Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Form Auto-Fill

There are some options inside the stock Browser apps that comes to facilitate you while using this apps to fulfill your Internet activity needs, such as auto capitalization that will automatically capitalize the first letter of the sentence.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Auto Capitalization on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another option inside this apps that will also facilitate you is form auto-fill. By enabling this option and filling the available fields of information, the browser will automatically use them whenever needed.

How to enable or disable form auto-fill?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open the Browser apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key.
  3. Scroll down to the Settings, then tap it.
  4. Tap General.
  5. Under Auto-fill section, tap Form auto-fill to enable or disable this option. When the box next to this option is ticked means this option is turned on.
  6. Tap Auto-fill text then fill the available information fields with your data, such as name, company, address, country,etc.
  7. Once you've done, tap Save button to save the changes.
  8. Tap the Back key to return to the browser page.

By enabling and filling auto-fill, now you just need a single tap to fill the web form. So, did you enable this option on your browser app? Did it help you?

Samsung Galaxy S3: Why the White Battery Cover Sometimes Looks Like Rainbow

Sometimes the Samsung Galaxy SIII users found something new in their phone and thinks that it is a problem, but actually it's not, such as when they realize that whenever they opening the browser then the backlight becomes dimmer, even when they have increasing the brightness of the main display. Actually, this is not a problem, it's only a Samsung effort to provide a power saving solution by dimming the display whenever the user opening the browser.

See also: How to Fix Dimmer Backlight Browser on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another 'looks like a problem' in this phone is a visual phenomenon on the white battery cover that sometimes looks like a rainbow. Some of user thinks that it's a hardware defect, but once again it's not. So, here's the explanation.

Why the white battery cover sometimes looks like rainbow?
This visual phenomenon is happen because this phone is using pearl white glossy material surface that caused the looks like rainbow appearance whenever there are refraction of light on its multi coating flat.

By knowing the causes of this visual phenomenon, now you know that it's not a problem or hardware defect so you don't have to worry if it happen on your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Fix Missed Call in Phone Icon can't be Removed

Phone apps is one of the stock application available inside Samsung Galaxy SIII that you can use to make a call, either voice calls or video calls. This apps also will provide your call activities information, such as incoming call, outgoing calls and missed calls..

However, some of Galaxy SIII users said that they have difficulty to remove missed call in phone icon. Well, if you're also encountering this problem in your phone, then there are two possible ways to do to fix it.

I. Clear call logs.
The first way that you can do when you faced this problem is by deleting the call logs from your phone apps.

See also: How to Delete One, Multiple or All Call History Logs on Samsung Galaxy S3

II. Clear data BadgeProvider
If you have done the first way but you have no luck and the problem is still there, then try to do this steps:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Application manager, then tap it.
  3. Tap All tab.
  4. Scroll down to BadgeProvider, then tap it.
  5. Tap Clear data button.
  6. Tap OK button to confirm clearing the data.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Once you've done the steps mentioned above, now the missed call in phone icon should be removed. But, if you have your own solution to fix this problem and it's not listed here then I'll really appreciate if you willing to share those useful tips here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Fix Message Corrupted Error

Sending messages is one of the way to communicate with the others using the phone. As with the Samsung Galaxy SIII that you can use to send text or multimedia message, either using the stock Messaging application or another third-party Messaging apps that you can find through the Google Play Store.

See also: How to Access Google Play Store on Samsung Galaxy S3

While you use the phone to send a message, in certain condition you may faced some problems, such as whenever you send a text message, you get an error said that your message may be corrupted when received in the recipient device.

How to fix error message may be corrupted on the recipient device?
If you encountering this error while you're sending SMS, then kindly follow the steps below to fix it:
1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
2. Tap Messaging.
3. Try to send SMS, if you got an attention error said "Message may be corrupted on recipient device. Change input mode to automatic", then tap Cancel button to cancel the message sent. FYI, if you tap Send button, then the recipient may receive the message contains with ???? character.
3. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
4. Scroll down to Text message (SMS) settings section.
5. Tap Input mode then select Automatic as input mode.
6. Tap the Back key to return to the Messaging apps, then try to send SMS again.

If you encountering this problem and have done the steps above but the problem is still there, then try to restart the phone and try to send SMS again. Also, if you have another steps to fix this error, then I'll really appreciate if you willing to share them here through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Fix No SIM Card Error

Samsung Galaxy SIII has comes with some card slots, such as an SD card slot that will allow you to expand the phone's storage by inserting a new SD card. You can easily insert and remove SD card by yourself.

See also: How to Insert and Remove Micro SD Card on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another card slot available in this phone is SIM card slot to place your SIM card. You can use this card to send messages or make a call or use it to gain an internet connection and use another features available on the network. But, some users reported that they were encountering an error said No SIM card, even they were inserting the SIM card in its tray.

How to fix No SIM card error?
If you encountering this issue, then turn off the phone and try the steps listed below:
  1. Try to check the SIM, is it normal or not? If you see any physic defective, then the possible way to do is by replacing the SIM card with the new one.
  2. If the SIM card is fine, then try to check the connection between the SIM card and its place then see whether it's loose or not. If so, try to push a tiny piece of paper between the SIM card and its tray to help the SIM card fit with the place.

Once you knows the causes and do some necessary steps to fix it, then try to turn on your phone to see whether the problem is still there or not. Also, if you find any causes and/or the solution but you didn't see it listed here then you can share them by writing them through the comment below :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Fix Quieter Microphone Signal

Some of features inside Samsung Galaxy SIII has designed to deliver comfort to the user while using the phone, such as easy call features which will allow you to easily make a call by swipe the required contact from left to the right.

See also: How to Use Easy Call on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another feature available in this phone to improve your comfort is noise reduction. Enabling this option will make your phone to reduce noise around you to get a better sound while calling. Unfortunately, this enable this option will also give a problem of microphone signal resulting the people you call can't hear your voice well.

How to fix quieter microphone signal from call settings?
One way to solve this issue is by disabling the noise reduction option. To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Phone.
  3. Tap the Menu key then select Call settings.
  4. Tap Additional settings.
  5. Uncheck Noise reduction option.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

How to fix quieter microphone signal while on call?

You can also turn off noise reduction while on call by tapping the Menu key then select Noise reduction off.

Well, by knowing these two steps mentioned above, now you can do one of the steps above to fix when you encountering the microphone signal problem.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Fix Dimmer Backlight Browser

The most common problem encountered by the user of the Samsung Galaxy SIII is a poor battery life. It's because this phone has come with a big screen and some features that consume a lot of power to run.

See also: 3 Things to Do to Get Better Battery Life on Samsung Galaxy SIII

This reason also used by Samsung to set the phone to dimmer when the user opening the browser as an effort to power saving solution, even if you increase the brightness of the main display.

How to fix Browser dimming?
One way that you can do to fix this issue is by increasing the brightness in the browser. Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Open the stock Browser apps.
  2. Tap the Menu key.
  3. Tap Brightness and colors.
  4. Remove the tick on the box next to the Automatic brightness, then increase the brightness level manually by sliding the level to the right.
  5. Choose Default option under color level for power saving section.
  6. Tap OK button to save the changes.

By knowing how to increase the brightness level on the stock browser apps, now you can fix the dimmer back light problem when opening the browser.