Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Archive and Delete Actions in Gmail App

Once you've activated a Google account, you'll be allowed to access Google services available in your phone. One of which is Gmail app that will allow you to send or receive email messages. By using this app, you're also be able to reply or forward a Gmail message.

See also: How to View, Reply or Forward Gmail Message in the Samsung Galaxy S4

If you noticed, when you're opening a Gmail message or selecting multiple Gmail messages, there's a set of quick icon displayed at the top action bar. By default they are Archive, Delete and Mark as Unread icon. But, if you don't like those default, you can change them by utilizing an option in Gmail settings called archive and delete actions.

How to change archive & delete actions in Gmail app?
FYI, I use Gmail version 4.7.2. Well, below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. Tap Archive & delete actions.
  5. You'll see three options available, they are:
    • Show archive only: select this option if you wish to display Archive, Mark as Unread and Move to icon.
    • Show delete only: select this option if you wish to display Delete, Mark as Unread and Move to icon.
    • Show archive & delete: select this option if you wish to display Archive, Delete and Mark as unread icon.
  6. Select the desired archive & delete actions option you wish to use.
  7. Now,  the top action bar in an opened Gmail message or when you multi select Gmail messages will display a set of quick icon according to the archive and delete actions option you've just selected.

By knowing how to change quick icon displayed at the top action bar in a Gmail message, now you can set it according to your need. As the example, because I often delete Gmail messages then I choose to use an option which will display a delete icon in Gmail message. So, how about you? Which option do you like to use?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Select Multiple Gmail Messages when the Sender Image is Enabled or Disabled

Gmail app is an email service provided by Google that's become one of the stock apps in the Samsung Galaxy SIV. This app will allow you to check, send or receive email messages directly from your phone. To access this app, make sure you have had activated a Google account on your phone.

See also: How to Create and Send a Gmail Message with or without Attachment in the Samsung Galaxy S4

For those of you who often use email messages to communicate with others, surely you've ever found your inbox filled with lot of email messages. If so, deleting unimportant or unused email messages would be one way that you can do. To make you more easier to do so, you can select multiple Gmail messages first and then delete them all. There are two methods available to select multiple Gmail messages depend on how you set the sender image option in your Gmail app.

How to enable or disable sender image?
Sender image is a box located in the left side of each Gmail message. If the email sender has been added in your contacts app and it has contact's picture then the sender image will display contact's picture. If not, the sender image will display the first letter of the sender's name. If you don't know how to turn on or off sender image, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap General settings.
  4. Depending on your current settings, tap Sender image to enable or disable this option. When the box next to this option is ticked means the option is turned on.

How to select multiple Gmail messages when sender image is turned on?
If you decide to turn on sender image, then you can make multiple selection in Gmail app by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the sender image of a Gmail message you wish to select. The sender image will be replaced with the Check mark icon as a sign that the message has been selected.
  3. To make multiple selection, tap another sender image next to another Gmail message.
  4. Now, when Gmail messages are selected, you can utilize some option available, such as delete them all or move them to certain folder, etc.

How to select multiple Gmail messages when sender image is turned off?
While if you turn off sender image in Gmail app, then you can make multiple selection by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Long tap the desired Gmail message you wish to select. The message will be highlighted with a blue color as a sign that the message has been selected.
  3. Single tap another Gmail message to make multiple selection.
  4. Now, when Gmail messages are selected, you can utilize some option available, such as delete them all or move them to certain folder, etc.

If you're like me, I prefer to enable sender image in my Gmail app. It makes my inbox more colorful and makes me more easier to know who the sender image is by seeing the contact's picture displayed in there. It also makes me more easier to select multiple Gmail messages compared if I do so when the sender image is turned off. So, how about you? Do you enable or disable sender image in your Gmail app?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to View, Reply and Forward an Email Message in Gmail App

If you have had activated a Google account in your Samsung Galaxy SIV, then you'll be allowed to use it to access another Google services available in your phone. One of which is Gmail app that will allow you to send an email message with or without attachment, either to another Gmail users or to another email-services users. This of course will helpful, especially for those of you who often use an email message to communicate with others.

See also: How to Create and Send Email Messages with or without Attachment using Gmail App in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Aside from sending email messages, you can also utilize this app to receive email messages. When you have an incoming email message, you'll be presented with some options available, such as read, reply or forward the message.

How to view a Gmail message?
FYI, Gmail app has 3 inbox folders, they are Primary, Social and Promotions. But, by default, when you're opening Gmail app, you'll be redirected to the Primary inbox folder. Well, as the example, here are the step to view an email message in the Primary inbox folder:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. In the Primary inbox, tap the desired email message you wish to read.
  3. The selected email message will be opened to allow you to read it.
  4. If you wish to read email message in social and promotions inbox folder, while you're in the Gmail's main page, swipe the screen from left to the right and then under Inbox section tap Social or tap Promotions.

