Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Enable and Use Air View

The first time Samsung Galaxy SIV was released in the past year, one thing that being the talk of the town of this phone is the new advanced features which are pinned inside it. One of which is the air gesture feature which will allow you to control the phone without actually having to touch the screen. Though this feature is not supports with all apps, but an air gesture icon will be displayed at the top of the screen to inform you when this feature is available.

See also: How to Enable and Use Air Gesture Feature in Samsung Galaxy S4

Another feature which is similar with the air gesture available in this phone is the air view. When you enable this feature, you can preview helpful information in the apps that supports with this features simply by hovering your finger over the screen.

How to enable and use air view?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap My device tab.
  3. Slide the switch next to Air view option to the right to enable this option.
  4. Tap Air view.
  5. Here you'll see some air view features. To enable and use information preview go to the step #6, progress preview go to the step #7, speed dial preview go to the step #8, webpage magnifier go to the step #9, while to enable or disable Sound and haptic feedback go to the step #10.
  6. Enable and use Information preview:
    • Slide the switch next to Information preview to the right to enable this option. Enable this option will allow you to preview information, extend text, or enlarge pictures by hovering your fingers over the screen.
    • Tap Information preview to try to use this feature in the S Planner app, Gallery app and the Messaging app by tapping the Try it button.
  7. Enable and use Progress preview:
    • Slide the switch next to Progress preview to the right to enable this option. Enable this option will allow you to preview a scene or show elapsed time by hovering your fingers over the progress bar.
    • Tap Progress preview and then tap Try it button to try to use this feature while play back the video.
  8. Enable and use Speed dial preview:
    • Slide the switch next to Speed dial preview to the right to enable this option. Enable this option will allow you to preview the contacts assigned to speed dial numbers by hovering your fingers over the keypad.
    • Tap Speed dial preview and then tap Try it button to try to use this feature while using the Phone app.
  9. Enable and use Webpage magnifier:
    • Slide the switch next to Webpage magnifier to the right to enable this option. Enable this option will allow you to magnify the content of the webpages by hovering your fingers over the screen.
    • Tap Webpage magnifier then tap Try it button to try to use this feature while using the Browser app to browse the web.
  10. Enable or disable Sound and haptic feedback:
    Depending on your current settings, tap Sound and haptic feedback to enable or disable this option. When the box next the option is ticked means this option is enabled. Also, enable this option will make the phone to play sound and vibrate when you're hovering your finger over the air view items.

Indeed, the air view is really cool feature but this feature does suspected by lot of users as one of the thing which will causing the battery drained more faster. So, if you're tight with the battery life issue, it'll be better if you only use the air view feature as needed.

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