Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Mark an Email Message as Unread on Gmail App

Gmail is one of Google's services and is one of the stock app available in the Samsung Galaxy SIII, which means you can directly use this app once you activated your Google account on the phone. Such the other email apps, Gmail app also allows you to send and receive email messages.

See also: How to Compose and Send Email Message Using Gmail App on Samsung Galaxy S3

When you read an incoming email message in this app, there are some option available that you can utilize as your needs, such as mark an email message as unread. This option will help you to flag the message to avoid them lost between another email messages, so you will be much more easier when you want to answer them later or do something else with them.

How to mark as unread on Gmail app?
Kindly follow the steps listed below to do so:
  1. Open Gmail app.
  2. Tap the required email message you wish to mark as unread.
  3. Tap the Mark as unread  icon located at the top of the Gmail app.
  4. The selected email message has been marked as unread.

By knowing the steps, now you can mark any email message you wants as unread on the Gmail app according to your needs. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Save Email Message

Sending messages via email is one way that you can use to communicate with others, either for personal or business purposes. To meet that need, the Samsung Galaxy SIII have included the stock Email app inside it so you can directly use this app without having to install it first by yourself. With this app you can either send or receive email messages.

See also: How to Read Email on Samsung Galaxy S3

When you read an email message with this app, you can also utilize some option available there, such as reply, forward or delete the email message. In addition, you can also save the email that you want for further use.

How to save email message?
Below are the steps below:
  1. Open Email app.
  2. If you have more than one account, select the desired email account by tapping the Email account name in the right side of the Email icon, and then in the drop down menu tap the desired email account.
  3. Tap the required email messages you wish to save.
  4. Tap the Menu key then select Save email.
  5. The selected email message will be saved as .eml files in the sdCard/Saved Email/youremail.eml

Later, you can view all saved email directly through My files app or another File Manager app without having to launch Email app anymore. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Send Contact Using Android Beam

Well, you may have asked by your friend to share him a contact from your Samsung Galaxy SIII to his phone for any reason. To do so, you can use some available methods, one of which is by sending the contact using messaging.

See also: How to Share Contact via Messaging on the Samsung Galaxy S3

Another method, if your friend's phone has NFC feature inside, then you can send the desired contact using the Android Beam. This feature will allow you to send data--including contact-- to another NFC-enabled devices.

How to transfer contact using Android Beam?
First, make sure the NFC in both the devices is enabled. Next, you just need to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap More settings.
  3. If necessary, tap NFC to enable this option.
  4. Tap Android Beam.
  5. Slide the slider next to the Android Beam to the right to enable this option.
  6. Now, open the Contacts app and select the desired contact you wish to send.
  7. Touch the back of your phone to the back of another NFC-enabled device.
  8. Tap your phone's screen to beam the contact.
  9. The selected contact will be sent and displayed in the another NFC-enabled device screen.

Indeed, this method only able to send the contact individually. But, by knowing the steps, at least now you have one more options that you can do when you want to send the contact to another phone. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Create and Send Scheduled Text Message using Handcent SMS App

We all know that the stock Messaging app has no option to allow you to create scheduled text message. That's why you need to use another app to do this thing. Fortunately, there some apps in Google Play Store which will let you do so, one of which is Schemes - Scheduled Networking app. By using this app you can easily create scheduled text message to the contact you want.

See also: How to Send Scheduled Text Message using Schemes - Scheduled Networking App on Samsung Galaxy S3

Aside from using Schemes - Scheduled Networking app, you can also using third-party messaging app called Handcent SMS app. This app is one of the most popular messaging app. The advantage that you'll get if you create scheduled SMS using this app is that you not only be able to set the date and time, but also to set to re-send them in the days you wants.

How to create and send scheduled text message using Handcent SMS app?
Assuming that you already installed Handcent SMS app on your phone, then here are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Handcent app.
  2. Tap the Three vertical dot button to get the option.
  3. Tap Schedule tasks.
  4. Tap the Plus (+) button to create new scheduled SMS.
  5. Enter the recipient number in the To field.
  6. Tap Set time button to set the date and time you wish to send the message, and then followed by tapping OK button.
  7. If necessary, tap the Check mark icon next to Repeat button to enable it.
  8. Tap Repeat button to set the day you wish to re-send the message, and then followed by tapping OK button.
  9. Enter your message in the message field.
  10. Tap Done button.

Once you finish, the message will be listed in the schedule tasks list as pending message. The message will be sent in the date and time which you have specified before, and also will be send again in the selected days if you set to repeat the message. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Customize Facebook Photo Sync Settings

By enabling photo sync in the Facebook app on your Samsung Galaxy SIII, you'll be able to auto upload your photos in the Gallery app to your Facebook account. All synced photos will be saved in a new private album on your Facebook account and all of them will remain private until you make them public through the Facebook website.

