Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Use Blue Light Filter Feature in Android 7.0 Nougat

Blue light filter is a feature in Samsung Galaxy S8 that you can use to make your phone limits the amount of blue light emitted by the screen to help you sleep better because the secretion of melatonin in your body which causes you to become sleepy won't be distracted even if you have to stare your phone's screen at night and uses warmer colors to save your eyes from strain especially if you often use your phone at night or in darkened rooms. As a note, since this feature effects the screen only, all photos, videos, or screenshots taken while this feature is enabled will be saved in normal colors.

How to use the blue light filter feature?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Tap Display.
  3. Tap Blue light filter.
  4. To turn on the blue light filter feature immediately, tap the ON/OFF switch next to Turn on now. When the switch turns blue means this feature is enabled and your phone will filter blue light emitted by the screen and use warmer colors to help you sleep better and prevent eyes strain.
    Alternatively, you can quickly turn on or off the blue light filter feature by swiping down the top of the screen using two fingers to open up the quick settings panel and then tap the Blue light filter button . The button turns blue when it's enabled.
  5. If needed, you can adjust the colors temperature when the blue light filter feature is enabled by sliding the blue light filter opacity adjustment bar to the left for a brighter screen colors or to the right for a warmer screen colors.
  6. If needed, you can set a schedule for when you want to use the blue light filter feature by using the following steps:
    • Tap the ON/OFF switch next to Turn on as scheduled.
    • Select Custom schedule and then adjust the start time and the end time to set your phone to automatically enable and disable the blue light filter feature at scheduled time. As the example, if you set the start time to 7:00 PM and the end time to 7:00 AM next day, the blue light filter feature will automatically be turned on at 7:00 PM and turned off at 7:00 AM next day.
    • Select Sunset to sunrise to set your phone to automatically enable the blue light filter feature when sun sets in your current location and disable this feature at sunrise. Since using this feature needs to use your location information, you'll be asked to turn on Location if it's off.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Use Auto Hide Navigation Bar Feature in Android 7.0 Nougat

By default, the navigation bar contains with the on-screen recents, home, and back keys in your Samsung Galaxy S8 is always shown to let you easily navigate your phone. However, you can set your phone to automatically hide this bar when not used to have a more immersive experience with your phone's gorgeous screen because you can reclaim the space to display content.

How to use the auto hide the navigation bar feature?
As the example, we'll do so while viewing a webpage in the Internet app by using the following steps:
  1. Open a webpage in the Internet app.
  2. If you're holding your phone in the portrait view, tap located in the left side of the recents key. If you cannot find this feature in your phone, you have to update your phone to the latest update first.
  3. If it's the first time for you enabling this feature, a pop up window will appear to inform you how to access the navigation bar while it's hidden. Tap OK button to continue enabling the auto hide navigation bar feature. However, you have to remember that though this feature is enabled, the navigation bar will always be shown while you're in the home screen and apps screen.
  4. If you need to access the navigation bar while it's hidden, you just need to swipe up the bottom of the screen if you're holding your phone in the portrait view. The bar will automatically be hidden again after a few seconds.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Enable or Disable Edge Panel Handle Vibration Feature in Android 7.0 Nougat

If needed, you can set your Samsung Galaxy S8 to provide you a short pulse of vibration when you're tapping the edge panel handle to access edge panels by enabling the edge panel handle vibration feature. This feature comes handy especially when you set the handle to be invisible because the vibration will help you easily know that you have tapped the right area where the handle is placed in.

How to enable or disable the edge panel handle vibration feature?
Assuming that the edge panels feature is enabled, you can do so by using the following steps:
  1. While the main screen is turned on, drag the edge panel handle towards the centre of the screen to open the edge panel.
  2. Tap at the bottom of the screen to quickly go to the edge panels menu.
  3. Tap at the top right and then select Handle settings.
  4. Tap the ON/OFF switch next to Vibration to enable or disable this option. When the switch turns means the edge panel handle vibration feature is enabled and your phone will vibrate when you're tapping the edge panel handle.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Make Edge Panel Handle Invisible in Android 7.0 Nougat

In your Samsung Galaxy S8, you can have an invisible edge panel handle by adjusting its transparency to the highest level if you want to stay using the edge panels feature but don't want to see its handle displayed or take any space on your screen.

How to make the edge panel handle invisible?
Assuming that the edge panels feature is enabled, you can do so by using the following steps:
  1. While the main screen is turned on, drag the edge panel handle towards the centre of the screen to open the edge panel.
  2. Tap at the bottom of the screen to quickly go to the edge panels menu.
  3. Tap at the top right and then select Handle settings.
  4. Slide the handle transparency adjustment bar to the rightmost to have an invisible handle
    As a note, since the handle is invisible, you have to remember where the handle position is when you need to use it to access the edge panels. You can also set the handle to a bigger size so you'll have a wider area to easily access the edge panels.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Adjust Edge Panel Handle Size in Android 7.0 Nougat

If needed, you can adjust the size of the edge panel handle in your Samsung Galaxy S8 to a smaller size if you'd like it just takes small space of your screen or to a larger size to help you easily access to your edge panels if you have difficulty when doing so with smaller handle.

