Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Lock Screen Shortcuts

There are some options available on Samsung Galaxy SIII which will allow you to customize your lock screen, such as showing Facebook information ticker, shows owner information, shows clock, etc.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Time Clock on Samsung Galaxy S3 Lock Screen

You can also customize your lock screen by displaying shortcuts to help you accessing the apps quickly through your lock screen when your phone is locked.

How to show shortcuts on lock screen?
If you wants to display shortcuts of certain apps on your lock screen, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Scroll to Lock screen, then tap on it.
  4. Tap Lock screen option.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Shortcuts to enable or disable this option. When the slider next to this option shows green or in the right side means this option is turned on.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Enabling this option will make your phone to display shortcuts on your lock screen which will facilitate you to quickly access apps when your phone is locked, while disabling this option will make your phone not to display shortcuts on lock screen.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How Customize Contacts Display

Samsung Galaxy SIII provide you with two options to sort your contacts, alphabetically by first name or by last name. This of course will helps you to manage you contacts and facilitate you when using them.

See also: How to Sort Contacts on Samsung Galaxy S3

While you're on Contacts app settings, you will see another option to customize the contacts display. This option will allow you to specify how your contacts will appear in the list. You can choose to display contacts by first name first or by last name first.

How to customize contacts display in the list?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Contact tab.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. Scroll down to Settings, then tap on it.
  6. Tap Display contacts by.
  7. Now you will see two options available on pop up menu. They are:
    • first name first: choose this option if you wants the contacts listed by first name first.
    • last name first: choose this option if you wants the contacts listed by last name first.
  8. Tap the required option you wish to use.
  9. Tap the Back key.
  10. Now your contacts will be listed according to the selected option.
  11. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

In some countries people used to write the name by first name first whilst another countries used to write the name by last name first. By knowing how to customize contacts display, now you can set it according to your need. So, which option do you choose to customize your contacts display? First name first or last name first?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Sort Contacts

One of the way that you can do to make you more easier when you want to call someone through Contacts apps on your Samsung Galaxy SIII is by displaying contacts with the number only. Enabling this option will make your Contacts apps not shows contacts without phone number.

See also: How to Show Only Contacts with Phone Numbers on Samsung Galaxy S3

In Contacts apps you will also can find option which will allow you to sort your contacts. You can choose to sort the contacts alphabetically by first name or by last name.

How to sort contacts by last name or by first name?
Below are the steps to do to sort your contacts:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Contact tab.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. Scroll down to Settings, then tap on it.
  6. Tap Sort list by.
  7. Now you will see two options available on pop up menu. They are:
    • by first name: choose this option if you wants to sort your contacts by first name.
    • by last name: choose this option if you wants to sort your contacts by last name.
  8. Tap the required sort option you wish to use.
  9. Tap the Back button and you will see your contacts sorted by sort option you've just selected before.
  10. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Sorting contacts alphabetically by first name or last name will helps you to organize your contacts and make you more easier when you want to use them. So, which option do you choose to sort your contacts? By first name or by last name?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Import Contact in VCF File Manually from Gmail to Phone

At the previous post, we have learn how to import .vcf file from your phone to your Gmail manually. This option of course will help you to syncronize your Contacts with your Gmail when auto sync option on your phone is disabled.

See also: How to Import Contact in VCF File Manually from Samsung Galaxy S3 to Gmail

In addition to import .vcf file to your Gmail, you can also be able to export manually your Gmail contact as .vcf file then import it to your Galaxy SIII. To do this, you need to connect your phone with your computer using a USB cable then copying the .vcf file from your computer to your SD card.

How to export .vcf file from Gmail?
Below are the steps to export your Gmail contact as .vcf file:
  1. On your PC, launch Browser by clicking the icon on your desktop.
  2. Navigate to Gmail by typing on the address bar.
  3. Login to your Gmail account.
  4. On your Gmail, click Contacts.
  5. Click More.
  6. In the drop down menu select Export.
  7. Now you will see some option available when exporting Gmail contact, such as:
    • Selecting which contact you want to export: selected contacts, certain group contacts or all your Gmail contacts.
    • Selecting which format file you want to use. In this case you have to choose vCard format.
  8. Click Export button.

