Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Smart Rotation

If previously in the Samsung Galaxy SIII with the Android Ice Cream Sandwich inside, you may already be familiar with the feature called auto rotate. This feature will allow your phone to automatically switch the screen according to your phone's position.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Auto Rotate on Samsung Galaxy S3

Now, if you have upgraded your Samsung Galaxy SIII to the Android Jelly Bean, then you'll notice that your phone has the new features similar with the auto rotate, called smart rotation. By enabling this features, the phone will disable auto rotate then use the front-facing camera to track your eyes and rotate the screen accordingly.

How to turn on or off smart rotation?
To do so, kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap Display.
  3. Scroll down to Features section then depending on your current settings, tap Smart rotation to enable or disable this option. When the box next to this option is checked means the option is turned on.

For the record, to make this feature works well, don't use the phone in the dark situations and make sure the source light behind you is enough to help the camera detecting your face and eyes properly. But, aside from its advantage, some of user also said that their phone sometimes encountering lag whenever they use this features because the phone keep scanning their face.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Camera Low Light Mode

When you already have upgraded your Samsung Galaxy SIII to the Android Jelly Bean then you'll noticed that your phone has equipped with some new features inside it, such as multi window feature which will split the screen allows you to open two apps that support with this feature at once.

See also: How to Use Multi Window Feature in Samsung Galaxy S3

You can also find another new features that come with this operating system in Camera apps. If you open the shooting mode, you'll find the new shoot mode available there called Low light mode. This mode will allow you to take a picture in the low-light situation with more better result than before.

How to use camera low-light mode?
To do so, kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through the Home screen.
  2. Tap Camera.
  3. Tap the Settings icon.
  4. Tap Shooting mode
  5. On the shoot mode list, tap Low light mode.
  6. Now you're ready to take a picture in a low-light situations by tapping the camera icon.

To get the better picture while using this mode, try to use spot lighting to give more lights in the focus area before you take a picture to help the camera knowing where to set the focus. Another thing that you can do is making the camera in the most stable position to avoid shake, such as by placing the phone in a stable surface when taking a picture. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use Reader Mode in Browser Apps

Internet Browser apps is one of the pre-installed application that you can find inside the Samsung Galaxy SIII. You can use this apps to meet your Internet needs, such as to browse the webs or read online magazine, etc.

See also: How to Use Browser Apps in Samsung Galaxy S3

While you use this apps to view web page and read its content, usually you'll see another web's components, such as widgets, header, frame, advertisement, etc. Luckily, when your Samsung Galaxy SIII have upgraded to the Android Jelly Bean then you'll see the new feature in the Browser apps called reader mode. This feature will make the Browser only to show the main content allows you to read the content more comfort.

How to enable or disable reader mode?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open the Stock Internet Browser apps.
  2. Navigate to the desired web page you wish to read its contents.
  3. Once the web page is fully loaded, tap the R icon next to the URL in the address bar to use reader mode.
  4. Now the browser will only show the main contents. This would be like you're reading a book.
  5. You can adjust the web's font by tapping the T icon at the top area of the browser apps.
  6. To disable reader mode, simply tap the Back key and the Browser will display the web with all its components.

Enabling this mode of course will help you when you want to read magazine or article on certain web page without being distracted by other components owned by the web page you're currently viewing. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to See Downloaded Applications in Google Play Store

As we all know that Samsung Galaxy SIII has the ability to manage multiple email accounts, including with the Google account. You can add multiple Google account inside this phone and use each of them to access another Google services available in this phone, for instance you can Switch and use each of the added Google account to download or purchase content in Google Play Store.

See also: How to Switch Between Google Account in Google Play Store in Samsung Galaxy S3

For certain reason, adding some of Google account also will helps you to separate purchases you've made in Google Play Store. Here you can also knowing the apps you've downloaded using one of your Google account.

How to see my applications on the Play Store apps?
Below are the steps you need to do to know the apps you've downloaded using the Google account currently signed in:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Play Store, then tap it.
  3. If required, switch to the desired Google account you wish to show the apps you've downloaded with it. See how to switch account in the link above.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. Tap My Apps.
  6. The purchased items you've downloaded with the selected Google account will be visible here.
  7. If you want to show the purchased items in another Google account, then switch to the desired account as you can see in the step #3.

All the downloaded apps will listed here, either they're installed or have been removed. This step will be useful to help you knowing the purchases history on certain Google account. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Google Play Store

Samsung Galaxy SIII has the ability to manage multiple email account you've added into this phone, including with the Google Account. You can easily add the new Google account or activate another existing Google account through the Gmail apps.

See also: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to add another Google account through Gmail apps, you can also add another Google account through the Google Play Store.

How to add another Google account via the Play Store Apps?
Below are the complete steps you need to do:
  1. Open Play Store apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap Account.
  4. Tap Add account button.
  5. Now you'll see two option available, they are:
    • Existing: tap this option to add another existing Google account.
    • New: tap this option to add new Google account.
  6. Tap the required option you wish to use then follow the on screen instructions.
  7. Once you've done the steps, the new Google account will be added and can be use to access Play Store and another Google services.
  8. To access the Play Store using the second Google account, tap Account (the steps #3) then select the desired Google account you wish to use to access Google Play Store.

By knowing this steps, now you can add multiple Google account to your phone through Play Store apps and will be able to use each of them to download and install apps from there and also using another Google services available on your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Gmail Signature

If you're the same with me, you may have more than one Google account for any purpose, for instance you may use one of them as your private account and another one as the account use to work. Luckily, the Samsung Galaxy SIII allows the user to add multiple Google account and able to manage them well. You can add multiple Google account through several methods, one of which is through the Gmail apps.

See also: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

If you usually use Gmail account through your Galaxy SIII, you may noticed that whenever you compose the email message, by default there are words said "Sent from Samsung Mobile" at the bottom of the message. You can either leave it or change it using your own signature.

How to change Gmail signature?
If you want to remove "Sent from Samsung Mobile" signature, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Open Gmail apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap the desired Gmail account you wish to change its signature.
  4. Tap Signature.
  5. Type your new signature in the signature field.
  6. Tap OK button to save the changes.
  7. The Gmail signature has been changed.

Well, once you've changed the signature, now whenever you send the email message through the Gmail account on your phone, then the signature at the bottom of the message will display your own signature, no longer Send from Samsung Mobile. You can also decided not to use signature on your Gmail account by letting the signature field stay blank. For your note, this signature will only applies on your outgoing email messages sent through this phone.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Switch Between Google Accounts on the Google Play Store

The ability to manage multiple email accounts, including Gmail account owned by the Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the reason why the user choose this phone as their device. By using this phone, you can add more than one of your Google account. You can do this easily through the Gmail apps.

See also: How to Add Multiple Google Account via Gmail Apps on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've added another Google account, then you'll be able to use each of them to access and using another Google services, such as Youtube, Google Play Store, etc. You'll also be able to determine which the account you wish to use when you want to download and install apps from the Play Store.

How to switch Gmail accounts on the Play Store apps?
Here are the complete steps to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through the Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Play Store, then tap it.
  3. Tap the Menu key.
  4. On pop up menu select Accounts.
  5. Now you'll see all the added Gmail accounts that you can choose one of them you wish to use.

By knowing how to change the Gmail account on the Play Store apps, now you can determine which one you like to use to download the contents. This also will useful if you want to separate your purchases for any purpose.