the message to the original sender or forward it to another email recipient. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Attach Any File Types into Email Message in Gmail App

Samsung Galaxy SIV has comes with some pre-installed apps to meet the basic needs of the users. One of which is Gmail app which will let you to send or receive email message with others. This ability of course will make you more easier to communicate with others by using email messages. Moreover, this app also has the default ability to allow you to attach picture and video files into your Gmail message.

See also: How to Create and Send Email Message With or Without Attachment Using Gmail App in Samsung Galaxy S4

However, in certain case, you might want to send another file types other than the picture or video files by attaching them into your email message. Indeed, by default Gmail app only allows you to attach picture and video files, but with the help of the third-party File Manager app, now you have the ability to attach any file types into your Gmail messages.

How to attach any file types into Gmail message?
There are several third-party File Manager app available in the Google Play Store, but as the example we'll use the popular one, ES File Explorer app. Well, here are the steps:
  1. Download install ES File Explorer app from the Play Store and then follow the on-screen instruction to complete the installation.
  2. Now, open Gmail app.
  3. Tap Create new email button.
  4. Type the required contact and the subject of the email message in the provided field.
  5. Type your email message in the Compose email field.
  6. Tap the Menu key and then feel free to select either Attach picture or Attach video.
  7. Tap ES File Explorer.
  8. Navigate to the folder where the files you wish to send is saved.
  9. Choose the way you want to use to attach the file. There are two options available that you can choose the one that best suit your need. They are:
    • Normal Android Way (For MMS, Gmail,...)
    • File Way (Try this if above fails)
  10. The selected file will be attached and the email message is ready to be sent by tapping the Send button.

In certain case, utilizing the third-party app to complete the ability of the stock app will be useful to help you optimizing the app performance. And also, by knowing this steps, now you're free to attach any file types into your Gmail message and then send the email to the contact you want. Well, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Create and Send Email Message With or Without Attachment Using Gmail App

Once you activate your Google account on your Samsung Galaxy SIV, then you will be able to use it to access all Google services available in your phone. The most frequently accessed of the Google services is the Google Play Store which is the official market for all Android smartphone. You can use your Google account to access the Play Store, search the desired apps--either the paid version or the free one-- and then install them to your phone.

See also: How to Download and Install Free Apps from the Google Play Store on Samsung Galaxy S4

Aside from the Play Store, another Google services which may be frequent you use is Gmail app. This app will let you to send or receive email messages, with or without attachment inside it. This of course will useful if you're the one who often use email messages to communicate with each others.

How to create and send email message with or without attachment using Gmail app?
Assuming that you already activate your Google account and have an internet connection, then below are the steps to use Gmail app to create and send an email message, either with the attachment or not:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Gmail.
  3. If this is the first time you use this app, then you'll be presented with the sync settings associated with your Gmail account. You can either to choose to tap Sync now button to start syncing your Gmail right now, or tap Change sync settings button to change your sync settings. Feel free to tap Sync now button.
  4. Wait until the sync process is completed.
  5. Now, tap Create new email button to compose new email message.
  6. Type the required contact you wish to send the email with in the To field. When you type the first letter and there are contacts which is match with it then all matching contacts will be displayed and you're able to tap one of them as your email recipient.
  7. Type the subject of your email in the Subject field.
  8. Write your own email message in the Compose email field.
  9. If you wants to attach picture or video into your email message, then tap the Menu key and select Attach picture to attach picture files into your email message or tap Attach video to attach video files into your email message. Choose the required picture or video files you wish to attach.
  10. Tap Send button to send your email message.

