Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Switch Between Desktop View and Mobile View in the Internet App in Android 4.4 Kitkat

For those of users who are tight with data usage or those who don't have unlimited data plan, any option to save more data of course will be helpful for them. It may becomes one of the reason why the stock Browser app in the Samsung Galaxy SIV provides an option that will let you to load or not images in webpages. When this option is disabled, the Internet app won't load the images in the webpages. No image means save more data.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Load Image in the Internet App in Android 4.4 Kitkat in the Samsung Galaxy S4

If you notice, by default the Internet app will display the webpage in the mobile view. It's done to speed up the internet access and also help you to save more data. Even so, if you want to view a webpage in the desktop view, you don't need to worry because the Internet app also has provided an option named desktop view(by default this option is disabled) which will let you easily switch between desktop and mobile view.

How to switch between desktop view and mobile view in the Internet app?
You can do so by following the steps listed below:
  1. Open Internet app.
  2. Tap the Menu key and then depending on your current settings tap Desktop view to enable or disable this option. When the box next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled and the Internet app will display the currently opened webpage in the desktop view, while if it's disabled then the Internet app will display the currently opened webpage in the mobile view.

FYI, this option only applied in the currently opened webpage, so you need to enable this option again when you want to open a webpage in the desktop view in the new tab.

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Enable or Disable Load Images in the Internet App in Android 4.4 Kitkat

Internet app is the stock Browser app that is owned by the Samsung Galaxy SIV that you can use to browse webpages. In order to facilitate the user's activity, this app also has been equipped with some useful features, one of which is an option that will allow you to save the currently opened webpage while you're connected with internet so that you can read them later offline.

See also: How to Save a Webpage for Offline Reading in Android 4.4 Kitkat in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Another useful feature available in this app is an option that will allow you to load or not images in the webpages. By default, this option is enabled therefore when you have not changed this option yet then the Browser app will load images in the webpages.

How to set the Internet app to load or not webpage images?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Open Internet app.
  2. Tap the Menu key and then select Settings.
  3. Tap Bandwidth management.
  4. Depending on your current settings, tap Load images to enable or disable this option. When the box next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled. If this option is enabled then the images in the webpage will be loaded, while if it's disabled then the images in the webpage will not be loaded.

By knowing these steps, now you can set it according to your need. If you want to save more data then you can disable this option, while if you want the Browser app loads the images in the webpage then you can enable this option. So, how about you? Do you enable or disable this option?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Enable or Disable Glove Mode in Android 4.4 Kitkat

By default, Samsung Galaxy SIV has been equipped with a set of useful features that will help you to improve your experience while using this phone, one of which is the feature named multi window. The multi window feature will make your phone able to split the screen to allow you opening two apps at once, for instance you can write a text message in the Messaging app while watching a video in the Youtube app.

See also: How to Enable and Use Multi Window Feature in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Aside from the multi window feature, there's also a useful feature that will allow you to increase the sensitivity of the touch screen and helps you using the touch screen better while wearing gloves.

How to enable or disable glove mode?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap My device tab.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Depending on your current settings, tap Increase touch sensitivity to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled. When this option is enabled, the sensitivity of the touch screen will be increased to help you control the touch screen better while wearing gloves.

While you're in the glove mode, using leather gloves and tapping the screen firmly will help you to get better recognition while touching the screen. So, have you ever used this feature? If yes, did this feature able to help you use the touch screen better while wearing gloves?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Hide or Show Hidden Video from the Video Player App in Android 4.4 Kitkat

The "Hide items" and the "Show hidden items" are new features available in the Gallery app that have been brought by Android 4.4 Kitkat. By using this feature you're allowed to hide or show hidden photos or videos directly from the Gallery app. FYI, this feature only works for those that are saved in the internal storage, while if you want to hide those that are saved in the SD card you can use the old method by adding a full stop (.) in front of the photo or video name via My Files app or another third-party File manager app.

See also: How to Hide or Show Hidden Pictures or Videos in the Gallery app in the Samsung Galaxy S4 with Android 4.4 Kitkat

Unfortunately, both these methods, either using the hide items feature or adding a full stop only work in the Gallery app and they don't work in the Video player app because the hidden videos will still be displayed there. However, if you wish to hide a video from the Video player app, you can do so with ease by adding .nomedia extension behind the video file name via another third-party File manager app.

How to hide a video from the Video player app?
These steps are tested by using ES File Explorer app:
  1. Download install ES File Explorer from the Play Store and then follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation.
  2. Once the installation is completed, open the app.
  3. Navigate to a folder where you save the video file you wish to hide.
  4. Long tap the required video file to select it.
  5. Tap the Rename button at the bottom of the screen to rename the video file.
  6. Add .nomedia behind the video name, for example: video_name.mp4 become video_name.mp4.nomedia
  7. Tap OK button to save the change.
  8. The selected video won't be displayed in the Video player app as well as in the Gallery app.

How to show hidden video in the Video player app?
You can show the hidden video with .nomedia extension by removing .nomedia from the video file name via ES File Explorer app.

For the record, aside from hiding videos from the Gallery app and Video player app, these steps also can be applied to hide pictures from the Gallery app and hide music from the Music player app. It's because .nomedia extension will mark a file as having no multimedia data so that the file shouldn't be scanned and indexed by multimedia apps(Gallery app, Music player app and Video player app).

