
If you believe and have evidence that one or more of the content in the inside-galaxy.blogspot.com is violating your copyright or you find from the Search results which reference you to illegal content, then please let us know by contact us through our contact us page which has been provided in this blog.

After you send your complaint through the contact us page, please give us the time up to 3 business days to respond your complaint. To expedite and facilitate your complaint, please fill your email with the following requirement:
  1. Name, address and telephone number that we can contact for verification purposes.
  2. Provide an explanation of copyright material is affected.
  3. Include a correct and complete url link that you might expect violated.
  4. If you complain about illegal content, provide an explanation of the content briefly and clearly.
  5. Please make sure that you can receive further inquiries from us which will be sent to the email address you use to send a complaint to us.
  6. Please send us an email in English only.

  1. inside-galaxy.blogspot.com not contain illegal content, files or software. If you find this blog contained links that reference to illegal content then let us know by submitting a complaint to us via the contact us page that has been provided in this blog.
  2. inside-galaxy.blogspot.com moderate all comments that published at this blog, despite that we are not responsible for the content of these comments and the things they cause. If it causes strife for you and the other party or if you feel disturbed and harmed then please send a complaint to us via the contact us page and we will be removing the comments.
  3. If you feel entitled and have the content, images, links and any components contained in the inside-galaxy.blogspot.com and you mind if it is displayed in this blog, then please submit your complaint via our contact us page and we'll remove it up to 3 business days.
  4. If after we received your complaint and found that the complaint is true then we will take the necessary steps to resolve your complaint. And we will inform you via email that you use to send a complaint to us.
  5. If your complaint proved to be untrue then we will also inform you via the email you use to send the complaint to us and we will ensure that we will receive further inquiries or complaints if you are not satisfied with our actions.

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Hi the insiders,
Thanks for coming and I hope you can get something useful here.
Before submitting your comment to ask about an issue, please make sure to provide information as much as possible (at least write your model number and Android version) and describe the problem clearly.
Also, since all comments will be moderated, all comments with irrelevant links(if any) or contain with offensive/harsh word will be deleted.
The last, if you have a question and can't find the relevant article, please feel free to reach me through the Contact us page. I'll be more than happy to reply the email and answer the question :)