Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Enable Grayscale Mode in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

Grayscale is one of accessibility features in Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that can be used to turn everything on your phone's screen to black and white. Using this feature can help you save more battery power, read what's on the screen with more easily when you are in a dark/low-light environment or have certain vision difficulty. As a note, this feature effects the screen only, in other words, all photos, videos, and screenshots taken while the grayscale mode is enabled will be saved in full-color.

How to enable the grayscale mode?
As the example, we'll do so by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from the direct access menu.

Method #1: From the settings menu
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to find Accessibility and then tap it.
  3. Tap Vision.
  4. Scroll the screen to the very bottom and then slide the ON/OFF switch next to Grayscale to the right to enable the grayscale mode and turn everything shown in the screen to black and white.

Method #2: From the direct access menu
If you have enabled the direct access feature and selected Grayscale, you can use the following steps to quickly enable the grayscale mode from the direct access menu:
  1. On any screen, press the Home key three times quickly to open up the direct access menu and then tap Grayscale.
  2. The grayscale mode is enabled and everything shown in the screen will be turned to black and white.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Enable and Use Magnification Gestures Feature in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

If you're limited or low vision user, there are some features available in Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that can be used to help you read what's on the screen better, one of which is the magnification gestures feature. When this feature is enabled, you can easily magnify what's on the screen simply by triple tapping the screen. But, you have to remember that using this feature can slow down the response time in Phone app, Calculator, and other apps, especially those apps use the dial pad or keyboard.

How to enable or disable the magnification gestures feature?
You can turn on or off this feature by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to find Accessibility and then tap it.
    FYI, if you have enabled the direct access feature and selected the accessibility option, you can quickly access the accessibility menu from any screen by pressing the Home key three times quickly to open up the direct access menu and then tap Accessibility.
  3. Tap Vision.
  4. Scroll down the screen to find Magnification gestures and then tap it.
  5. Tap the ON/OFF switch to enable or disable the magnification gestures feature. When the switch turns blue , means the magnification gestures feature is enabled.

How to use the magnification gestures feature?
When this feature is enabled, you can use it to magnify what's on the screen by using the following steps:
  1. Go to the app or screen you want to magnify.
  2. To activate the magnification mode, triple tap anywhere on the screen(except the keyboard and navigation bar) with one finger. While the screen is zoomed in, you can do the following actions:
    • Drag two or more fingers across the screen to pan or explore different part of the screen.
    • Spread two fingers apart together on the screen to increase the zoom level.
    • Pinch two fingers together on the screen to decrease the zoom level.
    • Triple tap the screen to return to the normal state or deactivate the magnification mode.
  3. To temporarily magnify what's under your finger, triple tap the screen and hold your finger on the screen. Without lifting your finger from the screen, you can do the following actions:
    • Drag your finger to pan or explore different part of the screen.
    • Lift your finger from the screen to return to the normal state.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Enable and Use Magnifier Window Feature in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

If you're a limited/low vision user or have difficulty when reading what's on the screen because it's too small for your eyes, you can use the magnifier window feature in your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge to magnify content shown on a specific area on the screen using the provided magnifier window so you can see it better.

How to enable the magnifier window feature?
As the example, we'll do so by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from the direct access menu.

Method #1: From the settings menu
You can use the following steps to enable and adjust the setting of the magnifier window feature from the settings menu:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to find Accessibility and then tap it.
  3. Tap Vision.
  4. Scroll down the screen and then tap Magnifier window.
  5. Slide the ON/OFF switch to the right to enable the magnifier window. The switch turns blue when it's enabled and a magnifier window appears on the screen.
  6. If needed, you can adjust the zoom level of the magnifier window by sliding the zoom level adjustment bar to the left for a lower zoom percentage or to the right for a higher zoom percentage.
  7. If needed, you can adjust the magnifier window size by tapping Magnifier size and then select Small, Medium, or Large.

Method #2: From the direct access menu
You can use the following steps to easily enable the magnifier window from any screen, in condition that you have enabled the direct access feature and selected the magnifier window option:
  1. On any screen, press the Home key three times quickly to open up the direct access menu and then tap Magnifier window.
  2. The magnifier window feature is enabled and the magnifier window appears on the screen.

How to use the magnifier window feature?
When the magnifier window is displayed on the screen, drag it to a specific area on the screen to magnify what's under the window. When you're done, tap to close the window and disable the magnifier window feature.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Enable or Disable Show Button Shapes Feature in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

If you have difficulty to differentiate button with other options/menus/text in your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, you can enable the show button shapes feature so that buttons in your phone will be displayed with shaded background to make them become more stand out.

How to enable or disable the show button shapes feature?
You can turn on or off this feature by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to find Accessibility and then tap it.
    FYI, if you have enabled the direct access feature and selected the accessibility option, you can quickly access the accessibility menu from any screen by pressing the Home key three times quickly to open up the direct access menu and then tap Accessibility.
  3. Tap Vision.
  4. Scroll down the screen and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to Show button shapes to enable or disable it. When the switch turns blue , means the show button shapes feature is enabled and your phone will show buttons with shaded background to make them stand out.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Enable or Disable High Contrast Fonts Feature in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

If you're a low vision user or have difficulty when reading your phone using the default font colours, you can enable the high contrast fonts feature to have your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge increases the contrast between the text and the background by outlining the text and adjusting its colours, where the black/gray text will be darker and the blue text will be changed to black, so you can read what's on the screen better.

How to enable or disable the high contrast fonts feature?
You can turn on or off this feature by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to find Accessibility and then tap it.
    * FYI, if you have enabled the direct access feature and selected the accessibility option, you can quickly access the accessibility menu from any screen by pressing the Home key three times quickly to open up the direct access menu and then tap Accessibility.
  3. Tap Vision.
  4. Scroll down the screen and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to High contrast fonts to enable or disable it. When the switch turns blue , means the high contrast fonts feature is enabled and your phone will adjust the color and outline of fonts to increase the contrast with the background.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Adjust Font Size in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

By default, the font size in your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is set to small. But, if you have difficulty in reading your phone with this size, you can adjust the font size in your phone to a smaller or bigger one so you can read what's on the screen better.

How to adjust the font size?
As the example, we'll do so by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from the direct access menu.

Method #1: From the settings menu
You can adjust the font size from tiny to huge via the settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to find Display and then tap it.
  3. Tap Font.
  4. To adjust the font size, drag the font size adjustment bar to the left for a smaller font or to the right for a bigger font. FYI, there are some apps that don't support the huge size, therefore if you select this size, the font within those apps will automatically be displayed in the smaller size. Tap Done button to save the changes.
  5. The selected font size will be applied to your phone except for the body of the email messages and the body of the webpages.

Method #2: From the direct access menu
Assuming that you have enabled the direct access feature and added Accessibility, you can adjust the font size from tiny to extra huge via the direct access menu by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, press the Home key three times quickly to open up the direct access menu and then tap Accessibility.
  2. Tap Vision.
  3. Scroll down the screen to find Font size and then tap it.
  4. If you need bigger font than huge size, slide the ON/OFF switch next to Larger font sizes to the right to enable it. The switch turns blue when it's enabled and you'll be provided with 4 extra huge font sizes.
  5. To adjust the font size, drag the font size adjustment bar to the left for a smaller font or to the right for a bigger font. FYI, if you set the font size to the Extra huge, it'll be applied in specific apps only and other apps that don't support with this size will automatically use the font with the smaller size. Tap Done button to save the changes.
  6. The selected font size will be applied to your phone except for the body of the email messages and the body of the webpages.