How to reply Gmail message?
If you wish to reply an email message to its original sender, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the desired email message you wish to reply.
  3. Tap Reply icon to reply email message.
  4. Write your message in the Compose email field.
  5. Tick the box next to QUOTED TEXT if you wish to quote the original message into your message. Or, tap RESPOND IN-LINE to include the original message into your message.
  6. Tap Send email message button at the top right corner of the screen.
  7. Your reply will be sent.

How to forward Gmail message?
If you wish to forward an email message to another email recipient, then you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the desired email message you wish to forward.
  3. Tap the Three dot icon then select Forward.
  4. Enter the email recipient in the To field.
  5. Write your message in the Compose email field. 
  6. Tap RESPOND IN-LINE to include the original message into your message.
  7. Tap Send email message button at the top right corner of the screen.
  8. Your forwarded email will be sent.

By utilizing some options available in an email message in Gmail app, now you can easily read an email message and then if necessary you can reply the message to the original sender or forward it to another email recipient. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Use Wishlist Feature in Google Play Store

As the official market, Google Play Store used by most of Android phone users to download and install apps into their phones. Here, you can find tons of apps, either free version or paid version. To make sure that the app is suit your need and will not make some problems in your phone, it'll be better if you read the app detail and review first before installing the app into your phone.

See also: How to Install Free Apps from Google Play Store in the Samsung Galaxy S4

When you're opening an app in the Play Store, you may notice that there's a bookmark-like icon at the top of the screen. It's called a Wishlist icon. If the Wishlist icon in certain app is displayed with the Plus sign means the app has not been added to the wishlist, while if it's displayed with the Check mark icon means the app have been added to the wishlist. You can use this icon to add or remove an app from wishlist. An advantage of using wishlist feature is an easiness to find and track apps you have been added to the wishlist.

How to add an app to the wishlist?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Play Store.
  2. Tap the Search icon and then enter your search term.
  3. All apps that match with your search term will be displayed here.
  4. If you wish to add an app to the wishlist without reading the app detail, tap the Three dot icon in the right side of the app's name and then select Add to wishlist.
  5. If you want to read the app detail first before adding the app to the wishlist, tap the app and then tap the Add wishlist icon.
  6. The selected app will be added to the wishlist.
  7. To see all your wishlist apps, while you're in the Play Store's main page, swipe the screen from left to the right and then tap My wishlist. All your wishlist apps will be displayed here.

How to remove an app from wishlist?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Play Store.
  2. Swipe the screen from left to the right.
  3. Tap My wishlist to display all of your wishlist apps.
  4. If you wish to remove an app from the wishlist without reading the app detail, tap the Three dot icon in the right side of the app's name and then select Remove from wishlist.
  5. If you want to read the app detail first before removing the app from the wishlist, tap the app then tap the Remove wishlist icon.
  6. The selected app will be removed from wishlist.

If you're like me, I usually use this feature when I accidentally found an interesting app but having no time to read the app review (FYI, I always read the review first before installing an app). Next time, I can easily find the app through My wishlist menu to read the review and then decide to install the app or not. So, have you ever used this feature? Has this feature helped you?

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Screen Mode

One of weaknesses usually owned by most of smartphone is poor battery life, especially with those that have huge screen and lot of advanced features that usually consume lot of power. To reduce battery consumption by a huge screen, you can decrease the screen brightness as low as possible or you can also enable auto brightness to let your phone adjust the screen brightness automatically depends on how much light around you.

See also: How to Adjust Screen Brightness in Galaxy S4

Aside from adjusting the screen brightness, use the darker color profile can also reduce battery consumption compared when you use the brighter ones. Luckily, Samsung Galaxy SIV has come with an option called screen mode which will allow the user to change the phone's colour profile. Some of them have a darker colour profile which will help the user who are tight with the battery life issue to save more battery and also improve the users' comfort (including me) who have a problem with the brighter colour.

How to change screen mode?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap My device tab.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Screen mode.
  5. Here you'll see five screen modes available, they are:
    • Adapt display: This mode is selected by default. this mode will automatically optimizes the colour range, saturation, and sharpness of the display in the Gallery app, Camera app, Stock Browser app, Video app, WatchON app and Samsung Books.
    • Dynamic: for me who have problem with the colour sharpness, this mode hurt my eyes because it's more red and more sharp.
    • Standard: This is my favourite screen mode. It has soft colour and enough sharpness that make me feel comfort to use my phone with this mode.
    • Professional photo: I have no idea about this mode. But, I noticed this mode has less sharpness and color range compared with the standard.
    • Movie: Compared with other modes, this mode has the lowest sharpness and the darkest color.
  6. Tap the desired screen mode you wish to use (Look at the picture above to see the differences between each screen mode).
  7. Tap Save button.
  8. The selected screen mode will be applied.

