Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Use Multiple Input Languages Feature in Samsung Keyboard in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

The default Samsung keyboard in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge supports multiple input languages which will let you enter text using different language. You have to add the required input languages first before you can use it to enter text.

How to add multiple input languages?
You can add two or more input languages when using Samsung keyboard by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the System section and then tap Language and input.
  3. Tap Samsung keyboard. Alternatively, when you're entering text, you can quickly go to the Samsung keyboard settings by long tapping the key in the left side of the space bar and then tap .
  4. Tap Add input languages.
  5. Tap the required input languages you want to add as the input language, e.g., Italiano, Netherlands, etc. When the switch next to the input language turns green , means the input language has been added.

How to switch between input languages?
When you have added two or more input languages, you can switch between those input languages by using the following steps:
  1. When you're entering text using Samsung keyboard, e.g., when composing a new text message, the space bar will display the current input language that you can use to enter text.
  2. If you'd like to enter text with another input language, you can switch between input languages by swiping the space bar to the left or to the right.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Enable or Disable Character Preview Feature in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

If you have thick finger that makes you difficult to make sure that you have pressed the right key when typing with the Samsung QWERTY keyboard, you can enable the character preview feature so your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge will show a big character bubble when you're tapping a key on the Samsung QWERTY keyboard.

How to enable or disable the character preview feature?
As the example, we'll turn on or off this feature by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from an app or screen where you can enter text.

Method #1: From the settings menu
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the System section and then tap Language and input.
  3. In the Keyboards and input methods section, tap Samsung keyboard.
  4. Scroll down to the Key-tap feedback section and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to Character preview to enable or disable this option. When the switch turns green , means the character preview feature is enabled and your phone will show you a big character bubble when a key on Samsung QWERTY keyboard is tapped.

Method #2: From an app or screen where you can enter text
  1. When you're entering text, e.g., when composing a new text message, you can quickly go to the Samsung keyboard settings by long pressing the key in the left side of the space bar and then tap .
  2. Scroll down to the Key-tap feedback section and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to Character preview to enable or disable this option. When the switch turns green , means the character preview feature is enabled and your phone will show you a big character bubble when a key on the Samsung QWERTY keyboard is tapped.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Enable or Disable Keyboard Vibration Feature in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

The default Samsung keyboard in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has some feedback features, one of which is the keyboard vibration feature. When this feature is enabled, your phone will vibrate when you tap a key on the Samsung keyboard.

How to enable or disable the keyboard vibration feature?
As the example, we'll turn on or off this feature by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from an app or screen where you can enter text.

Method #1: From the settings menu
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Device section and then tap Sounds and notifications.
  3. Tap Vibrations.
  4. Tap the ON/OFF switch next to Keyboard vibration to enable or disable this option. When the switch turns green , means the keyboard vibration feature is enabled and your phone will vibrate when you tap a key on the Samsung keyboard.

Method #2: From an app or screen where you can enter text
  1. When you're entering text, e.g., when composing a new text message, you can quickly go to the Samsung keyboard settings by long tapping the key in the left side of the space bar and then select .
  2. Scroll down to the Key-tap feedback section and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to Vibration to enable or disable this option. When the switch turns green , means the keyboard vibration feature is enabled and your phone will vibrate when you tap a key on the Samsung keyboard.

As a note, you can increase or decrease the intensity of the vibration when using the keyboard vibration feature by adjusting the vibration feedback option in the vibration intensity menu.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Adjust Vibration Intensity in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

When needed, you can use the vibration intensity feature to adjust the vibration strength of incoming calls, notifications, and vibration feedback(e.g., vibration alerts when you're tapping the Samsung keyboard or the soft keys) in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge to suit with your need. As the example, you might want to increase the vibration intensity of incoming calls when you're in a noisy environment so you can easily know when you have calls through vibration, or you might want to decrease the vibration intensity of notifications if you feel that your phone vibrates too much when receiving notifications, etc.

How to adjust the vibration intensity?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Device section and then tap Sounds and notifications.
  3. Tap Vibrations.
  4. Tap Vibration intensity.
  5. To adjust the vibration intensity, slide the vibration intensity adjustment bar for Incoming call, Notifications, or Vibration feedback to the left to decrease vibration or to the right to increase vibration.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Adjust Samsung Keyboard Size in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

When needed, you can adjust the size of the Samsung keyboard in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. As the example, you can set this keyboard to a bigger size for better access if you have difficulty when typing with small keys, or you can set this keyboard to a smaller size if you want to get more space for the text area so you can review the text with more easily, etc.

How to adjust the size of the Samsung keyboard?
Assuming that the Samsung keyboard is set as the default, you can adjust its size by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the System section and then tap Language and input.
  3. In the Keyboard and input methods section, tap Samsung keyboard to view more detailed settings. Alternatively, when you're entering text, you can quickly go to the Samsung keyboard settings by long tapping the key in the left side of the space bar and then select .
  4. Scroll the screen to the very bottom and then tap Adjust keyboard size.
  5. To adjust the size of the Samsung keyboard, tap and hold at the top of the keyboard and then drag it upwards for bigger size or downwards for smaller size.
  6. If you'd like to reset the Samsung keyboard size back to the default, tap Reset at the top right.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Switch Between Keyboards in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

For some reason, you might want to install a third-party keyboard app or some in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, e.g., when the Samsung default keyboard doesn't have the feature you're looking for. After installing, you're usually asked to set the third-party keyboard app as the default. In case you want to use the Samsung keyboard again or use another keyboard, you can easily switch between keyboards by changing the default keyboard to the required one.

How to switch between keyboards?
As the example, we'll do so by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from the screen or app where you can enter text.

Method #1: From the settings menu
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the System section and then tap Language and input.
  3. Tap Default keyboard.
  4. Select the required keyboard you want to use.
  5. The selected keyboard has been set as the default and you're now ready to use it.

Method #2: From an app or screen where you can enter text
  1. When you're entering text, e.g., when composing a new text message, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap Select keyboard.
  2. Select the required keyboard you want to use.
  3. The selected keyboard has been set as the default and you're now ready to use it.

As a note, when you're using the Samsung keyboard, you can use the keyboard sound feature to have your phone plays a sound when the Samsung keyboard is tapped.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Set Your Own Audio File as Notification Tone in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

If you want to have more personal notification tone in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge or are bored with the stock notification tone, you can use your own audio file as your notification tone. What you have to do is placing the required audio file to the notifications folder in order to add it to the notification sound list so you can select and set it as your notification tone.

How to add your own audio file to the notifications folder?
As the example, we'll add a mp3 file to the notifications folder so it'll be added to the notification sound list by using the following steps:
  1. Open My Files app.
  2. In the Category section, tap Audio folder to view all audio files in your phone.
  3. Long tap the required mp3 file to select it.
  4. To copy the selected mp3 file, tap More at the top right and then select Copy.
  5. Now, navigate to the Device storage\media\audio\notifications folder. To paste copied mp3 file, tap Paste here at the top right.
  6. The selected mp3 file has been copied to the notifications folder and will be added to the notification sound list.

How to use your own audio file as your notification tone?
As the example, we'll use the mp3 file that has been added to the notifications folder as the S Planner notification tone by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Device section and then tap Sounds and notifications.
  3. Tap Ringtones and sounds.
  4. Tap S Planner notifications.
  5. If S Planner notifications is off, tap the ON/OFF switch to turn it on. The switch turns green when it's enabled.
  6. Tap Notification sound.
  7. Find your mp3 file within the list and then tap it to select and set it as the S Planner notification tone.
  8. The S Planner notification tone has been changed.