Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Change Screen Mode

One way that you can do to save your battery life is by enabling Automatic brightness option that you can find under display settings. Turning on this option will make your Samsung Galaxy SIII will automatically become bright less when you're indoors and become brighter when you're outdoors.

See also: How to Adjust Screen brightness on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another option available under display settings that you can use to save the battery is Screen mode option. This option will allow you to choose the different color profile. As we all know that AMOLED screen owned by this phone will consume less battery on some color profiles, such as dark color will consume less than the bright ones.

How to choose screen mode?
Below are the steps to do if you want to change display colour profile on your phone:
  1. Tap the Menu key from your Home screen.
  2. On pop up menu select Settings.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Screen mode.
  5. Now you will see four options available, they are Dynamic, Standard, Natural and Movie.
  6. Tap the required screen mode you wish to use. Every time you tap in the different screen mode option, you will see a preview of this screen mode at the top of the screen.
  7. Tap Save button to save the changes.

Once upon the time, I've found the thread on the XDA Developer forum that ask the members to give their polls about which the screen mode they use. The result, the most used screen mode is standard as they were said that this mode has a good balance between saturation and normalness, while the most rarely used screen mode is movie. So, which screen mode do you use?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Browser Inverted Mode

The stock Internet applications inside Samsung Galaxy SIII has come with many options to make the user feels comfort and enjoy their browsing activity. One of which is an option which will allow you to enjoy browsing the web page in full screen mode.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Browsing Web Page in Full Screen on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another option available in this browser that will make you more comfort is an option to invert the colors of the web page, turning the white color becomes black and vice versa. As we all know most of the webpages has a bright background so by using this option you can set the browser to reverse the color to not hurt your eyes.

How to turn on or off browser inverted color mode?
If you want the browser to reverse the colour of the webpage, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Navigate to the web page you wish to view.
  4. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  5. Tap Accessibility.
  6. Scroll down to the Inverted rendering option. Depending on your current settings, tap this option to enable or disable it. When this option is checked means the browser will load the webpage and inverting the colors.

Some of peoples call this option as night mode. For the record, enabling this option not only will make it more easier on your eyes to read, but also will help you to save your battery because the dark background will consume less battery.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Internet Desktop View

A big screen owned by Samsung Galaxy SIII and the Internet apps as one of its pre-loaded applications of course will expand your experience of using this phone to meet your need of browsing activity. Moreover, this apps also has an option that will allow you to enjoy browsing the web page in full screen mode.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Browsing Web Page in Full Screen on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another option available on the stock Internet apps which will extend your experience of browsing a web page on a big screen is an option to view the web page in the desktop view mode. As we all know, today some webpages already have their mobile version so with this option you can load the webpage as what you see in the desktop.

How to turn on or off Internet desktop view?
If you want to browse web page in desktop view or mobile view, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Navigate to the required webpage you wish to view.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Desktop view to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the browser will load the web page in the desktop view.

After reading the steps mentioned above, now you can set your browser to load web page in desktop view by enabling this option or to load in mobile view by disabling this option. FYI, by default this option is set to off and will be back to off whenever you close the browser so to enjoy browsing in desktop view you need to check this option every time you launch the browser.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Browsing Web Pages in Full Screen

As we all know that Samsung Galaxy SIII comes with big screen which will be able to provide you different experience while you using it to play the game, watching the movie or browsing the webpages.

See also: How to Use Browser on Samsung galaxy S3

To extend your experience on using Galaxy SIII's big screen while browsing a web page, you can utilize an option available under Internet settings menu to set your browser in full screen mode.

How to turn on or off viewing web page in full screen?
To do so kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Navigate to the web page you want to view.
  4. Tap the Menu key.
  5. On pop up menu select Settings.
  6. Tap Labs.
  7. Depending on your current settings, tap Full screen option to enable or disable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the browser is now using the full screen mode.

Enabling this option will hide the notifications bar and will allow you to enjoy browsing the web page in full screen mode. For the record, while you're on full screen mode, the soft button will stay displayed but with the very dim dots.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Web Browser Home Page

When using the stock Internet application on Samsung Galaxy SIII you will be able to know your favourite pages or the most visited pages by seeing the list that you can find under history tab.

See also: How to Find the Most Visited Pages List on Samsung Galaxy S3

Knowing the list of your favourite pages of course will help you to easily accessing those pages. Another way that you can do to easier your experience of using the stock browser is by setting the certain page as its homepage.

How to set browser homepage?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  4. Tap General.
  5. Tap Set homepage.
  6. Now you will see four options available on pop up menu. They are:
    • Current page: choose this option if you want to set the page you're currently viewing as the browser homepage.
    • Blank page: choose this option if you want the browser to load a blank page whenever you open the browser.
    • Default page: choose this option to set the default page as the browser homepage.
    • Other: choose this option if you want to set another web page to set it as the browser homepage.
  7. Tap the required set homepage option you wish to use. When the dot indicator next to the option shows green means the option is selected.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to set homepage on your browser.

Setting the browser homepage to the desired page of course will useful to help you save the time because now you don't need to navigate from the unwanted homepage whenever you open the browser.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Web Pages Loading Images

You can find several options available under settings menu while you're using the stock Internet applications in Samsung Galaxy SIII. One of which is a find on page option which will allow you to easily find a text or string on a web page you're currently viewing.

See also: How to Find Text on Web Page on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another option that you can find under settings menu in Internet apps is a bandwidth management option that you can use to set the browser to display or not the image on the website you're viewing.

How to turn on or off loading image?
Here are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  4. Tap Bandwidth management.
  5. Depending on your current settings, tap Load images to enable or disable loading image. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means the option is enabled.

By knowing how to set your browser to display or not the image on the website you're viewing, now you can set it to on or off according to your need. If you want to load images then you can enable this option, while if you don't want to load images or want to save more data then you can turn this option off.

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Find the Most Visited Web Pages List

If you go to the bookmark icon in the stock Internet application in Samsung Galaxy SIII, you will see some tabs available there, one of them is a saved pages tab which is contain saved pages for you to use for offline reading. This of course will useful if you want to read them later without having to use Internet connection.

See also: How to Offline Reading on Samsung Galaxy S3

Still at the tabs under Bookmarks, another tabs that you can find is history tab. Here you can see the history of your browsing activity grouped into some categories and the history of your favourites pages that grouped into the most visited category.

How to Find the Most Visited Website List?
If you want to see which pages you're often visiting, then kindly follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Internet.
  3. Tap Bookmarks icon .
  4. Tap History tab.
  5. Tap the Most visited category to expand and viewing the list.
  6. To open the link, long tap in the required link you wish to open then on pop up menu select Open to open the link in the current page or select Open in new window to open the links in the new window.

By knowing where to find the most visited pages list, now you can visit your favourites pages using the stock Internet application easily. So, hope this helps :)