Once you've finished exporting Gmail contacts, then copy .vcf you've just exported to your SD card. Now you can start importing .vcf file to your contacts by utilizing Import from SD card option that you can find under Contacts option.

See also: How to Import Contacts in VCF File from SD Card on Samsung Galaxy S3

So, have you ever tried to export your Gmail contacts manually then re-import it to your Galaxy SIII? Does it help you?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Import Contact in VCF File Manually from Phone to Gmail

In Samsung Galaxy S3 you can backed up your contacts manually by utilizing Import/Export option that you can find in the Contacts option. One of available option is export to SD card, this option will allow you to export your contacts to your SD card as .vcf file.

See also: How to Export Contacts to SD Card on Samsung Galaxy S3

Later, you can import this .vcf file to your Gmail. First, you need to connect your phone to the computer using a USB cable. Once your computer recognize the phone, you can then copy .vcf file to your computer storage.

How to import .vcf file to Gmail?
Once you've finished copying .vcf file to your computer storage, now you can start to add this file to your Gmail by following the steps listed below:
  1. On your PC, launch Browser by clicking the icon on your desktop.
  2. Go to Gmail by typing on the address bar.
  3. Login to your Gmail account.
  4. On your Gmail, click Contacts.
  5. Click More.
  6. In the drop down menu select Import.
  7. Click Choose File to select the vcf file that you've just saved before on your computer storage.
  8. Click Import button.
  9. Finish. Now your .vcf file has been imported into your Gmail contacts.

Importing backed up contacts to your Gmail account manually will help you to keep your contact synced with your Gmail when your phone is not auto synced with your Gmail. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Show News Information Ticker on Lock Screen

Once you've enabled Information ticker on your lock screen, now you will see Content type option which will allow you to choose displaying ticker from the available sources. There are three options available on content type, they are: News, Stock and Facebook.

See also: How to Show Facebook Information Ticker on Samsung Galaxy S3 Lock Screen

If at the previous post we have learn about Facebook ticker, then now we will learn about News ticker. Choosing news from content type will make your phone to show the latest entries from Yahoo! news on your lock screen.

How to get news information ticker on lock screen?
If you wants to display the latest feeds from Yahoo!news on your lock screen, then here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Scroll to Lock screen, then tap on it.
  4. Tap Lock screen option.
  5. Make sure you have enabled Information ticker.
  6. Tap Information ticker.
  7. Tap Content type.
  8. On pop up menu select News.
  9. Press the Power button twice to turn off the screen and turn on it again.
  10. Now you will see news ticker at the bottom of your lock screen.
  11. Tap Arrow icon in the center to show more news ticker.
  12. To read a news, tap the headline then your phone will launch the browser and load the selected news.

Showing news ticker is one of the way to keep up to date with the latest news and increasing the knowledge directly through your phone. So, have you ever tried to show news ticker on your lock screen?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Time Clock on Lock Screen

There are some options inside Samsung Galaxy SIII that you can use to customize lock screen, such as Facebook information ticker which will allow you to display the latest entries from your Facebook account on your lock screen.

See also: How to Show Facebook Information Ticker on Samsung Galaxy S3 Lock Screen

Another option that you can also use to customize your lock screen is by showing the time clock. This of course will useful to help you knowing the time easier, even when your phone is locked.

How to show time clock on lock screen?
To customize this option, kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Scroll to Lock screen, then tap on it.
  4. Tap Lock screen option.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Clock to turn on or off this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is turned on.
  6. Press the Power button twice to turn off the screen and turn it on again.
  7. Now you should see a clock on your lock screen.

Displaying the time clock on lock screen is one of the best way to make you more easier to know the time. You can also use this option to subtitute the watch function. So, does your lock screen showing the time clock?