Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Add or Remove Widget in Home Screen in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Widgets are small apps that can be used to easily launch a specific app function to provide you information and convenient access from your phone's home screen, for instance: the music widget that will let you easily control the music playback from the home screen, the weather widget that will let you easily know the weather information from the home screen, etc.

How to add a widget to the home screen?
Before you can use a widget, you have to add it first to your home screen. As the example, we'll try adding the music widget to the home screen by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area.
  2. Tap the Widgets icon at the bottom of the screen to view the widgets list.
  3. Swipe the screen to the left or right to find the Music 4x1 widget, or you can use the search function to find this widget with more quickly by using these steps:
    • Tap More at the top right and then select Search widgets.
    • Type music in the search field. All music widgets will be displayed on your screen.
  4. Tap and hold the Music 4x1 widget and then drag it to an empty area on a home screen. Release to place the widget.
  5. The Music 4x1 widget has been added to the home screen. As a note, some widgets may ask you to do some configurations, if that so, you just need to follow the on-screen instructions to complete the configuration. If you'd like to add more home screens in your phone so you can add more widgets, you can find the complete steps here.

How to remove a widget from the home screen?
When needed, you can easily remove unused or unwanted widgets from your home screen. As the example, we'll try removing the music widget from the home screen by using the following steps:
  1. Go to the home screen where the music widget is placed in.
  2. Tap and hold the music widget and then drag it to the Remove icon located at the top of the screen. Release to delete the widget.
  3. The music widget has been removed from the home screen.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Connect to a Windows Computer

There are some reason you might want to connect your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge to your Windows computer, e.g: when you want to copy or move files from your phone to PC or vice versa, when you want to share your phone's mobile data connection to your PC, etc. You can easily connect both these devices by using the USB cable that came with your phone.

Disclaimer: this post is written based on Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925F runs with Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and the computer uses Windows 7 Professional 32-bit as the operating system.

How to connect your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge to a Windows PC?
As the example, we'll connect the phone to a Windows PC by using the provided USB cable and then transfer some photos taken with the Camera app to the PC via the Windows Explorer app by using the following steps:
  1. Connect your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge to the computer using the provided USB cable by plugging the micro USB connector to the multipurpose jack in your phone (it's located under the Home key) and the USB connector to a USB port on your Windows PC. If it's the first time for you to connect your phone with the PC, your PC may need a few minutes to install the driver. By default, your phone will use MTP as the connection mode.
  2. When the phone has been successfully connected to your PC and is ready to use, a pop up window will appear on your computer. Click the Open device to view files option to automatically explore your phone in the Windows Explorer.
  3. Click the Phone folder to explore your phone memory.
  4. Click the DCIM folder and then click the Camera folder. All photos taken with the stock Camera app will be displayed here.
  5. Select the required photos you want to copy or move to your PC.
  6. If you'd like to copy the selected photos, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C, or click the right-mouse button and then select Copy. While, if you'd like to move the selected photos, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+X, or click the right-mouse button and then select Cut.
  7. Now, navigate to a folder in your PC where you want to place the selected photos and then paste it by using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+V, or click the right-mouse button and then select Paste.
  8. The selected photos will be copied or moved from the DCIM\Camera folder in your phone to the selected folder in your Windows PC.
  9. Once done, close the Windows Explorer and you can disconnect your phone from the PC by unplugging the USB cable from your phone and PC.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Enable and Use Wallpaper Motion Effect in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

When you're in the wallpaper menu, you can not only change the home screen wallpaper to personalize your home screen, but also enable wallpaper motion effect to give a visual effect for the wallpaper. When this feature is enabled, your home screen wallpaper will move(though it's so slightly) when you tilt your phone.

How to enable the wallpaper motion effect?
You can turn this feature on by using two different methods: from a home screen and from the settings menu.

Method #1: From a home screen
You can enable the wallpaper motion effect from a home screen by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area.
  2. Tap the Wallpapers button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Slide the ON/OFF switch next to Wallpaper motion effect to the right to enable it. The switch turns green when it's enabled.

