Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Add Google Account in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Before you can install any third-party app from the Google Play Store or use other Google-related apps(e.g: Gmail, Youtube, Maps, etc.), you have to add a Google account to your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge first.

How to add a Google account to Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge?
You can create a new Google account or use an existing one. As the example, we'll try adding an existing Google account by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from a Google-related app.

Method #1: From the settings menu
You can add an existing Google account via the settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. While the screen is unlocked, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to the Personal section and then tap Accounts.
  3. Tap Add account.
  4. Tap Google.
  5. Enter your existing Google email address and then tap Next button.
  6. Enter your Gmail password and then tap Next button.
  7. In the Term of Services and Privacy Policy screen, tap Accept button to continue.
  8. In the Google services screen, the backup feature is enabled by default. You need to scroll down the screen and then tap Next button to continue.
  9. In the Set up payment info screen, you can set up the desired payment method, but if you'd like to set it up later, you can select No thanks and then tap Continue button.
  10. Your existing Google account has been successfully added to your phone.

Method #2: From a Google-related app
As the example, we'll add an existing Google account via Gmail app by using the following steps:
  1. Open Gmail app. If you have not added a Google account yet, you'll see a Welcome to Gmail screen. Tap Skip button at the bottom left corner.
  2. Tap Add an email address.
  3. Select Google and then tap Next button.
  4. Enter your existing Google email address and then tap Next button.
  5. Enter your Gmail password and then tap Next button.
  6. In the Term of Services and Privacy Policy screen, tap Accept button to continue.
  7. In the Google services screen, the backup feature is enabled by default. You need to scroll down the screen and then tap Next button to continue.
  8. In the Set up payment info screen, you can set up the desired payment method, but if you'd like to set it up later, you can select No thanks and then tap Continue button.
  9. Your existing Google account has been successfully added to your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Add or Remove a Contact in Auto Reject List in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has a default call reject feature that will let you to block unwanted calls from a specific number by adding the required phone number or contact to the auto reject list. When a blocked contact calls you, your phone will automatically block it and you won't be notified with any notification(sound or vibration).

How to add a contact to the auto reject list?
You can block incoming calls from a specific number by adding the number to the auto reject list. As the example, we'll try doing so by using two different methods: from the contacts list and from the call logs.

Method #1: From the contacts list
  1. Open Contacts app. All your contacts will be displayed here.
  2. Tap the required contact you want to add to the auto reject list.
  3. Tap More at the top right and then select Add to Auto reject list.
  4. This icon will be displayed above the phone number as a sign than the selected contact has been added to the auto reject list.

Method #2: From the call logs
  1. Open Phone app.
  2. Tap Log tab.
  3. Tap the required phone number or contact you want to add to the auto reject list.
  4. Tap More at the top right and then select Add to Auto reject list.
  5. The selected phone number or contact has been added to the auto reject list.

How to remove a contact from the auto reject list?
For some reason, you might want to unblock a blocked contact by removing it from the auto reject list, e.g: when you have accidentally blocked a wrong contact. As the example, we'll try doing so by using two different methods: from the contacts list and from the call logs.

Method #1: From the contacts list
  1. Open Contacts app. All your contacts will be displayed here.
  2. Tap the required contact you want to remove from the auto reject list.
  3. Tap More at the top right and then select Remove from Auto reject list.
  4. This icon will no longer be displayed above the phone number as a sign than the selected contact has been removed from the auto reject list.

Method #2: From the call logs
  1. Open Phone app.
  2. Tap Log tab.
  3. Tap the required phone number or contact you want to remove from the auto reject list.
  4. Tap More at the top right and then select Remove from Auto reject list.
  5. The selected phone number or contact has been removed from the auto reject list.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Block Unwanted and Unknown Calls in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

When needed, you can set your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge to automatically block calls come from a specific number or those you have not added to your contacts list by adding the phone number to the auto reject list and enabling the feature to reject calls from unknown numbers. But, you have to remember that this feature will only work to block calls from those with phone numbers, in other words, this feature can't be used to block private calls or calls come from those who hide their phone numbers.

How to block unwanted calls from a specific phone number?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Open Phone app.
  2. Tap More at the top right and then select Settings.
  3. Tap Call rejection.
  4. Tap Auto reject list.
  5. To manually add a phone number to the reject list, enter the required phone number you want to block. Alternatively, you can tap the Log button to pick up a phone number from your call logs, or tap the Contacts button to pick up a phone number from your contacts list.
  6. Tap to add the entered phone number to the reject list.
  7. To add more numbers to the reject list, repeat from the step #5.
  8. From now on, incoming calls come from those you have added to the reject list will be blocked or rejected automatically.

How to block calls from unknown numbers?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Open Phone app.
  2. Tap More at the top right and then select Settings.
  3. Tap Call rejection.
  4. Tap Auto reject list.
  5. Slide the ON/OFF switch next to the Unknown option to the right enable this option. The switch turns green when this option is enabled.
  6. From now on, incoming calls from unknown numbers(those you have not added to your contacts list) will be blocked or rejected automatically.

