Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Save Favourite Destination in Google Maps

Google maps is one of pre-installed apps that you can find inside Samsung Galaxy SIII. You can utilize this apps as navigation tool which will enable to help you to find certain location.

See also: How to Find Destination Using Google Maps on Samsung Galaxy S3

If you used to find several location using this apps, there is an option which will allow you to save these destination information to your favourites list.

How to add destination to the favourite list in Google maps?
If you have certain location that you love to visit, then it will more easier and helpful if you add them to the favourite. To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Maps.
  3. Find your destination by using the Search icon .
  4. Once you've find your destination, tap the information field above your destination then tap the Favourite icon at the top of the screen.
  5. Tap the Back key to return to map view.
  6. To add more destination to the favourite, repeat from the step #3.
  7. Tap Home key to exit the maps and return to the standby mode.

Adding some destinations to the favourite of course will make you more easier if you want to go to these locations and get the information using Google maps apps.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Find Destination in Google Maps

One of the way that you can do to allow your phone knowing your current location is by setting the location services on your Samsung Galaxy SIII. There are four methods available that can be used by your phone to determine your location data.

See also: How to Change Location Services on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've finished setting your location services on your phone, now your location information will be available on other function in the phone. One of which is on navigation function. You can utilize this function in Google maps apps to find certain location.

How to find location on Google maps?
You can use this function as substitute of traditional maps by utilizing navigation function in Google maps to find your destination. To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Maps.
  3. To find certain location, tap the Search icon located at the bottom left corner.
  4. Enter the required destination in search field box, then you will see a list of result matching with your search term.
  5. Tap the required destination from the list.
  6. Now you'll see your destination was pointed on the map and equipped with the information field.
  7. Drag two fingers together to zoom in and drag them apart to zoom out.
  8. To clear the maps, tap the Menu key then select Clear Map.
  9. Tap Home button to exit the maps and return to the standby mode.

By knowing how to find certain location in Google maps, now you don't have to worry about getting lost, even when you want to go to the place that you never visited before.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Show or Hide Weather Information on Lock Screen

In order to make your phone knowing your current locations, then the first thing to do is by setting the location services. There are four options available under location services menu that you can choose which best suit you.

See also: How to Change Location Services on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've finished setting the location services, now your location information will be available for other functions on your phone, such as to provide you weather information.

How to display or hide weather information on lock screen?
You can choose whether to display or not the weather information on your lock screen by following the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Scroll to Lock screen, then tap on it.
  4. Tap Lock screen option.
  5. Depending on your current settings, slide the slider next to Weather option to enable or disable this option. When the slider next to this option is in the right side or shows green means the phone will show the weather information on the lock screen.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

If you choose to enable this option, then once your phone is locked you'll see weather information will turn up there showing the temperature and your current location.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Negative Colours

Some options inside Samsung Galaxy SIII are designed to make the user feels comfort using this phone, such as an option that you can find in the stock browser application called inverted rendering which will allow you to reverse the color of the web page to make it easier on your eyes and help you save more battery.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Browser Inverted Color Mode on Samsung Galaxy S3

You can also find an option under accessibility settings which has the similar function with inverted rendering in the browser apps, this option called Negative colours. When you turn on this option, then the screen display will inverse to the negative color.

How to turn on or off negative colours?
If you want to customize this option or want to fix the negative screen issue caused by an accidentally enabling this option, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Scroll to Accessibility, then tap on it.
  4. Scroll down to the Vision section. Depending on your current settings tap Negative colours option to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the phone will reverse the colours of the screen.
  5. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Some users reported that they were accidentally enabling this option resulting their screen color looks like a negative film, so if you encountered the same problem with them, now you can fix the problem using the steps mentioned above. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Mono Audio

Listen to the music is one of the fun thing to do with the Samsung Galaxy SIII. Moreover this phone has a music player as its pre-loaded application so you can directly use this applications without having to install it first.

See also: How to Use Music Player on Samsung Galaxy S3

While you're on music player apps, there is an option which will allow you to listen to the music using headphone. For the record, this phone support the stereo and mono audio. You can use stereo audio when using two earphones and mono audio when using one earphone.

How to turn on or off mono audio?
If you want to change audio on your phone from stereo to mono whilst using headphone, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Tap the Menu key through the Home screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Settings.
  3. Tap Accessibility under System section.
  4. Scroll to Hearing section. Depending on your current settings tap Mono audio option to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means now you can use mono audio to listening with one earphone.
  5. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By knowing how to use mono audio, now you can listening with one earphone when listen to the music, radio, etc. So, have you ever tried to use this option on your phone?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Location Services

When you activate your Google account on your Samsung Galaxy SIII, in one of the steps you will be prompted to activate location and Google search to allow Google improving search result and other services using your location data.

See also: How to Activate Google Account on Samsung Galaxy S3

In addition to the location and Google search, there are some option available on this phone that you can choose to determine your location, such as by using Wi-Fi, satellite-based GPS or sensor-based GPS.

How to customize GPS settings?
You can choose to turn on one or more positioning methods on this phone. To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Location services.
  4. Now you will see four options available on the screen. They are:
    • Use wireless networks: choose this option if you want the phone determine your location by using Wi-Fi network and/or mobile network.
    • Use GPS satellites: choose this option is you want the phone determine your exact location by using GPS satellites. This methods requires a clear view of the sky to work well.
    • Use sensor aiding: choose this option if you want to use sensors to find your exact location more easily when you're in a weak GPS signal area, such as when indoors. This option will only available if you have enabled Use GPS satellites.
    • Location and Google search: choose this option to allow Google use your location information to get improved search result and other Google services.
  5. Activate one or more the location services you wish to use by tapping the required option. If the checkbox next to the option is ticked means the option is turned on.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

The information about your location collected by these option will be available on the other functions on your phone, such as search functions, weather forecast and navigation. Also by knowing how to select one or more location services, now you can choose to use which best suit you. So, which location service do you use?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Image from the Web as Home Screen Wallpaper

There are several ways that you can do to change wallpaper on your Samsung Galaxy SIII Home screen. One of which is by using Live wallpaper available on this phone as your wallpaper.

See also: How to Set Live Wallpaper on Samsung Galaxy S3 Home Screen

In addition using the image saved on your phone, you can also using the image from the web as your wallpaper. This of course will expand your choice to set which the image you want to use as wallpaper, which the image is unavailable on your phone.

How to set image from the web as wallpaper?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Find the image on the web using certain search engine.
  4. Once you've found the one that you like, then view it in full size.
  5. Long press on the image to get the options.
  6. On pop up menu select Set as wallpaper.
  7. Finish. Now you have managed to change your wallpaper using the image from the web.

By knowing one more way to change the Home screen wallpaper, now you can use it as your another way to do so. This method also will allow you to set your wallpaper with whatever the image you want from the web.