Method #2: From the settings menu
You can enable the wallpaper motion effect from the settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. While the screen is unlocked, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to the Personal section and then tap Wallpaper.
  3. Slide the ON/OFF switch next to Wallpaper motion effect to the right to enable it. The switch turns green when it's enabled.

How to use the wallpaper motion effect?
When the wallpaper motion effect is enabled and you're in a home screen, tilt your phone left and right or forwards and backwards to have your phone moves the wallpaper.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Change Home Screen Wallpaper in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

When needed, you can do some customizations to the home screen in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, one of which is by changing its background image(we often call it as wallpaper). You can set other preloaded wallpaper as your home screen wallpaper when you're bored with your current wallpaper, or you can use your own picture as your home screen wallpaper when you want to have a unique wallpaper.

How to change the home screen wallpaper?
You can do so by using some different methods. As the example, we'll try changing the home screen wallpaper from a home screen and from the settings menu.

Method #1: From a home screen
You can change the background image of your home screen from a home screen by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area to edit your home screen.
  2. Tap the Wallpapers button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the drop down box at the top of the screen and then select Home screen.
  4. To use your own picture as the home screen wallpaper, do as follows:
    • Tap the From Gallery thumbnail at the bottom of the screen.
    • Tap an album and then select the required picture you want to use as the home screen wallpaper.
    • Tap the Set as wallpaper button.
    • The selected picture has been set as the home screen wallpaper.
  5. To use other preloaded wallpaper as the home screen wallpaper, do as follows:
    • Swipe the screen that displays the wallpaper thumbnails to the left to view more of the available preloaded wallpapers.
    • Tap a thumbnail of a preloaded wallpaper you want to set as home screen wallpaper.
    • Tap the Set as wallpaper button.
    • The selected preloaded wallpaper has been set as the home screen wallpaper.

Method #2: From the settings menu
You can change the background image of your home screen from the settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. While the screen is unlocked, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to the Personal section and then tap Wallpaper.
  3. Tap the drop down box at the top of the screen and then select Home screen.
  4. To use your own picture as the home screen wallpaper, do as follows:
    • Tap the From Gallery thumbnail at the bottom of the screen.
    • Tap an album and then select the required picture you want to use as the home screen wallpaper.
    • Tap the Set as wallpaper button.
    • The selected picture has been set as the home screen wallpaper.
  5. To use other preloaded wallpaper as the home screen wallpaper, do as follows:
    • Swipe the screen that displays the wallpaper thumbnails to the left to view more of the available preloaded wallpapers.
    • Tap a thumbnail of a preloaded wallpaper you want to set as home screen wallpaper.
    • Tap the Set as wallpaper button.
    • The selected preloaded wallpaper has been set as the home screen wallpaper.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Add, Remove or Rearrange Home Screen in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Home screen is a part of your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge that can be used as the starting point to access all features available in your phone. It can be used to place widgets or shortcuts to apps for easier access. When needed, you can add, remove or rearrange your home screens to suit your need.

How to add a new home screen?
When needed, you can add more home screens in your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge so you can place more apps or widgets by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in a home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area to edit your home screen.
  2. Swipe the screen to the leftmost and then tap a home screen preview with + sign inside to add a new home screen. As a note, you're allowed to have up to 15 home screens.
  3. A new home screen has been added.

How to remove a home screen?
In case you want to remove a home screen, e.g: when you want to simplify your home screens by removing unused ones, you can do so by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in the home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area to edit your home screens.
  2. Swipe the screen to the left or right to find a preview of a home screen you want to remove.
  3. Tap and hold the preview of the home screen you want to remove and then drag it to the Trash can icon at the top of the screen.
  4. The selected home screen has been removed. FYI, when you remove a home screen, all widgets and shortcuts in this home screen will automatically be removed too.