By default, you're only allowed to attach picture or video files into your email message while you use the Gmail app. But, you can improve your ability to attach any file types into your Gmail email message by utilizing third-party File manager app which we'll discuss in the next post. So, stay tuned here to know the complete steps to do so :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Select Multiple Email Messages in Gmail App

One of the feature available on Gmail app is the sender image which is display the sender's picture if available or the first letter of the sender's name in the left side of each email message. This feature will help you more easier and faster to know the email sender without having to read the sender's name first. By default, this option is enabled. But, if you don't want to use this feature, you can easily turn them off through the settings.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Sender Image in Gmail App in Samsung Galaxy S3

For the record, if you change this option, this will also change the way you do to make multiple selection in this app. So, depend on how you set the sender image option, there are two ways to select multiple email messages in the Gmail app as listed in the steps below:

Methods #1 : When the sender image is enabled
If you decide to leave this option to stay enable, then here's the step to make multiple selection:
  1. Open Gmail App.
  2. Tap the sender image to select the email message. You can see the image sender replaced by the check mark icon as a sign that the message has been selected.
  3. Tap another sender image in another email message to make multiple selection.
  4. Now you can do whatever you want with the selected email messages, such as delete all of them.

Method #2: When the sender image is disabled
In addition, if you decide to turn off this option, then here's the step to make multiple selection:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Long tap one of the email message you wish to select until the email message is highlighted as a sign that it has been selected.
  3. Tap another email messages you wish to select with a single tap to make multiple selection.
  4. Now you can do whatever you want with the selected email messages, such as delete all of them.

As each person has their different option which they can choose either to enable or disable the sender image, so by knowing both of the steps above to make multiple selection, now you can still do so no matter what the option you have been choose. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Sender Image in Gmail App

All of the Android-based smartphone users, including with the Samsung Galaxy SIII users of course have at least a single Google account in the phone. This account can be used to access Google Play store to allow the user to download contents from there or to access another Google services available in the device, such as Gmail app which can be used by the user to send or receive email messages.

See also: How to Compose and Send Email Message in Gmail App in Samsung Galaxy S3

As another apps, Gmail app also provide the user some improvement in each update, such as displaying sender image in the left of each incoming message. The sender image will make you more easier to know who sent you an email message without having to read the sender's name first. If the sender already added in the Contact app and have a picture enabled, then the sender image will display the picture. If not, the sender image will display the first letter of the sender's name.

How to enable or disable sender image in Gmail app?
Some of the user may be find the sender image is useful, but for others may not. So, if you want to enable or disable this option, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. According to your current settings, tap Sender image to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to the option is ticked means the option is turned on.

Well, by knowing the step, now you can set this option as you want. If you love the app to display the sender image, then you can leave it on. While if not, you can turn this option off to set back the inbox to looks like as the way the old Gmail app do to show the incoming email messages. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Get Back the Delete Button in Gmail App

In the Gmail app, you can find the mark as unread button as one of the icons available in the toolbar when you're opening an email message. You can use this button to mark an email message as unread so you can easily find it later by using the search function. For some peoples this will be very helpful to avoid the certain email message to lost among many other email messages, especially if they receive a lot of email messages every day.

See also: How to View Only Unread Email Message in Gmail App in Samsung Galaxy S3

Unfortunately, the mark as unread button makes the delete button no longer appears in the toolbar resulting you need to do the two steps to delete an email message. For some peoples who often use the delete button, this of course will impact them. Luckily, there's a simple tweak that you can do to bring back the trash can icon to the toolbar in Gmail app.

How to restore the delete button in the Gmail app?
Here are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. Tap Archive and delete actions.
  5. On pop up menu select Show delete only.
  6. Now, whenever you open an email message, the delete button will be available again in the toolbar.

Indeed, each person may have different options. So, if you don't mind if the delete button is replaced by the mark as unread button, then you don't need to perform these steps, but if you prefer to put the delete button back on the toolbar, then you can easily restore the button by using the steps above. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to View Only Unread Messages in the Gmail App

Mark as unread is one of the option available in the Gmail app. This option will allow you to mark the selected email message as unread, so you will be much more easier when you want to do something with them later, such as replying or forwarding an email message. This is certainly will useful to avoid the email message lost in hundred of your email messages, especially if you're the one who received a lot of emails every day.

See also: How to Mark an Email Message as Unread in Gmail App on Samsung Galaxy S3

In the other side, you might be disappointed to know that the Gmail app on your phone doesn't provide the options to show all unread messages. But, you don't need to worry, you still can do that by using a little trick by utilizing the search function in the Gmail app.

