Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Use S Suggest Applications

Samsung Galaxy SIII comes with several useful apps as its pre-loaded application, such as Samsung App and Google Play Store app which will allow you to find and download certain useful application then install it to your phone.

See also: How to Access Google Play Store on Samsung Galaxy S3

Another pre-loaded application that will help you to choose which recommended popular application that compatible with your device you need to install with. This apps called S Suggest. This of course will help you to save your time, due to you don't need to spending lots of time to sorting through of thousand of apps in Play Store.

How to use S Suggest?
Below are the steps you need to do to use S Suggest on your phone:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap S Suggest.
  3. At the first time, you will see the Terms and conditions pages of this app. Mark Agree at the bottom of this page then tap Agree button to continue using S Suggest.
  4. Now you're on the main page of S Suggest, here you will see five tabs available. They are:
    • Picks: Tap this tab to see recommended app and selected categories. Tap a section and you can see additional recommendations by swiping your finger to the right or to the left.
    • Categories: Tap this tab to determine what categories you like, such as Entertainment, Kids, Lifestyle and Shopping, etc. Or you can Tap All to view all of the recommended apps from all categories available.
    • Games: Tap this tab to determine what type of gaming categories you like, such as Arcade, Action, Racing, etc. Or you can Tap All to view all of the recommended games from all categories available.
    • Friends: Tap this tab to see recommended apps based on what apps of your friends like. Here you will be prompt to login to your social network account.
    • Info: Tap this tab to watch introducing S Suggest and S Suggest Manual videos.
  5. To search the S Suggest library, tap the Menu key then on pop up menu select Search.
  6. When you've find certain app that interest you, you can tap the icon or banner to view the detail information of this apps. On the Detail view page, you can do several things here, such as:
    • Recommend the app by tapping the Recommend icon (thumb up icon).
    • Share the apps by tapping the Share button.
    • Download the apps by tapping Download button. This will take you to Google Play Store which will allow you to download the applications.
    • Scroll this page to see description of this app and to see comments from others about this apps.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By knowing on how to use S Suggest on your Galaxy SIII, now you will be easier to find what application are recommended and compatible with your device. So, have you ever use S Suggest on your Galaxy SIII? Does it help you?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Add and View Allowed Contacts on Blocking Mode

Once you've enabled blocking mode on your Galaxy SIII, you will be able to customize options available in three section inside it. The first is features section that will allow you to choose which option you want to block, while the second section will allow you to set schedule for blocking mode.

See also: How to Set Time Limit on Blocking Mode Using Samsung Galaxy S3

The last section under this feature is Allowed contacts which will allow you to add contact who are permitted to call you while you on blocking mode. Here you can also see the list of your allowed contacts.

How to add contact to allowed contacts list on blocking mode?
Below are the steps you need to do to add contact that you allow to be able to call you even your blocking mode is on:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Blocking mode.
  4. Make sure you've enabled blocking mode. If the slider next to this option shows green or in the right side means this option is turned on.
  5. Under Allowed contacts section you will see two options available: Allowed contacts and Allowed contacts list.
  6. To add contact into allowed contact list, tap Allowed contacts then choose one of four options available on pop up menu, they are:
    • None: choose this option if you want no incoming call is allowed when your blocking mode is on.
    • All Contacts: choose this option if you want all your contacts allowed to call you on blocking mode.
    • Favourites: choose this option if you want all the contacts on your Favourites group allowed to call you on blocking mode.
    • Custom: choose this option if you want to add certain contact that you allow to be able to call you on blocking mode. Selecting this option will take you to the contact list to pick up the required contact.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

How to view allowed contacts list on blocking mode?
Follow the steps below to see your allowed contacts list:
  1. While you on Allowed contacts section, tap Allowed contacts list.
  2. Now you will see a list of your "white list" that you allow to be able to call you while you on blocking mode.
  3. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

After you know all the sections available under blocking mode, now you can customize all of them to suit your needs and desires. So, did you have enabled blocking mode and configuring all the section inside it?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Set Time Limit on Blocking Mode

Once you've enabled blocking mode on your Galaxy SIII with Android Jelly Bean inside it, then you can configuring some options available under this feature. One of which is you can choose which option under features section you want to block.

See also: How to Customize Option Under Features Section on Blocking Mode Using Samsung Galaxy S3

One more thing you can do in here is set a block mode schedule. By scheduling, you can determine to activate blocking mode every time or in certain period of time. This of course will useful if you have a routine activity which is need to be not disturbed except with important calls and messages.

How to set schedule on blocking mode?
Here are the steps you need to do to adjust this option:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Ensure you have enabling Blocking mode option. When the slider next to this option shows green or in the right side means this option is enabled.
  4. Tap Blocking mode.
  5. Here you will see two option under Set time section. They are:
    • Always: Choose this option if you want blocking mode always active.
    • From-To: adjust the times here to set blocking mode for certain period of time. "From" is use to determine the begin of the time and "To" is use to determine the end of the time.
  6. Tap Home button to return to the stand by mode.