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Add a Note in a Photo in Android 4.4 Kitkat

Gallery app has several useful features that won't only allow the user to view their photos, but also will allow the user to do something more with their photos. One of which is the edit photo feature that will allow you to edit a photo directly from the Gallery app by utilizing some basic picture-editing functions available. From here, you can also add an effect or two from the various stylize effects available.

See also: How to Edit a Photo in Android 4.4 Kitkat in the Samsung Galaxy S4

This app also has another useful feature named photo note that will allow you to add a note or text to your photos. It's like turning over a printed photograph and then write a note/text on its back. By using this feature you can write any information related with the photo, such as event, place or date of the photo.

How to add a note/text in a photo?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gallery app.
  2. Tap the required album.
  3. Tap the required photo you want to add a note.
  4. Once the photo is opened, tap the Menu key and then select Photo note.
  5. The photo will be turned over to let you write a text on its back.
  6. While you're in the photo note screen, you can use the following options:
    • Pen icon : use this option to adjust the pen settings (style, thickness and colour).
    • Eraser icon : use this option to erase your text.
    • Undo icon : use this option to erase the last change done to the picture and then revert it to an older action.
    • Redo icon : this option is only available after the undo icon is used. You can use this option to reverse the undo action.
    • Enlarge icon : use this option to enlarge the photo by double tapping the screen.
  7. When you have completed adding a note, tap the Check mark icon located at the top right corner or the screen to save the changes. FYI, a photo with a note will have a folded edge to differentiate it with other photos.
  8. Next time, you can view the photo note by tapping the folded edge on the top right corner of the photo.

Though Gallery app has an option that will automatically provide information for the photo, but by using the photo note feature to add a text in a photo will make it more classic and personal. So, have you ever used this feature? If yes, what text do you usually write?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Edit a Photo in Android 4.4 Kitkat

Aside from allowing the users to view all pictures that are saved in the phone(either in the phone memory or SD card), Gallery app also has been equipped with some useful features that will allow the users to do something else more than just viewing the pictures, such as create a photo collage feature that will allow you to combine between two and four pictures into a single snapshot of the event.

See also: How to Create a Photo Collage in Android 4.4 Kitkat in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Another useful feature that is owned by the Gallery app is the edit photo feature. This feature will provide you some basic editing functions(such as adjust brightness or rotate the picture) and provides various picture-editing effects.

How to edit a picture?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gallery app.
  2. Tap the required album and then tap the required picture you want to edit.
  3. Once the picture is opened, tap Edit button located at the top of the screen.
  4. Tap and hold the screen and then on pop up menu select Selection mode to select an area.
  5. While you're in the edit picture screen, you can use the following options:
    • Rotate : use this option to rotate the photo(rotate left, rotate right, flip horizontally, flip vertically).
    • Crop : use this option to select parts of the photo and then trim the selected parts.
    • Colour : use this option to add color enhancement to the photo.
    • Effect : use this option to add various stylize effects to the photo.
    • Portrait   : use this option to adjust the photo using tools (e.g: red-eye fix, airbrush face, etc).
    • Sticker : use this option to add decorations to the photo, such as brush sticker, comic sticker, etc.
    • Drawing : use this option to draw on the photo.
    • Frame : use this option to add a decorative frame around the photo.
  6. Once done, tap Save button. It'll be saved as a new file in the same album and the original file will be left untouched.

In my opinion, for a regular user like me, the picture-editing options in the edit picture feature are more than enough to meet my need to edit a picture. I personally often use this feature to crop or add effect in a picture. So, how about you? Have you ever use edit picture feature? If yes, which option do you often use?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Set Vibrate Only When Receiving Text Messages in Android 4.4 Kitkat

Most of users usually will be easier to know that they have a new incoming text message by setting the message tone to the desired one. Some users even assign a different message tone in a different contact to help them easier to know when new incoming text messages from particular contacts are received

See also: How to Change Message Tone with Three Easy Ways in the Samsung Galaxy S4

However, there are also some users who want to set their phone only vibrate without playing a message tone when a text message is received for their own reason, for instance they don't want to disturb others with their message tones or they don't want others know that they're receiving a text message.

How to set vibrate only when receiving text messages?
There are two methods available that you can use to do so. You can see them below.

Method #1
This method will allow you to set vibrate only for incoming text messages without turning off other notifications, but you need to change your message tone to make it works.
  1. First, enable sound on your phone by swiping down the screen to open the notification panel and then enable Sound(it's located between the GPS and the Screen rotate button). The Sound button will show green when it's enabled.
  2. Now, open Messaging app.
  3. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to find Notifications, then enable it by ticking the box next to this option.
  5. Tap Select ringtone and then select None from the list and then tap OK button.
  6. Enable Vibrate by ticking the box next to this option.
  7. Now, your phone should be only vibrate when a text message is received.

Method #2
This method will allow you to set vibrate only for incoming text messages without changing the message tone, but it'll turn off other notifications.
  1. First, put your phone in the vibrate mode by swiping down the top of the screen and then enable Vibrate(it's located between the GPS and the Screen rotate button). The Vibrate button will show green when it's enabled.
  2. Now, open Messaging app.
  3. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to find Notifications, then enable it by ticking the box next to this option.
  5. Enable Vibrate by ticking the box next to this option.
  6. Now, your phone should be only vibrate when a text message is received.

FYI, both these methods have their own advantage and disadvantage therefore you can choose one of them that best suit your need. So, hope it helps :)