How to show all unread messages in the Gmail app?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Search icon.
  3. Type is:unread in:inbox in the search box and then tap the Search button.
  4. All unread messages in your Gmail inbox will be displayed.
  5. Tap the desired unread message to open it. From here you can do whatever you want with the email message, such as replying or forwarding the email message to the desired contact.

For the record, this step only show unread messages temporarily, so you have to do this steps each time you want to see all of your unread messages, but since all the search term are saved by the app so it will help you to do the same search more easier later. However, by knowing this simple trick, at least now you can easily display all unread messages in the Gmail app on your phone though there's no actual option to do so. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Mark an Email Message as Unread on Gmail App

Gmail is one of Google's services and is one of the stock app available in the Samsung Galaxy SIII, which means you can directly use this app once you activated your Google account on the phone. Such the other email apps, Gmail app also allows you to send and receive email messages.

See also: How to Compose and Send Email Message Using Gmail App on Samsung Galaxy S3

When you read an incoming email message in this app, there are some option available that you can utilize as your needs, such as mark an email message as unread. This option will help you to flag the message to avoid them lost between another email messages, so you will be much more easier when you want to answer them later or do something else with them.

How to mark as unread on Gmail app?
Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the required email message you wish to mark as unread.
  3. Tap the Mark as unread  icon located at the top of the Gmail app.
  4. The selected email message has been marked as unread.

By knowing the steps, now you can mark any email message you wants as unread on the Gmail app according to your needs. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Sync with Blackberry Contacts

Before Android smartphones dominate the market, you may have been familiar with the Blackberry smartphone. The ability to send and receive email at that time, as well as the Blackberry Messenger services (BBM) make this smartphone to get their own place. Now, when the smartphone market flooded with Android phones, lot of Blackberry users decide to migrate to Android smartphone, including the Samsung Galaxy SIII.

If you are one of Blackberry users who decide to migrate to the Samsung Galaxy SIII, you might also want to migrate the data from your Blackberry to your shiny Samsung Galaxy SIII. One of the important data you might want to migrate is the contacts. Luckily, you can easily transfer your Blackberry contacts to your new Samsung Galaxy SIII.

How to transfer Blackberry contacts to Samsung Galaxy S3?
Basically, there are 3 steps you need to do, first of all you need to export contacts from your Blackberry as .csv file, import .csv file into Gmail contacts and followed by syncing them with your phone. Well, here they are:
Export Blackberry contacts
  1. On your computer or laptop, open the Blackberry desktop software and connect the device.
  2. Click Organizer menu in the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the Configure settings button.
  4. On the pop-up window select the Address Book option , then in the following pop up windows select ASCII exporter/importer option to generate .csv contact files as this type of file is allowed to import on the Gmail contacts.
  5. Select One way sync from device, then save the file with .csv extension to export the contact to .csv file. Select the files as the targets and the setup will finish.
  6. Now you'll see in the Organizer menu the checkbox in the left side of the Address Book option is ticked.
  7. Click the Sync button located at the bottom right corner to start exporting.
  8. Click Yes button to confirm exporting contacts.
  9. The app will count the number of contact being exported, if the number is correct then click the Yes button to finish exporting.

Import exported .csv file into Gmail contacts
  1. On your computer launch the web browser by clicking the browser icon on the desktop or access it through the Start button then all programs.
  2. On the browser address bar type to navigate to Gmail and then sign in using your Google account associated with your device.
  3. On your Gmail, click Contacts.
  4. Click More.
  5. In the drop down menu select Import.
  6. Click Choose File to select the .csv file that you've just exported from your Blackberry.
  7. Click the Import button.
  8. Finish. Now, the .csv file has been imported into your Gmail contacts.
  9. Sign out from

Sync Gmail contacts with the Samsung Galaxy S3
  1. On your Galaxy SIII, go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Accounts and sync.
  4. Tap your Google account.
  5. Here you can choose what you would like to sync by ticking the checkbox next to the option or you can tick all the options displayed on your screen, then tap Sync now button to synchronize the contacts.
  6. Finish. Now your imported contacts Blackberry has been synced with your Galaxy SIII.
  7. If you have not activated your Google account on your phone, then you need to activate it first to allow your phone to sync your phone with your Gmail contacts.
    See also: How to Activate Google Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Well, by knowing these steps, now you can easily transfer your Blackberry contacts to your Samsung Galaxy SIII. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Sync with iPhone Contacts

Samsung Galaxy SIII is a great Android-based smartphone which offering modern looks and advanced features for their users. That's why no wonder if so many people end up deciding to choose this phone as their devices. Even, there are some cross-platform smartphone users, such as the iPhone users from Apple whom decided to switch to use the Samsung Galaxy SIII.