If you're like me, I prefer to use standard as my screen mode. This mode has a soft colour compared with the adapt display and dynamic, and has enough sharpness compared with the professional photo and movie. Even so, each user has their own taste. So, no matter what the screen mode you'll choose, make sure to choose the one that will make you more comfort using your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Update Applications

For certain reason, you may want to install third-party apps that you can get through Google Play Store, for instance when you're not satisfied with the stock app and want to install third-party app that has the same function, etc. To allow you accessing Play Store, make sure you have had an active Google account on your phone.

See also: How to Download Free Apps from Google Play Store in the Samsung Galaxy S4

To keep all installed apps run smoothly and don't cause any error, make sure to update apps regularly. The latest update usually brings some new features and some fixes for bugs/errors in the previous version. Depending on your need, you can set your phone to automatically update apps or you can also update apps manually.

How to update apps automatically?
There's an option in the Google Play Store which will allow you to set the phone to automatically update apps when there's an update available. Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Play Store.
  2. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  3. Tap Auto-update apps.
  4. Here you'll see three options available, they are:
    • Do not auto-update apps: select this option to turn off auto update.
    • Auto-update apps at any time. Data charges may apply: select this option to allow your phone to automatically update apps when you have an Internet connection, either when you use Wi-Fi or mobile data.
    • Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only: select this option to allow your phone updating apps automatically only when you're connecting with the Wi-Fi network.
  5. Tap the desired auto update option you wish to use. But, if you're like me, I prefer to use auto update over Wi-Fi because it's faster and doesn't charge me with the data.
  6. From now, when there an update available, your phone will update app automatically and you'll be informed with a notification when the app is successfully updated.

How to update apps manually?
If you more prefer to update apps manually, you can do so by using one of methods listed below:
Method #1: From the Notification panel
By default, usually you'll receive a notification if there's an update available. Below are the steps to update apps manually from the notification panel:
  1. Swipe the top of the screen to the bottom to access notification panel.
  2. Under the Notifications section, tap the update notifications.
  3. You'll be brought to the My apps menu in the Play Store. If available, in the Installed tab you can see all available updates under Updates section.
  4. To update a single app, tap Update button in the right side of the desired app you wish to update then tap Update button.
  5. To update all apps, tap Update all button.
  6. The selected apps will be updated and they will be moved to the Recently updated section.

Method #2: From Google Play Store
If you didn't receive a notification update, you can manually check available updates from the Play Store by following the steps below:
  1. Open Play Store.
  2. Swipe the screen from left to the right.
  3. Tap My apps.
  4. If available, in the Installed tab you can see all available updates under Updates section.
  5. To update a single app, tap Update button in the right side of the desired app you wish to update then tap Update button.
  6. To update all apps, tap Update all button.
  7. The selected apps will be updated and they will be moved to the recently updated section.

By knowing how to automatically or manually update apps, now you can use one of them to help you keeping the apps stay updated. So, hope it helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Install Apps from Unknown Sources (.apk File)

Most of Android phone users(including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV users) usually install apps from Google Play Store which is the official market for all Android phones. To be able to access Play Store, you need to have an active Google account. As the official market, Google Play Store provide their users with tons of apps that you can choose which one that suit your need. But, it will be better if you read the app's review first before installing the app to make sure that the app has a positive review and less complaints/errors.

See also: How to Install Free Apps from Google Play Store in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Nevertheless, though the Play Store has lot of apps, in some cases you may want to install certain app from other sources than the Play Store, for instance when the app is no longer available in the Play Store or you can't find any alternative app for the app you're looking for in the Play Store. Luckily, in Android, there's an option which will allow you to do so.

How to install .apk file?
An app from unknown sources usually has .apk extension. Well, here the steps to install it:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap More tab.
  3. Tap Security.
  4. Scroll down to find Unknown sources, and then tick the box next this option to enable it and then tap OK button to confirm enabling this option.
  5. Tick the box next to Verify apps to allow your phone to block or warn before installing apps that may cause harm.
  6. Now, you're allowed to install app from sources other than the Play Store. You can do so by downloading a .apk file of certain app through Browser app into your phone. (In this case, I'm using the stock Internet browser app to download calculator with percent.apk from
  7. Once the downloading process is completed. Open My File app and then navigate to the .apk location (usually all downloaded files will be saved in the Download folder in the phone storage)
  8. Tap .apk file you've just downloaded.
  9. Tap Install button.
  10. Tap Accept button.
  11. Once the installation process is completed, you can open the app and use it.

FYI, due to .apk file comes from unofficial sources, make sure to get it from a recommended source and has a good reputation. If your phone is encountering error after you installed a .apk file then it will be better for you to uninstall the app to fix the problem. So, have you ever installed a .apk file in your phone?