Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Record Video Using the Volume Key in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

By default, the Volume key in the stock Camera app is set as the zoom key that can be used to adjust the zoom level. But, if needed you can assign this key to other functions, one of which is as the video-recorder key. Set the Volume key as the video-recorder key will let you start and end recording videos simply by pressing the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key.

How to set the Volume key as the video-recorder key in the stock Camera app?
You can do so by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app.
  2. Tap to open up the detailed settings menu.
  3. Scroll the settings menu to the very bottom.
  4. Tap Volume key and then select Record video.
  5. The Volume key has been set as the video-recorder key.

How to use the Volume key to record a video?
When you have set the Volume key as the video-recorder key, now you can use this key to start and end recording a video. See the following steps as the example:
  1. Open the stock Camera app.
  2. Aim the camera to the object.
  3. To start recording video, press the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key.
  4. Since there's no key that can be used to pause or resume the recording. If you want to do so, you can use the on-screen icon by tapping to pause the recording and tapping to resume the recording.
  5. To end recording video, press the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Record Video Using Voice Command in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

For any reason, if you want to be able to start recording videos without you have to tap any on-screen video-recorder icon or press any physical button, you can alternatively do so by using the default voice command for recording video that is available in the stock Camera app. Unfortunately, there's no voice command to pause/resume/end recording videos so that you have to do so manually.

How to enable the voice command feature for recording videos in the stock Camera app?
Since this feature is not enabled by default, you have to enable this feature first before you can use it to record videos by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app. You can speed up the way you access the stock Camera app by enabling the camera shortcut in the lock screen.
  2. Tap to open the detailed settings menu.
  3. Scroll the settings menu to the very bottom.
  4. Tap Voice control to enable the voice command feature for recording videos.
  5. A window will pop up to show you the voice command that can be used to record videos. The default voice command to record video is "record video".

How to use voice command to record a video?
When the voice command feature for recording video has been enabled, now you can use it to start recording videos. See the following steps as the example:
  1. Open the stock Camera app.
  2. Aim the camera to the object.
  3. Say "record video" to start recording the video.
  4. If needed, you can pause the recording by tapping and then resume the recording by tapping .
  5. Tap to stop recording video.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Adjust the Zoom Level in the Stock Camera App in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

In some conditions, you will probably need to adjust the zoom level before taking a photo, for instance: when you can't get closer to the subject because it is not safe or in a difficult location, when you want to take a photo of a small object, etc. Fortunately, the stock Camera app lets you adjust the zoom level up to 4x so that you can still get the best shot while you're in those conditions. But, you have to remember that you can't zoom in or out your photos when you're in these shooting modes: shot&more, panorama, virtual tour shot, surround shot, animated photo and sequence shot.

How to adjust the zoom level in the stock Camera app?
You can do so by using two different methods: by using the default zoom gesture and by using the Volume key.

Method #1: By using the default zoom gesture
When you're in the stock Camera app, you can easily zoom in your photo by spreading two fingers apart together on the image in the preview screen and zoom out your photo by pinching the screen. FYI, since this gesture is a default feature in the stock Camera app, you can directly use this feature without you have to set anything first.

Method #2: By using the Volume key
When you're in the stock Camera app, you can set the Volume key as the zoom key by utilizing the Volume key option in the camera settings menu. This will let you zoom in your photo by pressing the Volume Up key and zoom out your photo by pressing the Volume Down key.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Use Tap to Take Pics Feature in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

Tap to take pics is a feature in the stock Camera app in Samsung Galaxy S5 which will let you take photos simply by tapping the image on the preview screen. Since tapping the image on the preview screen can also be used to change the focus manually, enabling tap to take pics feature will let you take a photo with more quickly and give you a well-focused photo because the camera will take the photo automatically once the subject is in focus.

How to enable tap to take pics feature in the stock Camera app?
Since this feature is not enabled by default, you have to enable it first before you can use this feature to take photos by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app. FYI, you can speed up the way you access the stock Camera app by enabling the camera shortcut on the lock screen.
  2. Tap to open up the detailed settings menu.
  3. Tap Tap to take pics to turn this feature on.
  4. Tap to take pics feature has been enabled.

How to take a photo using tap to take pics feature?
When the tap to take pics feature has been enabled, now you can automatically take photos simply by tapping the image on the preview screen. As the example, we'll try taking a photo using tap to take pics feature in auto mode by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app. By default, the camera uses auto as the shooting mode.
  2. Aim the camera to the object.
  3. Tap the image on the preview screen where the camera should focus. When the subject is in focus, the focus frame will turn green and the photo will be captured automatically.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Use Volume Key to Take Photos in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

For some reason, you may want to be able to take photos using the physical button, for instance: if you want to take photos as you used to do with your conventional/digital camera or if you're in a condition when it's difficult for you to take photos using the on-screen icon or the voice command. Fortunately, the stock Camera app lets you change the Volume key function as the camera key so that you can use this physical key to take photos.