How to adjust the size of the edge panel handle?
Assuming that the edge panels feature is enabled, you can do so by using the following steps:
  1. While the main screen is turned on, drag the edge panel handle towards the centre of the screen to open the edge panel.
  2. Tap at the bottom of the screen to quickly go to the edge panels menu.
  3. Tap at the top right and then select Handle settings.
  4. Slide the handle size adjustment bar to the left for a smaller handle or to the right for a larger handle.
  5. The size of the edge panel handle has been adjusted.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Change Active Edge Screen in Android 7.0 Nougat

In your Samsung Galaxy S8, you can select which side your edge panels will be displayed on. You can choose either to activate the right or left edge screen for easier and more convenient access to the edge panels. As the example, you can choose to activate the left edge screen if you're a left handed user so you can easily access edge panels with your left hand while holding your phone.

How to change active edge screen?
Since the right edge screen is set as the active edge screen by default, we'll change the active edge screen from right to left. Assuming that the edge panels feature is enabled, you can set the left edge screen as the active edge screen by using the following steps:
  1. While the main screen is turned on, drag the edge panel handle towards the centre of the screen to open the edge panel.
  2. Tap at the bottom of the screen to quickly go to the edge panels menu.
  3. Tap at the top right and then select Handle settings.
  4. Select Left to activate the left edge screen and place the edge panel handle on the left edge screen so you can easily access and use your edge panels with your left hand.
  5. The left edge screen has been set as the active edge screen and will be used to display your edge panels.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Change Edge Panel Handle Position in Android 7.0 Nougat

If needed, you can change the position of the edge panel handle along the edge of the screen, either to a higher or lower position than the current, for easier and more convenient access to the edge panel in your Samsung Galaxy S8.

How to change the edge panel handle position?
Assuming that the edge panels feature is enabled, you can change the position of the edge panel handle by using the following steps:
  1. While the main screen is turned on, drag the edge panel handle towards the centre of the screen to open the edge panel.
  2. Tap at the bottom of the screen to quickly go to the edge panels menu.
  3. Tap at the top right and then select Handle settings.
  4. Drag up or down to change the position of the edge panel handle.
  5. The edge panel handle position has been changed.

Samsung Galaxy S8: How to Enable and Use Edge Panels Feature in Android 7.0 Nougat

In Samsung Galaxy S8, you can use the edge panels feature as the alternative way to easily access your favourite apps, contacts, some specific apps functions, and other useful panels from the edge screen while the main screen is turned on.

How to enable the edge panels feature?
You can turn on this feature by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Tap Display.
  3. Scroll down the screen to find Edge screen and then tap it.
  4. To enable the edge panels feature, tap the ON/OFF switch next to Edge panels. The switch turns when it's enabled.
  5. Tap Edge panels to customise the edge panels feature.
  6. To select which panels you want to display on the edge screen, check the radio button above the required panels. There are 13 default panels available(you may need to swipe the screen to the left or right to view all of them):
    • Apps edge: enable this panel so you can easily access your favourite apps from the edge screen.
    • People edge: enable this panel so you can easily communicate, such as make a call, send text or email messages, to your favourite contacts from the edge screen.
    • Smart select: enable this panel so you can easily select an area to capture as an image or a GIF animation.
    • Clipboard edge: enable this panel so you can easily access clipboard where you can view all copied texts or images from the edge screen.
    • Reminder: enable this panel so you can easily view your reminders from the edge screen.
    • Device maintenance: enable this panel so you can easily optimise and check your device's status, e.g. battery, storage, etc.
    • Tasks edge: enable this panel so you can easily access specific app functions, e.g., take a selfie shot photo, view album, etc., from the edge screen.
    • Weather: enable this panel so you can easily view the weather information of your current location from the edge screen.
    • Quick tools: enable this panel so you can easily use your phone as ruler, compass, or torch.
    • Calendar: enable this panel so you can easily view calendar and your today's schedule from the edge screen.
    • Samsung Internet: enable this panel so you can go to your favourite webpages quickly from the edge screen.
    • Sports: enable this panel so you can easily view information about your favourite teams on the edge screen.
    • Finance: enable this panel so you can easily view information about your favourite stocks on the edge screen.
  7. If needed, you can download more panels from Galaxy apps store by tapping Download and then follow the on-screen instructions.
  8. If needed, you can change the order of the enabled panels by using these steps:
    • Tap and then select Reorder.
    • Drag the icons above the required panel to the left or right to change its order.

How to use the edge panels feature?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. While the main is turned on, drag the edge screen handle towards the centre of the screen to open the edge panels.
  2. Swipe the edge screen to the right or left to find the required panel. As the example, if you'd like to easily act your phone as a ruler, swipe the edge screen to the left or right until you find the quick tools panel and then activate the ruler function.
  3. Tap to quickly go to the edge panels menu.