By knowing on how to set schedule for blocking mode, now you can set it to always activate or set it during the time you want to allow blocking mode activated on your phone. So, did you have scheduling blocking mode on your phone?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Customize Options Under Features Section on Blocking Mode

If you've upgrading your phone to the newest Android version: Android Jelly Bean, then you'll find some new features which is accompanying this operating system. One of the features available on Galaxy SIII with Jelly Bean is blocking mode option.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Blocking Mode on Samsung Galaxy S3

Once you've enabled this feature, now you can configuring some options inside it. One of which is you can block incoming calls, notifications, LED indicator, alarm and timer.

How to configure options under features section on blocking mode?
You can configuring option under the features section in order to help you to enable or disable them. Here are the steps:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Ensure you have enabling Blocking mode option. When the slider next to this option shows green or in the right side means this option is enabled.
  4. Tap Blocking mode.
  5. Here you will see four options available under features section. They are:
    • Disable incoming calls
    • Disable notifications
    • Disable alarm and timer
    • Disable LED indicator
  6. Tick the checkbox next to the option you want. Tick the checkbox will disabling the option from functioning.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

By default, if you turning on blocking mode on your mode then it will enable all of the options under features section. So, by knowing on how to configure option under this section will allow you to choose which option you want to use. Hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Enable or Disable Blocking Mode

As we all know that Samsung Galaxy SIII comes last year with Android Ice Cream Sandwich as its operating system. But, this year you can upgrading your phone to the newest Android version: Android Jelly Bean.

See Also: Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean Update for Samsung Galaxy SIII is Now Available at U.S. Cellular and Verizon Wireless

If you've upgrading your beloved Samsung Galaxy SIII to the Android Jelly Bean, surely you'll find a new features which is accompanying this operating system, such as blocking mode. This feature is an enhancement over the options on flight mode which will allow you to block all or certain of notifications, calls, texts and messages.

How to enable or disable blocking mode?
Kindly follow the steps listed below if you want to turn on or off this option:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Slide the slider next to the Blocking mode option to the right to enable this option, while you can disable this option by slide it to the left.
  4. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.

Once you've finished enable blocking mode option on your phone, now you can customize options available under this feature. So, did you have enabled this feature on your phone?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Adjust Touch Key Light Duration

Another part of Samsung Galaxy SIII that you can do several customization is display setting, such as you can set to keep your screen always on when your face is still watching the screen by turning on Smart stay option or make your phone keep switching its screen to portrait or landscape view according to your phone's position by turning on auto rotate screen.

See also: How to Set Auto Rotate on Samsung Galaxy S3

One more things you also can do while you on display setting is adjusting the delay time before the touch key light automatically turn off.

How to change touch key light duration?
Here are the steps you need to do to adjust this option in order to suit your needs:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Scroll to Settings, then tap on it.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Touch key light duration.
  5. Here you will see a pop up menu with four options available. They are:
    • 1.5 seconds: Choose this option if you wants the touch key light stay on during 1.5 seconds before it turn off.
    • 6 seconds: Choose this option if you wants the touch key light stay on during 6 seconds before it turn off.
    • Always off: Choose this option if you wants the touch key light always turn off.
    • Always on: Choose this option if you wants the touch key stay illuminated whenever your phone's screen is on and will turn off when the screen is off.
  6. Tap to the one that best suits you.
  7. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  8. Finish. Now you have managed to adjust touch key light duration on your Galaxy SIII.

Choosing the option that best suits your needs is the best way to make your phone work well to help your activities. So, what's option of the touch key light delay times are you using now?

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Display Battery Percentage

One of the advantage owned by the Samsung Galaxy SIII is its removable battery that will allow you to replace it easily with another extended battery or with the new one if it has a problem or broken.

See also: How to Insert or Remove Battery on Samsung Galaxy S3

Due to huge screen and many features inside this phone which is need a lot of power to run, then manage the battery is the important things you should pay attention for. One of the way you can do to keep your battery has a better life is by showing the percentage of the battery left on your screen. This of course be useful to tell you exactly how much the power is left.

How to show battery percentage?
To always show battery percentage in the notification bar then you need to do the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Apps through Home screen.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Display.
  4. Tap Display battery percentage to enable this option. When the checkbox next to this option is ticked means this option is enabled.
  5. Tap Home button to return to the standby mode.
  6. Now you should see a percentage next to the battery icon at the top of the screen.

By always displaying battery percentage on your Galaxy SIII screen, then you will be easier to know how much battery life you have left on your phone. So, did you have turned on this option on your phone?