How to set the Volume key as the camera key?
By default, the Volume key in the stock Camera app is set to adjust the zoom level. Thus, you have to set this key as the camera key first before you can use this key to take photos. You can set the Volume key as the camera key by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app.
  2. Tap to open up the detailed settings menu.
  3. Scroll the settings menu to the very bottom.
  4. Tap Volume key and then select Take pictures.
  5. The Volume key has been set as the camera key.

How to take a photo using the Volume key?
When the Volume key has been set as the camera key, you can take a photo by pressing the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key. As the example, we'll try taking a photo in auto mode with the Volume key by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app. By default, the Camera app uses auto as the shooting mode.
  2. Aim the camera to the object.
  3. If needed, you can change the focus point by tapping the screen where the camera should focus. When the subject is in focus, the focus frame turns green.
  4. Press the Volume Up key or the Volume Down key to take a photo. As a note, to get the best result, make sure to hold the phone as steady as possible when pressing the Volume key to take photos.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Use Voice Commands to Take Photos in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

The stock Camera app in Samsung Galaxy S5 provides you with several ways that can be used to take photos, one of which is by using the voice commands. Taking photos with voice commands lets you take photos without you have to tap any on-screen icon or press any physical button so that you will be able to reduce shake and get well-focused photos.

How to enable the voice command feature in the stock Camera app?
By default, the voice command to take photos is off. Thus, you have to turn it on first to be able to take photos with voice commands. You can use the following steps to enable voice command feature in the stock Camera app:
  1. Open the stock Camera app.
  2. Tap to open up the detailed settings menu.
  3. Scroll the settings menu to the very bottom.
  4. Tap Voice control to turn on voice command feature. A window will pop up to show you the voice commands that can be used to take photos, they are: Smile, Cheese, Capture, Shoot.

How to take a photo using voice commands?
When the voice command feature in the stock Camera app is enabled, you can take a photo using one of the default voice commands. As the example, we'll try taking a photo in auto mode with voice command by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Camera app. By default, the Camera app uses auto as the shooting mode. FYI, you'll see this icon on the screen as a sign that you can take photos using voice commands.
  2. Aim the camera to the object.
  3. If needed, you can change the focus point by tapping the screen where the camera should focus. When the subject is in focus, the focus frame turns green.
  4. Say "Smile" or "Cheese" or "Capture" or "Shoot" to take a photo.

As a note, voice commands can't be used to take photos when you're using these shooting modes: virtual tour shot, surround shot, sequence shot and sound&shot

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to Set a Part of a Song as a Ringtone in Android 4.4.2 Kitkat

Set a unique ringtone is the best way that can be taken to help you easily know that you have incoming calls since the default ringtones may have been widely used by other users. Fortunately, aside from letting you set a song or other supported sound files as a ringtone, Samsung Galaxy S5 also has the ability to automatically extract the recommended part of a song to use it as a ringtone so that you'll have a unique one. But, you have to remember that you can't manually choose which part of the song that can be used as a ringtone since it'll be chosen automatically by the device.

How to set a part of a song as a ringtone?
You can do so by using some methods. But, in this post, we'll try to set a part of a song as a ringtone by using two different methods: from the general settings menu and from the stock Music Player app.

Method #1: From the general settings menu
You can set the recommended part of a song as a ringtone from the general settings menu by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap at the top right to go to the settings menu.
  2. With the settings menu is displayed in grid view, scroll down to the Sound and display section and then select Sound .
  3. Tap Ringtones.
  4. Tap Add button.
  5. Tap Sound picker and then you're free to either tap Always button or Just once button to continue.
  6. Make sure to check the box in the right side of the Auto recommendation at the bottom of the screen to enable this option and let your device extracts the highlights from the song and then use it as a ringtone.
  7. Now, select the required song. You'll get the sound preview when you tap a song so that you'll get an idea how it might sound when it's enabled.
  8. Tap Done button.
  9. The highlighted part of the selected song has been set as a ringtone.

Method #2: From the Stock Music Player App
You can set the recommended part of a song as a ringtone from the the stock Music Player app by using the following steps:
  1. Open the stock Music Player app.
  2. Tap the Tracks tab to see your song list.
  3. Long tap the required song.
  4. Tap at the top right to open up the additional options and then select Set as.
  5. Tap Auto recommendations to select this option and let your device extracts the highlights from the song and use it as a ringtone.
  6. Tap Phone ringtone to select this option and set the highlighted part of the selected song as a ringtone.
  7. Tap Done button.
  8. The highlighted part of the selected song has been set as a ringtone.