Well, if you're one of them, while you use iPhone as your device, you might have been familiar to use iCloud to backup your data, including your iPhone contacts. The good news, you can easily transfer your iPhone contacts that you already backup to iCloud to your Samsung Galaxy SIII .

How to transfer iPhone contacts from iCloud to your Samsung Galaxy S3?
First you need to export your iPhone contact as .vrf file then import this file into your Gmail contacts followed by syncing them with your phone. Well, here are the steps to do so:
On your PC or laptop
  1. Launch web browser by clicking the Browser icon on the desktop or access it through Start button then All program.
  2. On the browser address bar type to navigate to iCloud and then sign in using your Apple ID.
  3. Select Contacts.
  4. Click the Settings (cogwheel) icon located at the bottom left corner.
  5. On the pop up menu select the Select All option.
  6. Click the Settings (cogwheel) icon again and then on the pop up menu select Export to export contacts into a .vrf file.
  7. Sign out from
  8. Now, in the browser address bar type to navigate to Gmail and then sign in using your Google account associated with your device.
  9. On your Gmail, click Contacts.
  10. Click More.
  11. In the drop down menu select Import.
  12. Click Choose File to select the .vrf file that you've just exported from iCloud.
  13. Click the Import button.
  14. Finish. Now, the .vrf file has been imported into your Gmail contacts.
  15. Sign out from

On your Samsung Galaxy S3
Follow the steps listed below to sync your Gmail contacts with your phone:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap Accounts and sync.
  3. Tap your Google account.
  4. Here you can choose what would you like to sync by ticking the checkbox next to the option or you can tick all the options displayed on your screen, then tap Sync now button to synchronize the contacts.
  5. Finish. Now your imported iPhone contacts has been synced with your Galaxy SIII.
  6. If you have not activated your Google account on your phone, then you need to activate it first to allow your phone to sync your Gmail contacts with your phone.
    See also: How to Activate Google Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

Well, after knowing the steps as mentioned above, now you can easily import your saved iPhone contacts in iCloud to your shiny Samsung Galaxy SIII. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Fix Couldn't Sign In Error in Gmail Applications

Gmail app is one of the stock apps available inside Samsung Galaxy SIII that you can use to send or receive email messages. The username and password of the Gmail account also can be use to login and using another Google services, such as Google Play Store, Youtube, etc.

See also: How to Send Email Messages Using Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

However, in certain condition you may have to open the same Gmail account on the web and change the password. Other times, you may noticed that your phone give you a notification of sign-in error when the Gmail account try to sync in the background resulting you can't login and using your Gmail account in Gmail app.

How to solve sign-in error on Gmail apps?
There are two ways available to fix the problem as listed below.
I. From the notification bar
After you've change the Gmail password on the web, when the Gmail app in the phone try to sync then you should see a exclamation sign in the notification bar. If so, do as follows:
  1. Pull down the notification bar.
  2. Tap the sign-in error message.
  3. Now you should see a Re-type password screen which will allow you to enter your new Gmail password.
  4. If the password you have entered is correct, then you should be able to login to your Gmail account.

II. From the Gmail app
If you encountering this error but don't see a sign-in error message in notification bar or you may have accidentally cleared them, then you can fix this problem through the Gmail app by following the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through the Home screen.
  2. Tap Gmail.
  3. Tap Sync button.
  4. Now you should see Couldn't sign in error message appears with the SIGN-IN link.
  5. Tap the SIGN-IN link.
  6. Now you should see a screen which will allow you to enter your new Gmail password.
  7. If the password you've entered is correct, then you should be able to login and use your Gmail account in your phone.