FYI, when a blocked phone number calls you, you will not get any notification (sound or vibration). However, your phone will keep recording all blocked calls in your call logs and flag them as rejected calls.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Sort Apps in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

By default, you can rearrange apps in the apps menu manually so you can have your apps list in random order. But, if your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has been updated to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop, you'll have the A-Z sorting feature that can be used to sort the list of your apps in the apps menu in alphabetical order. Sorting the apps alphabetically will help you find an app with more easily. Unfortunately, if you want to keep the list of your apps in this order, you have to sort the list again after installing or uninstalling and disabling or re-enabling any app.

How to sort the list of apps in alphabetical order?
You can use the A-Z sorting feature to sort the list of your apps alphabetically by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, tap Apps at the bottom right corner of the screen to go to the apps menu. All your apps will be displayed here.
  2. Tap A-Z at the top of the screen.
  3. A pop up window will appear to inform you that the list of your apps will be rearranged in alphabetical order and any customizations you have made will be discarded. Tap the OK button to continue.
  4. The list of your apps in the apps menu will be sorted alphabetically.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Change the Grid Size on Home Screen in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

By default, a home screen in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has 4 rows and 4 columns which mean you'll be able to add or display up to 16 1x1 widgets or shortcuts to apps in a home screen. When needed, you can change the size of the grid on your home screen so you can add or display more or less widgets or shortcuts to apps.

How to change the grid size on home screen?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area.
  2. Tap the Screen grid icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the required grid size you want to use. There are three grid sizes available:
    • 4x4: select this option to divide your home screen becomes 4 columns and 4 rows so you can add or display up to 16 items. This option is enabled by default.
    • 4x5: select this option to divide your home screen becomes 4 columns and 5 rows so you can add or display up to 20 items.
    • 5x5: select this option to divide your home screen becomes 5 columns and 5 rows so you can add or display up to 25 items.
  4. Tap the Apply button to save your changes.
  5. The selected grid size will be applied to your home screen.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Change Themes in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

There are some ways that you can do to customize your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, one of which is by changing its theme. This will change the visual elements of the home screen, lock screen, apps and icons.

How to change Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge theme?
You can do so by using two different methods: from a home screen and from the settings menu.

Method #1: From a home screen
You can change your phone's theme from a home screen by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area.
  2. Tap the Themes icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the required theme you want to use. By default, there are three preloaded themes available: Default, Pink and Space. If you'd like to have more themes, you can download them from the theme store by tapping the Theme Store button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Swipe the screen to the left to see the preview of the selected theme. As a note, the visual elements of interface(e.g: colors, icons, and wallpapers) will change depending on the selected theme. Tap the Apply button to apply the selected theme to your phone.
  5. A pop up window appears to inform you that applying the selected theme may close some apps and unsaved data may be lost. Tap the Apply button to continue.
  6. Wait until the process of applying theme is completed.
  7. The selected theme has been applied to your phone.

Method #2: From the settings menu
You can change your phone's theme from the settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. While the screen is unlocked, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to the Personal section and then tap Themes.
  3. Tap the required theme you want to use. By default, there are three preloaded themes available: Default, Pink and Space. If you'd like to have more themes, you can download them from the theme store by tapping the Theme Store button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Swipe the screen to the left to see the preview of the selected theme. As a note, the visual elements of interface(e.g: colors, icons, and wallpapers) will change depending on the selected theme. Tap the Apply button to apply the selected theme to your phone.
  5. A pop up window appears to inform you that applying the selected theme may close some apps and unsaved data may be lost. Tap the Apply button to continue.
  6. Wait until the process of applying theme is completed.
  7. The selected theme has been applied to your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Add or Remove Shortcuts to Apps in Home Screen in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

In Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, there are several ways that can be done to help you quickly access your favourite apps, one of which is by adding shortcuts to your favourite apps in your home screen. It will save you more time since you don't need to go to the apps menu when you need to use your favourite apps. If needed, you can also easily remove unused or unwanted shortcuts to apps from your home screen.

How to add a shortcut to an app to the home screen?
As the example, we'll try adding a shortcut to the Gallery app to the home screen by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, tap Apps at the bottom right corner of the screen to go to the apps menu.
  2. Swipe the screen to the left or right to find the Gallery app.
  3. Tap and hold the Gallery app icon and then drag it to an empty area in a home screen to create a shortcut to this app in the home screen.
  4. A shortcut to the Gallery app has been added to the home screen. If you need to add more home screens to your phone so you can add more shortcuts to apps, you can find the complete steps here.

How to remove a shortcut to an app from the home screen?
When needed, you can easily remove unused or unwanted shortcuts of apps from your home screen. As the example, we'll try removing the Gallery app shortcut from the home screen by using the following steps:
  1. Go to the home screen where the shortcut of the Gallery app is placed in.
  2. Tap and hold the shortcut of the Gallery app and then drag it to the Remove icon located at the top of the screen to remove it from the home screen.
  3. The shortcut of the Gallery app has been removed from the home screen.