See also: How to Auto Upload Photos to Facebook on the Samsung Galaxy S3

When you're in sync photos screen, you can also customize some options available on its settings, such as decide the ways you wish to use to limit photo uploads or which photos you wish to sync.

How to customize Facebook photo sync settings?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Facebook app.
  2. View the side menu.
  3. Tap Photos.
  4. Tap Synced button located in the lower right corner.
  5. Tap the Settings (cogwheel) icon to enter the settings.
  6. Here you can see some options under Device settings section, they are:
    • Sync over Wi-Fi or cellular: choose this option to limit photo uploads to Wi-Fi and mobile data.
    • Sync over Wi-Fi only: choose this option to limit photo uploads to Wi-Fi only.
    • Don't sync my photos: choose this option to disable photo sync.
  7. Choose the option you wish to use by tapping the desired option. When the option is ticked means the option is selected.
  8. Tap Sync All Photos to sync all photos in your phone to your Facebook account. Or you can leave this option off to make the phone to sync new photos only.
  9. Under Storage section you will see the total and used storage.

Well, by knowing how to customize the photo sync settings, now you can set them according to your needs. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Auto Upload Photos to Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social media available today. You can use it to update status, chat, upload photos and else. You can also set your phone to display the Facebook photo gallery in your Gallery app so you can see them without having to launch the Facebook app.

See also: How to Display My Facebook Albums and Photos in Gallery on Samsung Galaxy S3

As the opposite, you can also sync your photos in the Gallery app to your Facebook account. This of course will save you from the troubles of uploading your photos one by one to your Facebook account. All of synced photos will remain private until you share them through the webs. Well, basically there are two methods you need to do, first you need to sync your Gallery with your Facebook account, and then you need to open your Facebook in the web to decide which photos you want to share.

How to sync Gallery app with the Facebook app?
Assuming that you already installed the Facebook app on your phone, then here are the steps to do so:
  1. Open Facebook app.
  2. If necessary, log in using your Facebook user name and password.
  3. View the side menu, and then tap Photos.
  4. Tap Synced button located in the lower right corner of the screen.
  5. Tap Sync Photos button to enable Photo sync.
  6. Wait until the photos completely uploaded.
  7. Your photos will be saved in a new private album on your Facebook account. Later, any new photo taken by using the phone will automatically uploaded to your Facebook account in the background.

How to share or delete private photos on Facebook?
Once you finish syncing your Gallery app with your Facebook account, now you can log into your Facebook account from the web--either from the PC or the browser app-- then decide which photos you wish to share with others by set them public. Assuming that you open the Facebook website through the computer, then here are the steps:
  1. Open Facebook website.
  2. If necessary, log in using your Facebook user name and password.
  3. Go to your timeline, and then select Photos.
  4. Click Synced from Phone button, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Select photos you wish to share by clicking the checkmark icon in the upper right corner of the photo. When the checkmark icon shows green means photos is selected.
  6. Now, you can make them public by clicking Share Photos button or delete them by clicking Trash can icon.

By knowing this steps, now your photos will automatically uploaded to a private folder on your Facebook account. From there, you can either to choose which one you wish to share with others or delete unwanted photos from the private album by using the steps mentioned above. So, hope this helps :)

Samsung Galaxy S3: How to Reduce Data Usage on Chrome Beta App

When you browse the web using the stock browser app in the Samsung Galaxy SIII, you might be found an option which will allow you to set the browser to load images in the web or not. This option of course will help you to save more data, but this will also decrease your quality of experience while browsing the web caused by the image not loaded.

See also: How to Enable or Disable Web Pages Loading Images on Samsung Galaxy S3

That's will be different if you're using the third-party browser app named Chrome Beta app. Indeed, this app doesn't have the option to turn on or off images in the web, but this app has the option to reduce data usage while you browse the web. The advantage of this option is that you can enjoy browsing the web with the complete image loaded without having worry to lost lot of data.

How to enable reduce data usage option on Chrome Beta app?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Download install Chrome Beta for Android app.
  2. Follow the on-screen instruction given by the app.
  3. In the first time you use this app, you will be prompted to sign in to the Chrome Beta app. You can either to choose to sign-in by tapping Sign in button or skip this step by tapping No thanks button.
  4. Tap the Menu key then select Settings.
  5.  Scroll down to the Bandwidth management, then tap it.
  6. Tap Reduce data usage.
  7. Slide the slider next to Reduce data usage option to the right to turn on this option.
  8. Go back to the Chrome beta screen, and then you're ready to enjoy browsing the web with more lower data usage.

While you're in the reduce data usage screen, you can also see the information about how much the percentage of the data being compressed by the app and how much the data you're saving in certain period of time. So, hope this helps :)