Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Reset App Preferences in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

If restarting the phone and performing clear app cache or clear app data couldn't fix error when using app, reset app preferences can be the next alternative way to fix the error since it'll handle other possibilities that may cause the error, such as: re-enable all disabled apps, re-enable all disabled apps notifications, clear all default apps, clear all background data restrictions for apps and clear all permission restrictions.

How to reset app preferences?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. With the settings menu is displayed in grid view, scroll down to the Applications section and then tap Application manager .
  3. In the Downloaded tab, tap or long press the Recent apps key to open up the additional options and then select Reset app preferences.
  4. Tap Reset apps button to continue the process.
  5. Once the process is completed, if needed you can restart your phone before retrying the app.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Move Downloaded Apps From SD Card Back to Device Storage in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

Samsung Galaxy S5 has several features that can be used to help you keep your device storage has enough free space so that your phone can work properly and doesn't encounter any error caused by low internal storage, one of those features is the ability to move downloaded apps to the SD card. It'll be helpful especially if you have a lot of downloaded apps in your phone. However, certain app may not work properly after it has been moved to the SD card. So, if you're encountering this issue, you can try to fix it by moving the app back to the device storage.

How to move a downloaded app from the SD card back to the device storage?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. With the settings menu is displayed in grid view, scroll down to the Applications section and then select Application manager .
  3. Swipe the screen from the right to the left to access the SD CARD tab. All downloaded apps that can be moved to the SD card will be displayed here. FYI, if the checkbox in the right side of an app is checked means the app has been moved to the SD card.
  4. Tap the required app that you want to move from the SD card back to the device storage.
  5. Tap Move to device storage button.
  6. The selected application has been successfully moved from the SD card back to the device storage.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Adjust Bluetooth Visibility Timeout in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

You have to pair your Samsung Galaxy S5 with other Bluetooth-enabled device when you want to use Bluetooth to transfer files or share Internet connection. You can make the pairing process becomes easier by setting your device visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices. By default, your device is set to visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices for 2 minutes, or in other words, your device will be visible to paired devices only after 2 minutes. However, if needed, you can adjust your Bluetooth visibility timeout so that your device will be visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices more longer, even you can set your device to always visible as long as Bluetooth is turned on.

How to adjust Bluetooth visibility timeout?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. With the settings menu is displayed in grid view, scroll down to the Network connections section and then tap Bluetooth .
  3. If Bluetooth is off, tap the ON/OFF switch to turn it on.
  4. Tap or long press the Recent apps key to open up the additional options and then select Visibility timeout.
  5. Now, you can select from the following options:
    • 2 minutes: select this option to make your device visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices for 2 minutes.
    • 5 minutes: select this option to make your device visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices for 5 minutes.
    • 1 hour: select this option to make your device visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices for 1 hour.
    • Never timeout: select this option to make your device always visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices.
  6. The Bluetooth visibility timeout has been adjusted.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Use Torch Light in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

Samsung Galaxy S5 has a default widget named Torch which will let you use your phone as a flashlight to improve your visibility. This widget works by utilizing the LED flash below the rear camera to project a flashlight beam. You need to add the torch widget to your home screen first before you can use this widget to turn on or off the LED flash.

How to add the torch widget to home screen?
See the following steps to do so:
  1. While you're in home screen, long press the Recent apps key or long tap on a blank area of the home screen to go to the home screen edit page.
  2. Tap the Widgets icon at the bottom of the screen. It'll quickly bring you to the widgets list.
  3. Find the Torch 1x1 widget.
  4. Tap and hold the widget and then drag it to the home screen.
  5. Release the widget to place it in home screen.
  6. The torch widget has been added to home screen.

How to use the torch widget?
When you have added the torch widget in your home screen, you can use this widget to turn the LED flash on or off to improve your visibility. See the following steps as the example to use this widget:
  1. Turn on the flashlight
    Tap the torch widget icon in home screen to turn on the flashlight. The torch widget turns green and the white light icon appears on the status bar as a sign that the flashlight is on.
  2. Turn off the flashlight
    FYI, since this widget can't turn off automatically then you need to turn it off manually otherwise it will stay on even when the screen is locked or off. You can use one of the two following ways to turn off the flashlight:
    • From home screen
      Tap the torch widget icon in home screen to turn off the flashlight. The torch widget icon turns gray and the white light icon disappear from the status bar as a sign that the flashlight is off.
    • From the notification panel
      Swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap the torch notification to turn off the flashlight.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Get Back Kids Mode Installer in Home Screen in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

Some insiders have sent me emails and said that they had accidentally removed the kids mode installer icon from their home screens which made them couldn't install the kids mode app. FYI, since the kids mode installer is one of default widgets on the Samsung Galaxy S5 then you can easily get the kids mode installer icon back to your home screen simply by finding the kids mode widget from the widgets list and then add it to your home screen. Once done, you can use the kids mode installer icon that you have added to the home screen to install and configure the kids mode app.

How to add the kids mode widget to home screen?
Before doing this steps, make sure you have a free space on your home screen. Well, kindly use the following steps to re-add the kids mode widget to home screen:
1. While you're on home screen, long press the Recent apps key or long tap on a blank area of the home screen to go to the home screen edit page.
2. Tap Widgets icon at the bottom of the screen. It'll quickly bring you to the widgets list.
3. Find the Kids Mode 1x1 widget.
4. Tap and hold the widget and then drag it to the home screen.
5. Release the widget to place it.
6. Once done, tap the widget to install the kids mode. You can see the detail steps to install and configure the kids mode app here.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Add or Remove a City in Accuweather Widget in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

If you add your current city to the Accuweather widget, it'll help you to know the latest weather conditions in your city with ease. FYI, since this widget can handle more than one city, if needed you can also add another cities into the widget so that you can easily know the weather conditions in other cities directly from your home screen.

How to add a new city to the Accuweather widget?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Tap the Accuweather widget in your home screen.
  2. Tap to add a new city.
  3. Key in the city name in the search field and then tap to start searching.
  4. Tap the required city from the search result list.
  5. The selected city has been added to your Accuweather widget.
  6. Press the Home key to go to your home screen.
  7. To see the weather conditions in other cities you have added to the widget, swipe the Accuweather widget up or down.

How to remove a city from the Accuweather widget?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Tap the Accuweather widget in your home screen.
  2. Tap to see all of cities you have added to this widget.
  3. Tap or long press the Recent apps key to open up the additional options and then select Delete.
  4.  Select the required city you want to delete.
  5. Tap Done button.
  6. Tap OK button to confirm.
  7. The selected city has been deleted from the Accuweather widget.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Make Accuweather Widget Becomes Transparent in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

By default, the Accuweather widget on your home screen displays a picture in the background and it will change based on the current weather forecast. However, if you don't like the background picture, you can adjust the widget transparency in the widget settings menu so that the background picture of the widget will be invisible.

How to make the Accuweather widget becomes transparent?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Tap the Accuweather widget on your home screen.
  2. Tap or long press the Recent apps key to open up the additional options and then select Settings.
  3. Tap Widget transparency. By default, the widget transparency is set to 0%.
  4. Drag the widget transparency adjustment bar to the rightmost, or in other words, you have to adjust the widget transparency up to 100%. You'll get the preview when adjusting the widget transparency so that you'll get an idea how it might look like when the transparency has been adjusted.
  5. Press the Home key to go to your home screen and you'll see the Accuweather widget becomes transparent.