Well, these are two possible ways that you can do to fix the sign-in error message on your Gmail apps due to password changes. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Google Play Store

Samsung Galaxy SIII has the ability to manage multiple email account you've added into this phone, including with the Google Account. You can easily add the new Google account or activate another existing Google account through the Gmail apps.

See also: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to add another Google account through Gmail apps, you can also add another Google account through the Google Play Store.

How to add another Google account via the Play Store Apps?
Below are the complete steps you need to do:
  1. Open Play Store apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap Account.
  4. Tap Add account button.
  5. Now you'll see two option available, they are:
    • Existing: tap this option to add another existing Google account.
    • New: tap this option to add new Google account.
  6. Tap the required option you wish to use then follow the on screen instructions.
  7. Once you've done the steps, the new Google account will be added and can be use to access Play Store and another Google services.
  8. To access the Play Store using the second Google account, tap Account (the steps #3) then select the desired Google account you wish to use to access Google Play Store.

By knowing this steps, now you can add multiple Google account to your phone through Play Store apps and will be able to use each of them to download and install apps from there and also using another Google services available on your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Gmail Signature

If you're the same with me, you may have more than one Google account for any purpose, for instance you may use one of them as your private account and another one as the account use to work. Luckily, the Samsung Galaxy SIII allows the user to add multiple Google account and able to manage them well. You can add multiple Google account through several methods, one of which is through the Gmail apps.

See also: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

If you usually use Gmail account through your Galaxy SIII, you may noticed that whenever you compose the email message, by default there are words said "Sent from Samsung Mobile" at the bottom of the message. You can either leave it or change it using your own signature.

How to change Gmail signature?
If you want to remove "Sent from Samsung Mobile" signature, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Open Gmail apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap the desired Gmail account you wish to change its signature.
  4. Tap Signature.
  5. Type your new signature in the signature field.
  6. Tap OK button to save the changes.
  7. The Gmail signature has been changed.

Well, once you've changed the signature, now whenever you send the email message through the Gmail account on your phone, then the signature at the bottom of the message will display your own signature, no longer Send from Samsung Mobile. You can also decided not to use signature on your Gmail account by letting the signature field stay blank. For your note, this signature will only applies on your outgoing email messages sent through this phone.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Switch Between Google Accounts on the Google Play Store

The ability to manage multiple email accounts, including Gmail account owned by the Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the reason why the user choose this phone as their device. By using this phone, you can add more than one of your Google account. You can do this easily through the Gmail apps.

See also: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've added another Google account, then you'll be able to use each of them to access and using another Google services, such as Youtube, Google Play Store, etc. You'll also be able to determine which the account you wish to use when you want to download and install apps from the Play Store.

How to switch Gmail accounts on the Play Store apps?
Here are the complete steps to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through the Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Play Store, then tap it.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Accounts.
  5. Now you'll see all the added Gmail accounts that you can choose one of them you wish to use.

By knowing how to change the Gmail account on the Play Store apps, now you can determine which one you like to use to download the contents. This also will useful if you want to separate your purchases for any purpose.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps

Google Play Store is the official market for Android phone, including Samsung Galaxy SIII. In order to make you be able to download and install apps from Google Play Store or accessing another Google services, such as Youtube, Google+ , etc, then first you need to create new Gmail account or activate an existing Gmail account into your phone.

See also: How to Activate a Google Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

As with another email account, this phone also allows you to add another Gmail account. These accounts will be sync with the web based Gmail and everything you do in the phone will be reflected in there.

How to add another Gmail account?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gmail apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap Add account button at the top right corner.
  4. Now you'll see two options available on the pop up menu, they are:
    • Existing: tap this option to activate another existing Gmail account.
    • New: tap this option to create another new Gmail account.
  5. Tap the required option you wish to use then follow the on screen instructions.
  6. Once you've done the steps, the new Gmail account will be added, activated and ready to use.
  7. Tap the email address at top of the screen to switch between these Gmail accounts then select the required Gmail account you wish to check.

For the record, you can use the second or so Gmail accounts to access and use another Google services, for instance you can change the Gmail account you wish to use on the settings page of the Play Store or Youtube. So, hope this helps :)