How to rearrange home screens?
When needed, you can change the order of your home screens for more convenient access by using the following steps:
  1. While you're in the home screen, pinch the screen using two fingers or long tap on an empty area to edit your home screens.
  2. Swipe the screen to the left or right to find a preview of a home screen you want to change its position.
  3. Tap and hold the preview of the home screen you want to change its position and then drag it to the required position.
  4. The position of the selected home screen has been changed.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Enable, Configure and Use Information Stream in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Information stream is a feature in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge that works by utilizing its edge screen. When this feature is enabled, you can view real-time news and other information you have selected in advance on the edge screen when the main screen is turned off.

How to enable the information stream feature?
You can do so by using two different methods: from the settings menu and from the edge screen.

Method #1: From the settings menu
You can enable the information stream feature via the settings menu by using these steps:
  1. While the screen is unlocked, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to the Device section and then tap Edge screen.
  3. Tap Information stream.
  4. Slide the ON/OFF switch to the right to enable it. When the switch turns green means the information stream feature is enabled.

Method #2: From the edge screen
When people edge or apps edge feature is enabled, you can enable the information stream feature from the edge screen by using these steps:
  1. Drag the handle on the edge screen towards the centre of the screen to open the edge screen.
  2. Tap to go to the edge screen menu.
  3. Tap Information stream.
  4. Slide the ON/OFF switch to the right to enable it. When the switch turns green means the information stream feature is enabled.

How to configure the information stream feature?
When you have enabled the information stream feature, you can do these configurations:
  1. Enable or disable feeds.
    You can choose which feeds you want to display on the edge screen by using these steps:
    • While you're in the information stream menu, tap Manage feeds.
    • Select the required feeds you want to display on the edge screen by checking the box in the required feeds. In some feeds, you can adjust its settings by tapping next to the feed. As the example, you can tap next to the notifications feed to select which apps you want to display its notifications on the edge screen.
    • If needed, you can download other feeds from Galaxy Apps by swiping the screen to the left and then tap Download feeds.
  2. Adjust the edge screen time out.
    By default, the edge screen will automatically turn off if it's not used for about 1 minute. But, when needed you can change the edge screen's timeout by using these steps:
    • While you're in the information stream menu, tap Edge screen timeout.
    • Select the required option. There are 6 options available: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes or 10 minutes.
  3. Enable or disable weather information.
    You can set your phone to display the weather information on the edge screen by using these steps:
    • While you're in the information stream menu, tap Weather.
    • Slide the ON/OFF switch to the right to enable it. When the switch turns green means the weather information will be displayed on the edge screen.
    • When needed, you can adjust the weather settings by tapping the Weather settings button.

How to use the information stream feature?
When you have enabled and configured the information stream feature, you can use this feature by using the following steps:
  1. While the main screen is off, swipe the edge screen upwards then downwards or vice versa in one quick motion to turn on the edge screen.
  2. Swipe the edge screen to the left or to the right to view the feeds you have selected in advance.
  3. Tap a feed on the edge screen to view it in an appropriate app. As the example, if you tap the Flipboard feed, it'll automatically be opened in the Flipboard app.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to View Missed Notifications from My People in Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

If you have assigned a contact to a provided colour indicator in My people while the people edge feature is enabled, a tab with this contact's assigned colour will appear on the edge screen when you have missed notifications(calls, text messages or email messages) from this contact. You can use this tab to easily view those missed notifications. But, you have to remember that this feature will work if you enable the edge screen notifications.

How to view missed notifications from My people?
As the example, if you have assigned a contact named "Marie" to the orange colour indicator in My people, you can easily view missed notifications from Marie by using the following steps:
  1. Drag the orange tab on the edge screen towards the centre of the screen to view all missed notifications from Marie. By default, the tab is displayed in the right edge screen and can be accessed from all screens.
  2. If there are multiple notifications from this contact, you can preview each notification by swiping the notifications screen(it's located below the contact's name) to the right or to the left.
  3. To remove the currently viewed notification from people edge, tap ..
  4. To open a missed notification in an appropriate app, tap a preview of a missed notification. As the example, tap the preview of the text message notification to open it in the stock Messaging app.